
Chapter 4

Edith tells him where the other prisoners are when he's far enough.

"Thank you. And keep me updated about Wade; tell me when he's in trouble."

"Okay, Peter. Though, I ought to inform you that his regeneration seems to work."

Peter hesitates for a moment longer as he approaches a room where Edith shows him two people experimenting on another man. That wakes him up and makes him realize he doesn't have time for distractions when people need him, but a compromise should suffice. After all, Wade has always been skilled and pretty hard to kill, according to the other Spider-Men.

"Don't inform me unless it's serious. Keep an eye on him, though."

"Of course, Peter."

"Also... did you see any recognition of myself on his expression?"

Edith stays silent for a second too long, and Peter can feel his heartbeat quicken. He already knows the answer; after all, Wade doesn't recognize his suit or superhero name, even if he calls him Spidey.

Still, he can't help but hope.

"No, my apologies, Peter."



"So, jumping around worlds randomly like a spider-themed ping-pong ball, huh?"

"Not entirely random," he mutters, but he knows it's weak with the way Wade rolls his eyes. Or at least he thinks he's doing it. He's making this movement with his neck, which he always does when he rolls his eyes.

They're eating tacos on top of a building; their feet are dangling on the ledge. They both are wearing their masks halfway rolled to hide the upper part of their faces.

Peter mostly because he's used to doing it while on patrol, and Wade because even though he tried to convince him otherwise, he still believed the sight of his face was enough to take their appetite away.

He's wrong, though. He doesn't care about it, not really. At first, he was more surprised and worried than afraid, because the scars looked painful, but there have been a lot of Deadpools he's gotten to know, and so far, all of them have known him and some of his circumstances without anyone telling him anything about it.

And they all treat him kindly, or as kind as someone like Deadpool, with his skewed morality, can, which is, surprisingly, kinder than most.

He says he just knows and doesn't know why, but Peter knows there must be more to it as he's always been cagey about it. It makes Peter think he knows more than he seems to. However...

"What do you do when you first reach a world?" Wade says in between mouthfuls. 

However, there are moments like this where he sounds so curious that he can't help but believe he really doesn't know how he knows.

"I first search for a library. Then, I wait for the local Spider-Man to find me," he says after eating a specially juicy part. He continues at the questioning head tilt, "It's as if our Spider-Senses go haywire, I don't know. We just know when another one of us is near. Also, I usually end up in a place near them."

"And when there's no Spidey boy in the world?"

"You mean when he hasn't gotten the spider bite or is not born or has died?"

"That, too."

"Well, Edith helps me with the money. But the first days are a little bit rough."

Wade hums. "You can search for me. I can help you out a bit with room and food."

He raises an eyebrow even if he knows Wade can see it because of the mask. "How sure are you that the other Deadpool knows about me, though?"

"Well, usually, us, Deadpool, tend to live a really crappy life. But we're constant, like roaches, and even if you end up in the Zombie world, Headpool can help you. Dogpool and Kiddypool, I don't think they will be as helpful, but you never know."

He blinks. "... Okay? What happens if you are dead? I mean, the one in that world."

"Impossible. Death loves us too much for that," he says lightly, but there's a hint of bitterness in his tone.

"You still haven't explained how you, or the other yous, know about me."

He puts an arm around his shoulders. "Don't worry your pretty little head about it. Just know that all the Deadpool know. Well, unless..."

He waits when he trails off, but no answer is forthcoming. "Unless?"

"Unless that Deadpool is lucky enough, which I don't think will ever happen, or that Wade still hasn't reached the climax of his origin story."

"... What?"

"I told you, don't worry about it. Even if a Wade doesn't know you, he will soon enough. You just have to wait a little for him to suffer enough to unlock that achievement."

He blinks twice. "I don't think I'll be able to live with myself if I wait for you to suffer when I can help you, even if the consequences of it lead to you not knowing me."

"That's because you're too much of a nice guy, Spidey," he says flippantly. 

"I'm serious." He then presses a finger on top of his right ear. "Edith, add 'Search Wade' to the other initial protocols whenever we're in a new world."

"Of course, Peter."

He nods to himself before looking at Wade, who is looking at him with wide eyes, easily seen even through the mask. The arm around his shoulders tightens slightly.

"Thank you," he says softly. Then, his cheer is back as if that moment of solemnity hadn't happened. "You know what this deserves? Chimichanga party!!"

He rolls his eyes, but he's smiling. "Aren't you full with all those tacos in your belly?"

"Le gasp! Are you planning to say no to a chimichanga?"

"I didn't say that," he huffs. "Besides, you don't like chimichangas that much."

"But it's really fun to say it, admit it."

"Whatever you say, Wade."


Peter takes a deep breath and pushes the disappointment aside at Edith's words. He turns his attention back to the task at hand, determined to rescue the other prisoners trapped in the facility. As he navigates through the maze-like corridors, he can't shake off the nagging feeling that time is running out. There's unease settled in his stomach, but he continues on.

After a while, he locates the room where the prisoners are held captive and finds himself face-to-face with a scene that makes his blood run cold. Two individuals wearing lab coats are concentrated on the machinery around them as another man is inside something similar to the machine he found Wade in. The sight sickens Peter, reminding him of the darkness within humanity.

With a swift and silent approach, he takes down the guards and frees the terrified man. He looks at him with a mixture of fear and gratitude, unsure whether to trust this masked stranger.

"You're safe now," Peter reassures him as he opens the machine and puts him out. He tends to his injuries, offering reassurance and comfort before leading him towards the exit. He knows they're not out of danger yet, but he can't leave him behind. So, after helping him until he can walk enough on his own, they make their way through the building.

Peter's spider-sense tingles, warning him of approaching danger. He ushers the prisoner he found first into a hiding spot and bursts into another room, where he finds a group of four guards leading terrified seven men and women huddled in a corner, their hands carrying batons and some guns. They start to turn around at the noise he makes. Still, Peter is already springing into action, using his agility and strength to swiftly incapacitate the individuals and free them from their torment. Their guns are already on the floor under the web he first launched before they completely turned.

With another last thwip, he imprisons them on the wall. His breath is even as he says, reassuringly, "It's okay. I'm here to help."

He uses his strength to break the chains that bound them. As they stumble, Peter leads them toward the nearest exit, keeping a vigilant eye for any sign of danger. He picks the first prisoner and continues where Edith tells him to go.




And if you want to read 10 more chapters of this story... go to my p@treon (jorieds) ;D

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