
Side story- A bitterness brewed for too long

Casper hated the way he looked at him shyly, coyly, begging entry into a home that if he wasn't so stubborn he'd have free entry to at any moment. Putting on a brave, unreadable face, Casper stared at the man who made his heart race daily. 

But in private. Since he clearly didn't want to know how much Casper cared for him. Still cared for him. 

Sighing, since Gunther had said the one thing that would let him into his apartment, Casper forced his face into a neutral expression before he stepped back, letting the man in. Gunther had a small smirk on his face, and Casper's grip on the door tightened. This man thought he'd won just because Casper let him into his home. He was wrong. 

Very, very wrong. 

Casper scowled at his back once he had stepped in, feeling even more slighted when the man didn't even take off his shoes as he entered his apartment. Did the man grow up in a barn?! 


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