
Subpar guiding from a damaged Guide

Taylor's voice, like usual, took Kellen out of the guiding session and Kellen blinked, before his gaze steadied and he was staring at the Captain. The Captain gave the hand that he held a squeeze before releasing it to pull on his dirty uniform. Kellen slowly moved his limbs, following the same motions. He only glanced up when he heard Taylor call his name. 

"Kellen, catch!" She tossed a shake at Kellen, waited for him to catch it before tossing another. "You were guiding at a lower level today. Did something happen?" She asked and Kellen felt his insides churn. He swallowed, before trying to casually shrug. 

"No, not really. Maybe seeing the destruction caused by the terrorists set me off?" He suggested mildly. He had his back turned to the two Espers so he wasn't able to see the look they exchanged. Kellen was still in a daze, and found his mind wandering back once more to Savvy and Terry. 


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