
Update and Happy new year

I wish everyone a happy new year, may all your dreams and wishes come true.


I thought i would also take this moment to clarify some tings and answer few questions. First of all i am not ''officially dropping'' this story. I have my own business i run and in addition to that, one of my scripts were picked up and is being made into a theatrical play witch i am helping to produce. 

Because of this it make very difficult to sit down to write during my very few and limited free time. I will however finish my work soon, about 2 months and maybe pick it up then again and mass release or something. I have about 70 chapter drafts so i know where the story is headed. 

Now i will also answer few questions and criticism of the last chapter witch many apparently did not like, i probably did not help as i left in the middle of it leaving a lot of questions.

1. is the part where Klaus is supposed ''weak'' or ''nerfed''

Firstly he is not weak or nerfed, he had full control of the battle against Elijah and bested him with relative ease even when holding back.

it was only until later when he wished for the fight to no longer for it to continue as he was getting suspicious, that Elijah got upper hand, and even then it was because he let his guard down.

Also keep in mind Elijah is a original as well, 1000 years, master of Marshall art and 2nd strongest vampire currently.

It should also be noted that later on as Klaus suspicious and fear grew, his mind was no longer calm, thoughts raced through his mind, anxiety witch would affect his performance.

2. Pain and memories. 

In first chapter i explained that when Jason or Damon as he was referred to there, gained Klaus memories and it was as if he was dreaming or hallucinating. He saw the memories of Klaus but he did not experience it himself, it was like watching a movie.

he has his own consciousness, his own will, he is going be in pain when he is Stabbed in such matter. Original Klaus could brush it off because of all torture and torment he had endured himself. in his life, but Jason has not, least not in that degree

Reason Klaus can brush it off is not because his body is does not feel pain but because he experienced so much that his tolerance is so high, again not the same with Jason.

3:Elijah reaction:

Now to Elijah reaction and this whole confrontation. when i read stories be it fanfic i like when its as realistic as possible, within that world ofcourse. I very much dislike when explanations or answers to large plot points are being handled dismissively.

Example i have read Fanfic where someone is reborn as Klaus or he travels back in time or something similar-sometimes he even got powers blessed by gods. When asked how he know what is to come he simply answers he seen future and its never mentioned again and everyone happily accepts it and to me thats lazy writing and dumb.

Another this is remember that they are real people who live, interact and do stuff behind the scenes. Elijah reaction is reasonable for many reason.

.1 imagine having a brother for 1000 years, he is cruel, manipulative, arrogant, self centered and extremely paranoid. (this is how he is perceived or how he wants to be) Never trust people and always thinks they are plotting something behind his back. then one day- not long mind you as what happened in mystic falls before beginning of the story was not more than a week ago or so, and now he has done completely 180. that would be extremely suspicious and cause of worry

2. and it follow the 1st is that in TVD Klaus took over alaric body for a while so body snatching is real and very recent so again its reasonable for them or rather Elijah to think of something similar may have happened.

Now to ease everyone mind, Elijah dont know this for a fact, he only is suspects something have taken over or he is under influence

They also wont know that he is from another world or atelast not yet, there will be a situation in future where he will be forced to confront it or even reveal it to some because of certain circumstances you may imagine yourself.

Anyway wanted to clear that up and once again i wish you all a a truly happy new year and all the best for your families.