
Taylor's spidey senses are tingling

Kellen and Brent were a little late getting to their last class, and Brent had to leave part way through for a guiding session, but everything went smoothly. The last class went off without a hitch, the evening ended well, the last few of Kellen's guiding sessions went well, and Kellen made his way towards the Medical Bay for his monitored guiding session with the Captain. 

Kellen felt a little stronger with his leg today. The cream had worn off at some point in the late afternoon, but Kellen didn't mind. He didn't feel as unstable, and having to walk to the door to answer it for his Mom had proven that to him. 

He wanted to stop in and see if his Mom and Dad were doing okay, and if his Dad had liked his gifts, but he could do that after. He didn't want to leave Taylor and the Captain alone for too long. 

Not because he was worried that the two of them didn't get along, but because they were both very busy people. 


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