

(St. Anne's Church)

Agnes and her witches were preparing to flee from the city when they failed to kill Klaus and Haley's child. As they were getting their things together, they heard a noise at the front door.

"So this is where the witches' hideout is. Quite ironic, as no prayer will reach from where you are going," spoke the original hybrid, wearing an expensive suit.

Two of the witches who made an attempt to flee suddenly had their heads sent flying. "Well, that's two down," said Rebekah with a smile.

Elijah smiled at his sister's cleverness and moved slowly towards Agnes, who was trembling with fear. "Did you really think you could run away? That there was any hole where you could hide your stench?"

The witch who stood next to Agnes used a spell to give Elijah an aneurysm. "Ughhh," Elijah groaned, causing his sister to worry a little, but before she could intervene, Elijah stood tall. With his back turned toward Rebekah and while she could not see his face, she could clearly see the shocked and horrified expression on the witches'.

He quickly sped towards the witch and ripped out her heart before turning towards Agnes, revealing half of his face almost covered in black veins. Not only around his eyes but going down his cheek and almost reaching his neck.

Agnes simply stood there, petrified in the spot. Elijah simply walked towards her. "No one hurts my family and lives... no one," Elijah said, and with a simple flick of his wrist, her head flew off as her headless body dropped, spewing blood from her neck.

Rebekah looked at her brother and wondered if this is the same Elijah she knew. She had seen Klaus like this but never him. As she was having this thought, Elijah turned towards her with his eyes turned back to his usual brown. "Let's go home, sister. The witch hunt is over for today," spoke the original vampire. Rebekah nodded and headed back home.

(Plantation House)

Klaus was sitting in his study, going over some details of what he had planned for the next few days. He had everything set up to deal with Marcel, but the most dangerous threat was the witch mother. He needed to find a way to not only weaken her but also strengthen himself.

Klaus went through some of his old stuff and found a special spell and object. "Time for a proper family reunion," he thought to himself.

He looked up at the clock and saw that it was time. He headed towards the kitchen.

(One hour later)

Hayley walked downstairs to the smell of food, which made her stomach growl as she remembered she hadn't eaten anything in a while.

She walked towards the kitchen to see Klaus setting up the table. Klaus gave her a smile, and she responded with one back.

She walked in to take her seat, which was made obvious by the absence of a wine glass. Klaus then looked at her. "Would you like apple juice or orange?"

"Orange juice," replied Hayley.

Klaus sped his way towards the fridge and filled a glass with orange juice. "So what exactly happened at the clinic?" asked Klaus as he sat beside Hayley.

"Well, they checked if everything was okay with the baby, and then..." Klaus looked up at Hayley when she paused.

She didn't know if she should tell him the update she had received at the clinic, but she saw the way Klaus looked at her, and that gave her a little bit of courage. "....it's a girl."

All of Hayley's worries were gone since at the mention of the gender of the baby, Klaus had the broadest smile he ever had. He took Hayley's hand and kissed it. "I am happy to hear that, love."

Going back to the incident, Klaus continued, "Then what happened?"

"Well, I saw the doctor go in the back and heard some cars pull over. The doctor came back with a needle, which I saw through the reflection of the window, so I turned around and stabbed her in the shoulder with the same needle." Hayley was still a bit scared as she recalled the incident.

Klaus saw this and gave her a small hug. "That must have been difficult."

"Not really," spoke Hayley as they broke their hug. "As I was going through all that, I realized that I wasn't just protecting myself. Maybe it had to do with the fact that my birth parents gave me away and my adoptive parents kicked me out. All I know is push came to shove, and I realized I wouldn't let anyone hurt her."

Hearing Hayley say that made Klaus smile since she had spoken the exact same words in the original timeline, and he was glad that his little wolf was still the same. It also reminded him how alike they were, both in this and in his previous life.

He kept one arm on her shoulder and looked her in the eyes softly. "I'm beginning to think we're a lot alike, you and I. We're castoffs who learned to fight when we are backed into a corner."

"Well, with the way things are, we're backed into a corner now," the she-wolf spoke as she looked down.

"That we are. It's time to bring out the claws, little wolf."

Hayley looked into Klaus's eyes again. She didn't know what it was; maybe it was the kindness he kept showing towards her or maybe that he was constantly reassuring her, but he had a certain pull towards her.

As they were busy staring into each other's eyes, they heard the two Mikaelson siblings entering the house.

Again! Thought Hayley as both Klaus and she turned back towards the table. She was getting frustrated at the constant interruptions between the two of them, but she knew it wasn't on purpose, so she let it slide.

Klaus, on the other hand, finally understood why the original Klaus kept daggering his dear siblings, as he kept getting annoyed from all the interruptions. "They have superhearing for God's sake," Klaus thought to himself.

"Ah, sister, brother, you have returned," spoke Klaus as he got up from the chair. "How was the witch hunt? Successful, I presume, with the blood on Elijah's suit."

"Yes, brother, the witches have been taken care of for now," spoke the older Mikaelson as he took a handkerchief to wipe the blood off his suit.

"Yet they are still a looming threat, I gather, with the whole binding with the wolf girl and stuff," added Rebekah.

"Yes, and I seem to have a solution for that problem," replied Klaus, which made everyone turn their heads towards him. "But that will have to wait. Everyone here has had a long day, and I think we should have dinner first."

Rebekah was happy to see his brother be like the kind boy he was back before they were turned into the monsters they are now. They sat down and enjoyed their dinner.

Elijah smiled happily as well, choosing to enjoy these moments before he would confront his supposed brother on certain matters.

(After dinner)

It was late night by the time they were finished with their dinner. The siblings were reminiscing about their past and telling silly stories to Hayley, who was enjoying herself.

Klaus enjoyed himself quite a bit as well. While he did have Klaus' memories, he did not have motions related to those. He was like a third party watching a movie or reading a book, but recently he seemed to be getting closer to his siblings. They seemed to enjoy this new version of him, and he was also happy having people in his life he could trust, rely on... regardless of how much it went against his nature.

It almost made him reconsider having to kill them later on.

As the conversation died down, Elijah turned towards his brother and asked, "Niklaus, now that we are finished with our dinner, could you care to explain how you have found a solution to our problem?"

"So firstly, I want you, Elijah, to follow up on a lead I found of a powerful witch inside Dowager Fauline Cottage."

All of them looked at him a bit confused. "I believe this witch could be of use to us if Elijah is able to turn her towards our cause," spoke Klaus.

"I can go and check it out tomorrow, but are you sure of this?" asked Elijah.

Klaus took a moment before speaking. "I keep some eyes and ears around the world, to stay ahead of certain threats that may come or someone powerful may turn out to be of value to us."

"And what makes this witch so special?" asked Rebekah, while everyone listened patiently.

"Well, for one, she is said to be an extremely powerful witch... but that is not quite what got my attention," Klaus said with a pause, everyone patiently waiting for him to continue. "From what I heard, they say she is about 1000 years old."

Everyone was surprised by this statement, having trouble believing it to be true.

"But I thought witches could not be immortal," Hayley asked, confused.

"They cannot," Elijah replied. "While some may extend their life a little, it may be only by a decade or two."

"Perhaps someone is playing a trick on your brother," Rebekah teased, but stopped as she saw the seriousness on his brother's face.

"That is not the only thing that makes her interesting... she also seemed to have mentioned our name Mikaelson," Klaus stated once again, surprising everyone.

"This is indeed quite intriguing. She may prove to be a worthy ally or capable foe. Nonetheless, I shall learn all I can of this witch," Elijah said with confidence, while Klaus gave him a nod.

"Alright, and what of our brothers?" asked Rebekah.

"I have come to know about the veil, which is a middle ground between our world and the afterlife. It turns out it exists in Mystic Falls, and I plan on going there for a visit," said Klaus as he revealed the paper with the spell and the Paragon Diamond. "I will use a spell to get our brothers' souls to be transferred into this diamond."

"So when will you be leaving?" asked Rebekah.

"Tomorrow, after I have spoken with Marcel," said Klaus. "Rebekah, you will have to stay here to look after Hayley for the meantime."

Rebekah nodded, but Klaus saw a look of disappointment in Hayley at the mention of him leaving. He had a small smile at the fact that she cared about it.

He looked at her while holding her hand. "I will be back very soon." To this, she gave a small smile.

As all of them got up to leave, Klaus pulled Rebekah aside. "Sister, there is something else I need your help with."

Next chapter