
Chapter 14: Unstoppable

Harry currently sat in the domain of the sorcerer supreme for one of his sessions with the powerful sorcerer. Strange was an able teacher, but the Sorcerer Supreme did put his pupil through the paces. A few months ago, Harry would have been annoyed by something like this, but a huge part of him understood what was at stake. The Sorcerer Supreme wanted to test Harry, like he had never been tested before, and put him through the paces.

The magic Harry learned had been advanced, and there were some spells that he struggled with, while others he had mastered, it was an intriguing imbalance that had confused him.

"I have observed a rather curious development with you, Harry," Strange remarked, when Harry had nearly staggered, and almost collapsed, but at the same time remained on his feet.

"What is this?" Harry asked, guarded and his eyes snapped up to face Strange. The Sorcerer Supreme did often offer some cryptic commentary, but that was just the station of an extremely powerful magic user.

Strange did not give Harry a long time to wait, and he continued to state the theories that he had been formulating during his latest meetings with Harry Potter.

"While I'd be loathed to call anything about the art of magic mundane, one could argue that the necessary mechanics of magic are just that. What I find rather peculiar is that you tend to find yourself struggling with the more mundane parts of magic. Yet, when faced with advanced magic, you excel far faster than anyone could hope for."

Given Harry's past, that was far from surprising. The fact of the matter was that he noticed this in the past. The Patronus Charm was one major thing, but the fact of the matter was that Harry just found himself bored with learning about the basics of magic. The basics seemed to be something that many needed to have pounded into the heads of Hogwarts students, and then by the time that they got to the actual interesting spell work, Harry found himself rather underwhelmed.

He just wanted to skip the pleasantries, and actually get to do magic, get to the interesting things.

"I've experienced something like this happening before," Harry replied, and Strange just pondered, looking at Harry, and motioned for him to continue. "During my third year in my previous school, I mastered a charm that takes adults much longer to master."

"Fascinating," Strange said, stroking his chin as he talked. "Gazing into your mental layout, there seems to be an anomaly within it."

Harry sat up straight, and was about to protest that Strange had been taking a peak into his mind, but the Sorcerer Supreme jumped straight in.

"I can assure you that I gazed no intimate memories, yet I have spotted several threads that would give cause for alarm and lead to some inconsistences within them."

"What kind of inconsistences?" Harry asked him, and he wondered if Strange had noticed the same thing he head.

"I believe we both know the answer to that one, young wizard," Stranger told Harry, and he held his amulet, before peering directly into the eyes of Harry. "The fact is that there are certain memories that are foreign to your mind. And have you ever found yourself in possession of skills that you do not recall being taught?"

It slapped Harry suddenly, and his seamless ability for silent spell casting, and magic without use of a wand had become far more obvious. It came from those memories, and the flight came from it as well. He suspected there might be others.

Needless to say, this was not the first time Harry had exhibited abilities for something else, the Parseltongue ability being one of the first to pop up back years ago.

"There are certain memories," Harry admitted, choosing his words carefully. "Memories that I do not recall living."

"People often discuss the concept of past lives," Strange mused to Harry, and Harry just looked at Strange, a look at deep skepticism in his eyes. "I am uncertain whether or not this is what you may be experiencing, or if it might be something entirely different. We could delve into the realm of the unknown."

Harry did ponder on that fact a little bit more. He had a theory, but at the same time, thinking about something and discussing something was another matter entirely. His great fear was that these memories could be removed from his mind. Harry knew that whatever dark taint that had been in them had been gone, and his head had been clearer than it was. All of the drawbacks of what happened with Voldemort had disappeared, and Harry had gotten the full benefit of his knowledge.

Providing of course he could make any sense of it.

"Getting your mind in order will be important in tapping into the full benefits of your magical prowess," Strange added, and his gaze focused on Harry. He collected his own thoughts. "I would suggest practicing meditation techniques to help get your thoughts in order."

"In order to clear my mind, right?" Harry asked, and Strange offered Harry a curious expression. "A teacher of mind tried to teach me a magical ability to block intrusion. He told me to clear my mind, and then attacked it repeatedly, forcing his way into my thoughts."

Strange paused, and thought about what was said. It was a wonder that Harry's mind was not in further disarray than it was. He held himself back from criticizing the methods of this teacher. He had never met the man, and it was possible that this was the way that he learned the art. Even if it was dangerous to learn any kind of mind blocking art in such a heavy handed way, especially with a mind so young and potentially fragile due to the type of life he expected life to live.

"It is a matter of collecting your thoughts together," Strange replied to Harry. "It is much like organizing books on a shelf, and also placing false books, to misdirect any intrusion. The mind arts is not so much clearing your mind, but rather ensuring that it is in proper order. An untrained mind can be dangerous for a novice in the mind arts to work with, for they could trip themselves up. A master will be able to navigate around the obstacles."

"I see," Harry told him, slowly pondering on the matter.

"I would recommend allowing a telepath assist you, but this is merely a recommendation and not a requirement," Strange answered, and Harry looked at him, before nodding. "And now, it is time for one final session, before I allow you to go today."

Harry braced himself, ready to go. The truth was that this made him appreciate training with Logan in the Danger Room. The rest of the team was on some kind of outdoor excursion at a camp, and was given the choice between that or hours of weekend Danger Room training. Talk about forcing the hand.

Harry found himself on the mind scape, and saw the conjured monsters coming at him. They were towering, and in many ways, representative of the demons in his mind. At least that's what Strange had told him, and Harry conjured magical weapons, to deflect them. The strength of the weapons reflected the strength of he was developing in his own mind.

When the strength of his mind increased, so did the strength of his spells. At least that's what Harry determined.

Charles Xavier took a deep breath, given that the Institute was mostly cleared out today, it would allow him to do some fine tuning with some of the finer systems in the mansion, like the security system, the Danger Room, and Cerebro.

"Kids are going to be gone the entire day can actually hear myself think," Logan remarked, propping his elbows up, and peering forward. There was silence, before it was broken "Guess we know that they'll brave anything, if it gets them a day off from training."

"To be fair, we have been working all of them rather hard," Xavier remarked, and he continued to make tweaks. "Thankfully, Cerebro is working at optimal performance, and the security systems and the Danger Room are also working as such."

"Yes, thankfully," Logan agreed, and suddenly he shifted with a start, when the alarm at the mansion had gone off. He popped his claws instinctively, and took a step forward. "And it looks like we're going to get a test run of it."

Xavier remained calm, and had punched up the security camera feeds. Outside the Mansion, he saw two figures approach, both of them with bad intentions. One of them was Mystique, but who she was leading right towards the Institute was troubling. She had with her, Cain Marko, better known as the unstoppable Juggernaut.

"I could have sworn you had him locked up," Logan remarked, and he popped his claws, ready for a fight.

"That assumption was mine as well, but it appears as if Mystique has paroled him rather early," Xavier remarked, and he activated the security system at the moment.

"Something tells me that it wasn't for good behavior," Logan stated, and he shifted himself. "And something tells me that security won't keep him out."

"No, it will merely slow him down, and hopefully impede his process, while you get ready," Xavier told Logan, and Logan stood, understanding immediately what he needed to do.

"On it, Chuck," Logan informed him, preparing himself for a fight, against this unstoppable force.

Outside the Mansion, Mystique led the Juggernaut towards the mansion. Cain Marko was the step brother of Charles Xavier, and had a great deal of resentment towards his brother due to his gifts. However, while Xavier's mind was strong, his body was weak. The Juggernaut was much stronger, and more durable that Xavier was. He was ready to settle the score, and nothing would stand in his way.

"Remember, you're here to help me steal Cerebro," Mystique informed the Juggernaut, eyes narrowed and focused.

Juggernaut just cracked his knuckles, and stepped forward, walking slow and steady, grumbling at this broad who was ordering him around. "Yeah, sure, heard you the first ten times, lady."

Annoyance crossed the face of the Juggernaut beneath his helmet. For his freedom, he would play this woman's little game, at least for now. There will come a time where he would stop playing the game, and get ready to gain his revenge on his little brother. Xavier was the one that had trapped him in the cage.

"Hey, Charlie, can you come out and play?" the Juggernaut taunted, and he smashed his way through the gates. The laser defenses popped up, and had begun to shoot at the Juggernaut, but he just shrugged him off. "I've met grandmas that hit harder than that."

Juggernaut pushed forward, and Mystique watched the monster continue his trek further and further into the Institute. Magneto had put a lot of pressure on her for a success, and one of his goals was to take Cerebro, and use it as a means to find mutants. Mystique was under the impression that it needed a telepath to function, but she would allow the finer details of that particular scheme to her boss. Right now, she watched the Juggernaut dismantle the security systems, and rip open the iron doors, allowing himself entry.

Logan stepped forward, and he was ready to face the Juggernaut. His claws popped out, and he stood in a threatening pose.

"Let's dance, bub," Logan growled, and jumped forward for the fight.

"Out of my way, pip squeak," Juggernaut replied, right as he back handed Logan down to the ground. Logan rolled over, and never one to admit defeat, he popped back up, once again ready for a fight.

Juggernaut caught Logan in his grip, and slammed Logan against the wall. Logan struggled, swinging his arms and his legs in an attempt to push off. Logan was hurled across the room, and Mystique punctuated his pain by casually kicking him in the face, before turning to the Juggernaut.

"Leave him!" Mystique demanded, eyes flaring.

"In a minute," Juggernaut replied, lifting up Logan, and curb stomping him, before tossing him to the side like a chewing gum wrapper. Logan landed on the ground with a sickening thud.

The Juggernaut turned around, and slowly like a mighty glacier, eased forward. Mystique followed, and they were getting closer to their target, and closer to Xavier.

Logan grumbled, clutching his ribs and his head. A healing factor was something that had allowed him to sustain a lot of damage, but there was just one fundamental flaw with it. It certainly did not cancel out the pain he felt once he tried to struggle to his feet. Logan collapsed a couple of times, before he got to his feet.

Determination spread across his face, despite being beaten up, battered, and abused, and Logan got up, staggering, but determined.

"Hey, I don't recall saying we were finished," Logan taunted, and Juggernaut turned around, with Logan charging him.

The battle raged on between Logan and the Juggernaut. Juggernaut outmatched him, but Logan would not give up.

For the third time today, Kitty had slapped away a mosquito that had been annoying her. They were really annoying little insects. The mosquito buzzed away, and Toad had decided to take a bite out of it, much to the disgust of both the X-Men and the Brotherhood. He chowed down.

"Needs more salt," Toad offered, which got grimaces and groans from his teammates.

Today was a great deal to be outside all things considered, well if one did not take the insects into account, and it was hard not to take them into account. The X-Men had been offered this camping trip, with Kitty standing with Jean, Scott, Kurt, and Rogue, all of them regretting this outing, only slightly.

The alternate was Danger Zone training with Logan, and that was a way to absolutely ruin their Saturday. Then again, they had to deal with the Brotherhood being nearby for a long amount of time, and that made them really doubt.

"I so envy Harry right about now,' Kitty replied, shaking her head, and her shoulders slumped, taking a moment.

"No kidding," Kurt added, and he swapped a few insects away.

"It's not that bad," Jean offered them, but she got her share of cross looks. "Okay, maybe it is a little bad, but we've handled worse than the great outdoors."

"Don't remind me," Rogue managed at this moment, and she took a step forward, to see the Brotherhood. Scott stood next to them all, and looked at his team members.

"It builds character, and besides, would you want to be thrown into the deep end on a Saturday?" Scott asked, and the four X-Men standing beside them shook their heads.

"Yeah, Summers, you X-Men need to build character."

This was a statement of the newest member of the Brotherhood, and the apparent leader, Pietro Maximoff, or Quicksilver as he was called. As his name would have indicated, he ran around at super-fast speeds. His feet ran fast, nearly as his mouth did. The X-Men had barely known this member of the Brotherhood for too long, but one thing was certain, none of them really liked him all that much.

"Hey, do you notice one of them missing?" Toad piped up suddenly.

"Yeah, where's their little green eyed twerp?" Blob asked, and he stood, sinking into the ground when he stood.

Lance could not resist piping up, but the truth was he was disappointed that there was not a chance to outshine Potter. Potter had been cruising for one ever since he humiliated Lance all of those months ago. "Looks to me that Potter isn't man enough to brave the wilderness."

"Please, Harry's all man," Kitty chimed in, and Rogue just nodded in agreement.

That caused the Brotherhood to step back, and glare at them. The camp they were in was a survival course, and with every survival course, came a stereotypical hard as nails drill sergeant named Hawke.

"Alright ladies, listen up," Hawke barked, glaring at them, and the Brotherhood and the X-Men spun around. "You all seem to be all riled up over something, but let's see how well all of you survive out there in Camp Ironback. This camp has sent the most hardened of men crying home for their Mamas."

The Brotherhood stepped back, but they refused to show any fear in the face of the X-Men, they would show up.

"Summers, you look like the leader type, you lead the charge with this group," Hawke ordered him.

This did not go down favorably with some people.

"Summers?" Pietro asked him in a scandalized voice, and the drill instructor turned towards him, eyes narrowed. Anyone else would have shown fear at this point, but Quicksilver was not anyone else. He was not going to show fear in the face of what he perceived to be his inferior.

"Do you think that you should be the leader, Maximoff?" Hawke asked him, a stern and fixed expression on his face.

"Yeah, I should be," Pietro said, looking rather smug, and he stepped to the right and the left, staring down each of the X-Men, Scott especially, without any fear.

"Yeah, you'd end up leading us off a cliff," Scott remarked, and Kurt just nodded.

"Looks like you've trained Wagner to be your little flunky," Pietro fired back.

"Enough, we'll separate the tough from the weak," Hawke growled, and he turned to them. "The two of you will lead teams through an obstacle course. Since you two groups seem to have been at each other's throats all day, we'll work it out the old fashioned way, to separate the winners from the losers. A good old fashioned game of survival of the fittest, between your two teams, and the first one to plant the flag at the top of the mountain is the winner."

"I'm game," Scott told them, and his teammates nodded.

"Yeah, we'll wipe the floor with these geeks," Pietro fired back, and the two groups of mutants stared each other down. The glares were intense, and if looks could kill, they would all be dead.

"Save it for the obstacle course!" Hawke barked at them.

"Let's make this interesting," Jean remarked when Hawke was out of earshot. The Brotherhood stood up, the various members staring down the team. "How about we don't use any of our powers?"

"Are you sure about this, Jean?" Scott asked, having his reservations about this arrangement.

"What's the matter, Scottie, afraid we'd mop the floor with you?" Lance taunted them, and Scott turned, his glare simmering.

"Yeah, he's nothing, but a chump," Pietro replied, and he looked around at them. "We can beat you without our powers, and I bet you anything you couldn't beat us if we had one hand tied behind our back and the other hand helping."

"Wow, bold man," Todd chimed in.

"We're game if you are," Rogue said, stepping forward.

"Yeah, we're going to so mop the floor with you guys," Kitty added.

"Why don't you put your money where your mouth is?" Pietro asked. "First one to the top wins, try and keep up?"

Scott stood there at a moment, and the Brotherhood went their separate ways.

"Again, I ask, are you sure about this?" Scott asked, turning to Jean, and his posture being less than certain.

"Scott, we have to be defined about more than our powers, you heard what the Professor keeps drilling into our head," Jean replied in a patient, but determined voice, seeing the steep mountain that they had to climb.

"You just know the Brotherhood is going to cheat," Kitty chimed in in a lowered voice. "So why don't we just have Kurt teleport up there…"

"Because that wouldn't make us any better than them," Scott replied grudgingly, at a look he got from Jean, and Jean nodded.

Kitty made a cracking motion with her hand, and Scott turned around, pretending he did not see this. She turned around and smiled.

"I believe we can get up there, if we follow this path," Jean remarked, studying the mountain. Being an athlete, she was used to physical activity that did not use her powers.

The X-Men began their trek up the mountain, doing it the old fashioned way.

On the other side, the Brotherhood struggled. Fred gave Todd a boost onto his shoulders, with Todd looking around from side to side. Fred's knees strained, and Pietro turned to Lance, who was watching.

"We're taking a short cut," Pietro told them, and the other Brotherhood members looked at him. "Hey, they said no powers, and we're sticking to that rule. However, they didn't say no shortcuts."

Pietro and Lance pulled off the wood over the tunnel, to allow them a path inside.

"Are you sure that's safe?" Todd asked, his eyes flickering around in a tentative manner, and his hands shaking a little bit.

"Yeah, it's perfectly safe," Pietro fired back, unable to believe that such a question was asked of him, and shaking his head. He took a step up, and saw a rickety staircase. "One at a time, up through here….I SAID ONE AT A TIME DUKES!"

Fred had collapsed the staircase, which had caused the rocks to shift in, and block both the way in and the way out. The four Brotherhood members choked on the dust.

"Alvers, can't you use your powers or something to get us out," Pietro grumbled, and Lance tried, but the rocks just crumbled either more.

"Not without killing us all," Lance told them all, and the Brotherhood were stuck, in a sick twist of karma.

"Ah man, the X-Men are going to beat us, and we could have beaten them too if we would have just played fair," Todd groaned, and he flicked his tongue out, to catch one of the insects.

"Would you stop doing that?" Pietro asked, his eyes flickering in annoyance, and Todd just responded with an apologetic shrug.

The Brotherhood tried to struggle out of the hole that they had put themselves into.

Logan continued to tear into the Juggernaut, not that it did much good. The unstoppable man was getting a bit sick of this runt's attempts to tear into him. Eventually, the Juggernaut pressed forward, and nailed Logan right in the face with a huge palm blow. Logan landed on the ground, but he grabbed the leg of the Juggernaut, scissoring it. The two continued to brawl near Cerebro, with Xavier in the background. Mystique watched, her expression of glee, shifting into one of absolute horror at the next action of the Juggernaut.

Juggernaut stepped on the Cerebro helmet, rendering it to broken and useless pieces.

"You fool!" Mystique howled, in complete rage. "You incompetent…."

Juggernaut smashed Mystique hard into the wall, and she fell with a resounding crack.

"I think you don't get it, lady," Juggernaut told her, taking a step forward, and looking down at her. "I ain't one of your Brotherhood brats that you can just boss around. I'm the Juggernaut, b…"

This powerful declaration from the Juggernaut was cut off when a spell had knocked him in the back. The intention was to stun the Juggernaut, but the spell did not quite work out that way. The Juggernaut turned around, and stared down the person who attacked him. There was one more door between him and his younger brother, and they would be having a little familiar reunion.

Harry stood there, and sent another spell, not knowing why the first one did not work. He sent an extremely powerful cutting curse, but Juggernaut stepped forward, and deflected it. The Juggernaut took a good long look at Harry, and began to look at him, taking his appearance in, and he began to laugh heartily. Another spell was sent off, this time a bone breaking curse, but that did not stop the Juggernaut.

"Man, I've taken shits that are bigger than you," The Juggernaut taunted.

"You really should get a doctor to look into that," Harry remarked in a cool voice, without missing a beat.

The Juggernaut rushed forward. Harry ducked his head, did a forward roll to evade the attack, spun around, shot up into the air like a cork, and fired off another spell from his perch point in the air. He was unsure why this magic was not working against the Juggernaut. It must have been something to do with the attire he was wearing. Harry tried a different tactic, and several cords shot from the air, circling around the Juggernaut. For a second, this held him, but only a second.

"You don't get it, Houdini, your little magic tricks can't stop me," Juggernaut growled, and he rushed Harry once again. Harry made a life dodging people that were much larger than him, and making sure that he did not take the hit.

A trip jinx worked on the Blob, and should have worked here. However, it did not, and the Juggernaut spun around, cracking his knuckles, a scowl crossing his menacing face.

"Not even a love tap, really, kid, are you even trying?" The Juggernaut taunted, waving him on, and egging him to try again. Which Harry did, to minimal effect, blasting and firing away at the Juggernaut, trying to pinpoint a weakness.

Mystique looked up, but Harry paid her no mind, given the fact that he had much bigger fish to fry. The Juggernaut's charge once again was for nothing, and Harry was at the height of desperation, firing spell after spell, but nothing seemed to even ding the Juggernaut. He sent several magically conjured fireballs at him, but once again, the Juggernaut stood there, immobile and unstoppable.

"Thanks, been wanting to work on my suntan."

Harry was at the height of his desperation, and launched himself forward in flight. The Juggernaut grabbed at Harry, but Harry grabbed onto his helmet. In a fit of inspiration, Harry dug his fingers into the mask, and went straight for the eyes of the Juggernaut, digging into them with his fingernails.

That seemed to do some damage, and Harry went one step forward, and sent bolts of magic into the eyes, a conjunctivitis curse of sorts. The Juggernaut knocked Harry off, and he was vision impaired, but still unstoppable.

"Alright, first you annoyed me kid, but now you've just missed me off!" Juggernaut roared, and he tried to smash Harry, but the dark haired mage flew out of the way. The teenage wizard dodged several more attacks.

Harry resolved to use the Juggernaut's mindless charging against him, although it was hard to pick out a pattern. His powers did not work that well against someone who had no pattern, so naturally he would have to improvise.

'Harry, Ororo is picking up the rest of the X-Men, along with the Brotherhood, they should be arriving within the next twenty minutes,' Xavier projected to him mentally. 'I know it may be difficult, but see what you can do to delay him.'

'Delay, right, got it,' Harry thought back in a frantic manner, dodging and ducking the Juggernaut's attacks. 'Any ideas why magic doesn't seem to work much about this guy.'

'The easiest explanation may be the most logical,' Xavier responded, and Logan, never one to admit defeat, rejoined the fight, to assist Harry. The two fought side by side against the Juggernaut, with Harry trying to knock the Juggernaut off balance, and Logan going in for the more physical attacks. 'And that is that since his powers are derived partially from magic, magic will have a minimal amount of effect on him.'

'Makes sense, I suppose,' Harry thought back, and then he was visited by a sense of inspiration. 'Don't worry, I've got a plan, to delay him, twenty minutes did you say?

'Yes,' Xavier confirmed. 'If you can get the helmet off of him, then I can mentally shut him down.'

'So the helmet protects him from telepathy?' Harry inquired.

'Yes,' Xavier confirmed.

'It would have been helpful if you would have told me about the helmet, oh about ten minutes ago,' Harry responded in agitation over the link.

Harry took a step back, and waved for the Juggernaut to go on. The Juggernaut had temporarily been tripped up, which allowed him to turn to Logan.

"Got a plan," Harry told him, and Logan turned to Harry, before nodding.

"Alright, any plan you've got, it's got to be better than us just standing around here," Logan offered, and once again, the Juggernaut knocked him back.

"You mean better than you being knocked around?" Harry asked, and Logan just glared at him, before offering a stoic nod.

Logan just waved Harry off, and Harry lured the Juggernaut towards the doors, and right through to the Danger Room. If he was right, he might be able to delay the Juggernaut, but at the same time, this plan hinged on the X-Men and to a lesser extent the Brotherhood getting there.

Mystique took a step forward, carefully lurking in the background. She would not be throwing herself in the line of fire, until she could pick her spots wisely. It was a survival instinct that had been beaten into her.

"We're almost to the top, and I told you we could do it without powers," Jean replied, triumph appearing in her eyes.

There was a thump from below, and the X-Men stood, stopped, and stared.

"Let me guess, those idiots tried to use their powers, and it ended up blowing up in their faces," Rogue remarked in a dry voice, adjusting her stance, and peering downward. There was a small crack where they could see the Brotherhood.

"Look!" Kitty exclaimed, pointing and seeing the hatch above.

"So, they just tried to take a shortcut," Kurt replied, and he stood above them. Scott moved over.

"Hey, let us out, Summers!" Pietro yelled, frantic.

A smirk crossed Scott's face, and he looked down at the Brotherhood, peering down at them, not wasting a chance to rub their own failure into their faces.

"Surely your stirring leadership can get you out of this mess, Maximoff," Scott retorted, looking down at them, enjoying the fact that the Brotherhood was helpless.

"Fine, you're better, happy!" Pietro yelled back up, and Scott just looked at them.

"Kitty, phase through, and shift the material away from the hatch, I'll blast open an entrance, Jean lift them out of there," Scott ordered, taking control of the situation.

Kitty did as she was told, and the X-Men stood back. Scott focused his visor, and blasted a hole in the top of the mountain. Jean had lifted the members of the Brotherhood out one by one, and they landed hard on their backsides when she had dropped them down.

"You could have had him teleport in, and get us out easier!" Todd yelled, pointing at Kurt.

"Sorry, must have slipped my mind," Scott answered dryly, but the X-Jet arrived, and Storm looked down. The telepathic message of Charles Xavier could be heard.

'X-Men, Brotherhood, both of you need to band together to defeat a common foe.'

"Why do we have to listen to that guy?" Lance asked, questioning it immediately.

"Because they have Mystique," Jean told them, and the Brotherhood exchanged looks at each other, before Lance spoke once again, his tone never changing at this new piece of information.

"Again, why do we have to listen to that guy?"

"C'mon," Pietro told them in an undertone, and the Brotherhood perked up immediately. "It will be a perfect chance to show them that the Brotherhood is better."

"Is everything a competition with you guys?" Kitty asked, and once she learned Harry was potentially in trouble, her determination became all that much more.

All of the mutants boarded, and were ready for a fight. They did not know what they had to deal with exactly, but the Professor was briefing them with it on the way.

The Juggernaut gave a pained grunt, and he smashed through the defenses of the Danger Room, and continued to stomp forward, having wrecked everything in his path.

"Got any more ideas," Logan muttered in an undertone to Harry.

"Can you cut the clasps with your claws?" Harry replied to Logan, and Logan paused, looking at them and studying them intently.

"Yeah, if you can get me up there," Logan replied, and Harry just nodded.

"Hang on," Harry replied, and the two of them dodged another charge from the Juggernaut once again.

A magically propelled fastball special had allowed Harry to fling Logan with a banishing charm of sorts into the Juggernaut. Logan was very close to cutting the clasps, but the Juggernaut knocked him off into the wall. The mutant slumped against the wall after cracking against it.

"What was that supposed to be?" Juggernaut asked.

"It's called a distraction, bub," Logan replied, eyes narrowing, and sure enough, the assembled X-Men and Brotherhood had arrived at that moment, staring down the Juggernaut.

"Showed up to the party, the more the merrier," The Juggernaut told them, and he turned to the X-Men and the Brotherhood. "I don't know who you think you are, but none of you can stop me."

"Let's see what happens with the unstoppable meets the immovable," Blob answered, and rushed forward. The Juggernaut just lumbered forward, and the Blob lumbered to the other direction, and the two forces clashed each other, neither offering any movement, until the Juggernaut managed to push Blob a few steps back. Fred Dukes staggered backwards.

'Remember, the helmet, that is protecting his mind, the most vulnerable part of him," Xavier projected to them.

Jean used the door the Juggernaut ripped off, and flung it at him. The Juggernaut blocked it, and began to throw things. She stopped it with her telekinesis, and avoided being smashed.

Kurt popped in mid-air, with Quicksilver rushing in in an attempt to keep the Juggernaut off balance. The Juggernaut tried to grab the teleporting mutant.

"Too slow, so close, oh that was a near miss."

"Stand still!" The Juggernaut growled, and Kurt had grabbed one of the clasps, before pulling it off.

The Juggernaut realized the danger he was in, and he began hurling things. Harry grabbed Rogue around the waist, pulling her out of the way. Kitty grabbed Harry, and the three of them went intangible, before popping through the floor out of harm's way.

"Pop me up right behind him," Harry whispered to Kitty, and Kitty nodded, with the Juggernaut swinging wildly at everyone. He nearly brought the room down on everyone.

Harry had gotten to the final clasp on his helmet, and between him, Kitty, and Rogue, they had pulled it off. The Juggernaut grabbed Harry in mid-air, and knocked both girls back down to the ground.

"What do you got to say to yourself?" the Juggernaut growled, preparing to shake Harry like a rag doll.

"Legilimens," Harry replied to him in a calm voice, and the Juggernaut's mind was assaulted by the crude, yet useful, attack.

The distraction with Harry trying to enter the Juggernaut's mind, albeit crudely, had allowed Xavier to pop in, and he shut down the Juggernaut. Harry dropped down, carefully on his feet, and Xavier and Mystique both stood in the doorway. It was Xavier who had spoken up first.

"The X-Men and the Brotherhood, working together," Xavier offered, turning towards Mystique.

Mystique just remained numb, and in shock, watching everything, before she offered her assessment.

"I see it, but I don't believe it," Mystique said, and she watched as her team brushed themselves off. All things considered, their team work was sloppy, and they would be getting put through the rigor for training every single moment of their free time once they had gotten back.

"Perhaps it is a sign of things to come," Xavier told Mystique, and Mystique just stood.

In many ways, she saw Xavier's bright eyed idealism to be nearly amusing, if it had not been so absurd. The shape shifting mutant proceeded to shake her head. She turned to her charges.

"Let's go!" Mystique barked, and Toad, Blob, Avalanche, and Quicksilver followed her out the door, without another word.

"I can't believe that we actually were on the same side," Rogue commented, shaking her head at the very thought.

"Hey, you know what they say, the enemy of my enemy, is my friend," Kurt said, and the entire team just stood by their sides.

"I did hope that Cain would learn to let his rage go, but it appears that his imprisonment had caused it to fester even more," Xavier said, in a voice filled with regrets. Between both his and Harry's assaults, Marko would be down for a very long count.

The assembled group just stood by, and tried to figure out what had happened, along with the lessons learned from today's adventures. It was a long day for them all.

"So Logan wants us in the Danger Room in ten minutes."

"Apparently, so," Kitty replied, holding hands with Harry, with the two walking down the hallway. "We should kind of give it a run through after what the Juggernaut did today."

"So, if I got it right, he wants us to throw all caution to the wind with our powers, no rules and no limitations, both him and the Professor said that," Harry replied, and a look of interest spread across his face, his mind dancing wildly with the possibilities at what he could do.

Rogue stepped out in the hallway, and looked at Harry at that moment. She shifted on her feet, and stared at him, before speaking. "Hi, Harry."

"Hey, Rogue," Harry told her, and Rogue grabbed his hands, and held onto them, tightly.

"We need to talk," Rogue said, and she looked at Kitty, before she amended. "All three of us."

Kitty and Harry responded with a nod, and Rogue stepped back, to allow the three of them to step into the room. Rogue stood, and looked both of them, before deciding to speak.

"Now, let me just ask a couple of questions about this," Rogue remarked, her eyes locked on both Harry and Kitty. "No one is pressuring anyone into anything?"

"No, no one is pressuring anyone," Harry replied, withdrawing his hands from Rogue's and putting one hand on her cheek, and one on her waist. Rogue once again shifted from the contact, although she was quite pleased with it. "But, you don't really need much pressure, do you, Rogue?"

Rogue stepped forward, and peered into his eyes. She cursed those eyes, they had to be the downfall of many women, but naturally Harry would have other attributed. Harry held her tightly against him, and Rogue just shook her head. She looked at Harry, with a look of pure need, but seemed reluctant to actually articulate what she had felt at the moment.

Harry reached forward, and suddenly, and surprisingly, Rogue had been pulled into a kiss. The girl was surprised, and the content had been intimate, with the two of them on each other's mouths. Harry pushed Rogue against the wall slightly, the small of her back hitting the cool surface. Instinctively, Rogue grinded on his crotch, and she reached around, intertwining her fingers through his hair.

Kitty watched the action, and could not believe that she was getting so turned on from her boyfriend kissing another woman. Yet, they were all friends, so the three of them seemed to be comfortable with this.

Rogue slumped against the wall, breathing heavily. She looked at Harry, and gave him a light squeeze.

"So, I suppose that we can't do anything quickly before we head off, can we?" Rogue asked in a husky voice.

"Trust me, with Harry, quick isn't an adjective I would use," Kitty replied, licking her lips at the thought, and now Rogue was worked up.

Both of the girls were worked up, along with Harry, but unfortunately, the Danger Room awaited, and Harry tried to get his thoughts back in order, before the three of them joined the rest of the team.

'Only in my life would this actually be considered somewhat normal,' Harry thought to himself, but he smiled, he was not complaining in the slightest. After being denied affection for most of his life, Harry felt that a lucky break was in order, and he could tell the girls appreciated the benefits as much he did.

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