
80. Gaining Trust (3)

The wait for the auction wasn't quite long but unlike me the other kids who were going to be sold were extremely terrified and trembling. The atmosphere around was a tad bit unsettling but it was going to be fine, in a few minutes' time they would be free.

But what after that?

Even if they were free now they would still face the same problem that they did before they were sold here.

Still, I couldn't do anything about that for now, every person had their own share of trouble to face. Those troubles acted like life lessons and I was no one to stop a person from growing strong.

"Argh, these brats!"

"Stay still!"

I looked at a certain bunch of kids who were recieving special attention from the guards as they were creating a lot of commotion and fighting back with all might even after being chained up.

"Who are they?" I asked Remi.

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