
A deal with the devil

The Captain stood up with a flourish, Kellen still in his arms. Kellen was surprised by the sudden movement, and threw his arms around the Captain's neck in a panic. The Captain smiled, but didn't comment on his surprised actions. 

"If everything is in the clear, I want to get Kellen back up to his apartment." Rhys said, and the others nodded. Kellen's Mom's gaze was…complicated. It was clear she wanted both of them near, but was going to concede to Rhys. Brent remained seated, his gaze watching Kellen with a glint, and a small smile on his face. 

"Don't worry, I'll stay here until I'l kicked out. You two go relax. Kellen has a big day tomorrow. Also, everything went fine today when we were visiting Miro. He's ecstatic with the new Field Guides. Sent a fruit basket and everything." Brent told Kellen, who relaxed. He'd forgotten he'd even been worried about that. 


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