
Keep your eyes off of my man

The others in the room remained frozen since the weight of what Rhys was feeling filled the room. Kellen couldn't even find it in himself to tell him to tone it down. Kellen knew he was fine, but he couldn't exactly dictate how Rhys should feel. 

So he just held him as the man slowly stopped shaking. Kellen also didn't like seeing him like this, but Kellen could feel how Taylor was hovering nearby, anxious to get to him. 

"Rhys, you need to let Taylor have a look at me. I feel it's just a bruise, but she needs to make sure. I also strained my other wound." Rhys backed off immediately at Kellen's softly spoken words. It was so quick Kellen's body almost lurched after him, and Rhys and Taylor had to put their hands on him to prevent him from falling. 

"Fuck. Sorry." Rhys muttered, his yellow gaze still bright, but slightly dimmed. Kellen reached up, running his fingers through his hair, watching as Rhys closed his eyes and took a deep breath. 


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