
Leviathan Arrival

"This is nice and all but we have to go, come on." Steve said before rushing off, the others (Padfoot included) exchanged looks before they nodded and ran off after him.

"Did you know that he could change like that?" Barton asked Natasha as they all followed behind Cap.

"No," Natasha shook her head after a quick glance at Padfoot who had chosen to keep pace with her. "no I didn't." She added, wondering what other secrets Harry had kept hidden from her and if there was anything else that Padfoot could do.


Grim was flying and blasting Chitauri chariots out of the sky when he saw one window on a building break as a beam shot through it, a second later a woman with hair so blonde that it looked white was thrown out of the building and fell towards the ground, screaming in terror as gravity pulled her down. Grim quickly aimed his wand at her and cast a spell to slow her down, he teleported to her and grabbed her before teleporting back down to the ground.

"What...what was..." The woman gasped but didn't get to say too much as she was interrupted by an impatient wizard.

"Look just get out of here, go down to the subways or somewhere safe and out of the way." Grim said before he heard a loud bang a short distance behind him, he turned and saw several Chitauri soldiers on the ground. "Fuck my life and prick in charge of it." Grim said under his breath before he teleported close to them and once he was sure that there were no civilians in the way he fired a lightning blast from his wand, the Chitauri soldiers screeched in pain before falling down to the ground.

It was not a time for rest though as one of the Chitauri soldiers had managed to dodge and two more had quickly moved in, the first soldier ran towards him with the other two following behind him. Grim quickly hit the first soldier in the stomach with a spell once he got close enough, Grim then grabbed that soldier by the arm and turned him around so he was facing the other two. The soldiers stomach exploded and his insides shot out like shrapnel and struck the other two, causing them to stumble back.

Harry dropped the dead soldier then followed up with a blood boiling curse to the Chitauri soldier on the right after hitting the one on the left with a high powered cutting curse that sliced him clean in half from the waist. The Chitauri soldier hit by the blood boiling curse was screeching in pain, Grim showed no sympathy and simply hit it with a body bind and pushed it over, he was alright with allowing the blood boiling curse to finish it off. Grim turned when he saw another group of Chitauri land, he was about to fire a spell when he suddenly became aware of something else coming.

He looked up and saw something big fly out of the portal. It was a large creature with a serpentine body and massive teeth, it was clad almost completely in armor plating that is outfitted with large fin-like blades, and had many Chitauri soldiers riding on the side of it. This intimidating leviathan was so big that it could have probably killed Slytherin's basilisk by just sitting on it, as it got closer to the buildings Chitauri soldiers jumped off of it and onto the side of those buildings.

Grim was thankfully still mentally present enough to dodge out of the way when one Chitauri soldier fired at him, Grim rushed towards five Chitauri soldiers. He quickly killed the center one with a piercing hex through the chest, he was about to fire off another spell when a familiar shield flew past him and bounced off the ground then slamming into one soldier's face, taking him out. Grim didn't even stop at that, another Chitauri soldier was taken out by an arrow, three guesses as to who shot that arrow.

The three remaining soldiers aimed their weapons at Harry who had blocked their blasts with a shield, before they could fire again one of them was struck down by a double tap. Grim became aware of Padfoot running alongside him, Padfoot tackled one soldier just as Harry hit the last one with an elbow that sent him up into the air where Harry grabbed him and slammed him down to the ground. Grim looked towards Padfoot who had just ripped out a soldier's throat, he looked back behind him and saw Cap, Hawkeye and Black Widow. Cap was picking up his shield, just as Hawkeye pulled out another arrow from his quiver and Black Widow nodded at him.

Grim nodded back right before finishing off the Chitauri soldier under him with a killing curse then turning his attention back to another group of Chitauri that just landed.


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