
Chapter 9

A huge brown bear was approaching us, clearly not in the mood for dialogue. Thank the gods that I had my ability to warg in. First of all, I decided to forcibly warg into the bear, since at the moment there could be no friendship. Concentrating, I moved into him, my first sensations were "Rage. Hunger..." well, a cocktail. Deciding not to tempt fate, I wanted to force the bear to kill itself, but at that moment my control over it was rudely interrupted... Much later, through experiments, I found out that even animals can show an unusually strong will at the moment of death.

So there was only one thing left for us to do: kill this monster with our own hands. When the guys saw the beast, they did not run away or stand rooted to the spot, but quite quickly figured out what could be done. Each of us took a spear in his hands, surrounded the bear, and began to attack. It is clear that a lump of wool and fur will not be given up just like that and not everything went as it should. The spears pierced into it, but alas they could not penetrate deeply. When I saw this, at the last moment I changed my spear to a Valyrian one. It went through the bear like a red-hot knife through butter, and now there was a bear with a hole in its head. As quickly as I summoned the spear from the arsenal, I also quickly and imperceptibly put it back. I learned this trick recently when the speed of summoning and recall became much slower.

"Hahahahah! We did it guys!" I shouted after regaining my composure.

After a couple of minutes, they also realized, and they started shouting with joy, but remembering where we were, this fun quickly ended, and we gathered back. It was already evening, and we would reach the castle in about 40-50 minutes.

At the entrance, we were greeted by Lord and Lady Stark, both of whom were very unhappy. And then I realized that we were in trouble...

Two hours later

For an hour now we have been sitting in front of Lord Stark and listening to lectures on the topic of our recklessness, Lady Stark sitting next to us and boring us, but in particular me, with a dissatisfied look.

"Do you understand me?" Lord Stark asked in a stern voice that brooked no argument.

"Yes," we answered almost at the same time.

As a result, we had to help the servants in the kitchen because we created so much noise and for the anxiety we created.

"And also, boys, get yourselves cleaned up since you will be participating in the meeting, it is very useful for you two," we heard Lord Stark's words before we left.

After that, we practically ran away because there was a feeling that if we stayed, Robb's mother would also fly in. First of all, we decided to take water treatments.

When the important people of the North began to gather in the Great Hall, there we saw two of our accomplices with stone faces. While the lords of their houses tried to hold back the laughter bursting out, they clearly liked what we did.

After 10 minutes, all representatives of the houses of the North were in place. And Lord Stark stood up and said:

"Today we are gathered here to discuss some very important matters. But in order not to beat around the bush, let's start with the question of Jorah Mormont."

The whole hall was instantly filled with hubbub, looking around I saw that the representatives of House Mormont, and it was them because they consisted of two women, mother and daughter, Maege Mormont with her eldest daughter, Dacey Mormont. Both were frowning and angry as hell, most likely at Jorah Mormont.

"The issue between us was resolved in such a way that when Jorah Mormont appears in the North... Kill him on the spot. There will be no more restrictions or prohibitions against House Mormont, the current head of House Mormont is Maege Mormont."

After these words, the women from House Mormont seemed to drop a stone from their souls.

"The next question will directly affect many of us, my brother and another representative of the Night's Watch have arrived here to explain the situation."

Benjen Stark came out dressed all in black, and another man next to him also in black robes, but not so expensive. When he saw us, he smiled good-naturedly and continued on his way. As soon as he stood next to his brother, Lord Stark continued:

"There is extremely bad news from the Night's Watch, the wildlings have begun to make forays beyond the Wall much more often. The Night's Watch with the current forces cannot contain these forces. Therefore, I ask each of you to help this ancient Order as much as possible!"

Many lords reluctantly expressed their agreement and support. After that, the speeches were about pressing problems, a gang of robbers who were almost caught was walking somewhere, and poachers were plotting somewhere. At the end, there was a small feast where many of our peers gathered around Robb. That's when we met Dacey and found out the names of our two accomplices. The boy from House Karstark was named Torrhen Karstark, and Forrester's name was Ethan.

To some extent, we formed a good friendship, but it was clear that they preferred Robb's company. I can't say that this upset me, after all, they are very uninteresting interlocutors, and you can play with them, but I always felt a certain awkwardness when communicating with them, since I am still twice as old as each of them and probably my youthful temper has not disappeared since my death and subsequent rebirth.

With these thoughts in mind, I walked around Winterfell until I came across the second Night's Watchman.

"Ho, what are you thinking about, young Lord?" he asked with a smile.

"I'm not a lord, I'm a bastard. By the way, my name is Jon Snow, and you?"

"Hmm... I see, my name is Mance," the lookout replied with a smile.

Well, my luck is the same, but what was the probability that I would meet the future King-Beyond-the-Wall in his being a lookout?

"Nice to meet you, I suppose? What can you say about the Wall? My uncle doesn't really like to talk about this place."

"Heh, what can I say? It would be untrue to say that this place is a noble order, as many people like to say, but it would also be wrong to call this place a concentration of all human vices. On the Wall, you can feel like the ruler of the whole world, but you can also freeze your balls off," he said the last part with a laugh.

"Haahah, and you are very similar to the Northerners in character, for sure."

"So I was born in the far north, further from the Wall," Mance said with a grin.

After that, we parted as he was called by the lords to discuss the problem with the wildlings. I went further to my peers, I can understand why Mance was followed by an unprecedented charisma from him, such a gift I have rarely met in my life.

Before I had gone five meters, one restless girl flew into me.

"Jon! Hide me, please!" Arya said quickly.

To which I raised my right eyebrow, I trained this look for a very long time, and asked:

"What happened..." before I could finish, I was interrupted by a scream.

"Arya Stark!" Septa Mordane shouted.

"Sigh Let's run!" I said before that bitchy granny caught up with us.

I can't hide anymore because this granny somehow found out that Arya was hiding in my room for the most part, given the degree of her dissatisfaction, I wouldn't be surprised if she broke into my room. The godswood is filled with people, so there remains only the forge, the closest place where we will definitely not be betrayed.

As soon as we reached the blacksmith shop, where only Mikken was at the moment, we quickly ran into the interior.

"What are you doing here?" Mikken asked after a while.

"We're hiding Arya from the septa, she's done something wrong again," I replied, but Arya pretended that it was the right thing to do.

"Sigh The two of you will definitely drive me to my grave," Mikken said, continuing to work. "There should be food there if you want to eat."

Before I could even look back in search of food, Arya had already clapped half of the pies... Giving up on this, I decided to observe around...

On behalf of Eddard

"Heavy Sigh I'm so tired..." I said with real fatigue.

"You're getting old, brother," my younger brother said with a smile on his face.

"Who would say that?" I did not remain in debt.

After laughing, I decided not to pull the cat by the tail.

"How bad is it?"

"Absolutely terrible, it feels like someone is helping the wildlings to get behind the Wall... Eh... By the way, where were the representatives from Skagos?"

"I wish I knew..." I had my own thoughts on this, but it's not worth discussing them now.

However, as if reading something in my face, he only whispered:

"You don't think there's an uprising brewing there, do you?!"

"I only suspect because everything fits together too much, from the transfer of wildlings to the manifestation of such an attitude towards the North. Given their recent past, this would not be surprising. But it is too early for final conclusions."

Benjen just collapsed exhausted...

Meanwhile in Skagos

Skagos is a massive mountainous island with pale gray cliffs jutting out over the sea—a harsh and inhospitable land inhabited by savages who did not go far from the wildlings beyond the Wall. The waters around the island are full of dangerous currents and underwater rocks. Many sailors try to avoid this piece of rock, but ships from the Royal Harbor going to Eastwatch-by-the-Sea still enter Skagos; today was no exception.

"Traik, how are the recruits? How are the views? Didn't you want to take a look at Skagos? Have you found unicorns and beauties? Hahahah." the lookout was teasing his younger comrade.

To which the young Traik could only grind his teeth; he got into the Night's Watch because he was caught stealing, he did not want to lose his arm, so he chose the Wall... It would be better to choose a hand, he thought often since he got into this order full of rapists and murderers. When he was offered the opportunity to recruit from King's Landing, he did not hesitate to agree, because this is an opportunity to see the world!

After all, when else will there be an opportunity to see beautiful unicorns and beautiful Northerners? Yeah, twice the unicorns turned out to be overgrown goats, and all the girls with crooked teeth and untidy looks, along with a perverse character like a man...

"Go to hell!" The young patroller shouted out of desperation, to which the elder only laughed even louder.

Trying to calm down, Traik asked through clenched teeth:

"When will we leave already?" Yes, Traik wanted to run away from here not only because of the girls and unicorns but also because of fear... Yes, he was afraid of this island like a hare is afraid of a wolf.

The senior watchman wanted to say something, but when he saw something in the look of his younger comrade, he changed his mind.

"We sail in three days, we need to finish our business here."

After hearing this, Traik exhaled; for three more days he was able to endure. Noticing this state of his ward, Jonnell said:

"Go and develop better, even I can see that you are not able to work."

Traik nodded gratefully and went out towards the local center of civilization, walking through the local places, he realized more and more that even the most shabby village in the Open against the background of these places would be the capital of the Kingdom. Here in the alley, someone is almost beaten to death... Traik took a closer look and was overcome with fear.

"It's... a bugle." Damn, what's a wildling doing here?! I need to tell Jonnell and get out of here...

Alas, Traik was not allowed to walk back because he died today...

"And where did you think the crow would run to?" Traik heard a mocking voice with a distinct northern accent behind him

This was followed by a blow to the head and darkness....

"Apparently today we are going to wet the crows! HAHAHAHAHA..." A man in his 30s dressed in furs and holding a bronze weapon laughed. He was supported by a dozen more men and women in the same clothes.

Stones for the God of Stones! Souls for the Throne of Souls!

Arcane_Esocreators' thoughts
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