

Kellen led the way out of the elevator, shaking his head at Brent's antics. They hadn't even had lunch yet, and he already felt exhausted. Brent had his head on a swivel as they moved down the hallway, but because Kellen was leading, he couldn't notice the trepidation on his face as Kellen continued to lead him down a white hallway with locked doors. When Kellen finally paused to open the door to the field department, he relaxed. He even smiled as he saw that there were people in this room, and the scientists inside perked up at the sight of two Guides, but grew nervous at the sight of a new person. 

"Good morning Kellen, Lieutenant Casper! Who's the new friend?" Maeve's voice carried over the room and Kellen heard Brent gulp beside him. Kellen reached over and smacked his shoulder, warning him to behave. 


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