

Her surprise didn't last long and she wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him back.

With his hands beneath her butt she hung against him, giving Josh a few moments to regain some of his stamina down below.

"How much more do you want?" Josh asked between tongue battles.

"One hole left" she grinned "but come in my mouth again please."

The extreme sensitivity had ebbed away and Josh broke their kiss and sat her down again.

Jenna immediately went back to her first position, raising her ass for his cock.

Her ass just as wet as her cunt, Josh had less problems getting his cock in.

Within seconds they had established a nice rhythm and their panting echoed off the walls.

She relaxed more and Josh kept a nice speed, their eyes locking through the mirror.

"Not a word to anyone okay?" she breathed heavily at his mirror image.

"Sure, but why not?" Josh replied wondering why she had asked.

"Oh fuck" she moaned before she answered "I don't feel like sharing with my friends tonight."

"The ones at the table?" he asked.

"Yeah, we all get dibs on partners but with Cam marking you, I am taking a risk with our friendship so please, just between us."

"Fine by me, you have my word and eh, you might want to get ready, I am close."

Jenna scooted away as soon as he removed his cock from her warm asshole and sat in front of him again.

Jacking him more slowly this time she said "I so love the taste of cum."

Bringing her mouth to his cock, Josh came and filled her small mouth again, shooting it full of his cum, her face alight with pleasure.

When she finished sucking the last bit of cum out of his cock she packed his cock away and zippered him up again.

"Thanks Josh" Jenna said, her sweaty body aglow with delight "for a wonderful experience."

"You are welcome and I am very happy to have shared it with you." Josh grinned at her.

They quickly made their way back to the stage and managed to sneak back onto the dance floor without being spotted by her mom or the band.

One and a half song later, the first set was finished and under loud applause the band left the stage.

Josh escorted Jenna back to her table under the stars of her companions who questioned her as soon as Josh left.

Grinning, he looked back at the table and went back to the bar where Ramon was waiting with a tray of cold beer for the girls in their dressing room.

"Clair told me to thank you in case she missed you and could you pop over to Cam and the rest to give this?" Ramon quickly spoke, the bar suddenly very busy with the band gone.

"No problem and thanks" Josh said, taking the tray and carrying it over to the dressing room.

He had to knock twice before the door was opened and Maria peered past the door.

"Oh, come on in stranger bearing gifts" she grinned when she saw the tray.

"Refreshments" Josh almost yelled.

The girls were talking and laughing so loud his voice nearly drowned in the noise.

Maria tossed bottles to each of the now silent ladies before grabbing one for herself.

The sounds of beer bottles opening suddenly sounding loud in the silence

They all looked at him expectantly and Josh felt a flush coming up.

"What?" he asked coyly before saying with a smile "there are no words for the sheer awesomeness of the performance I had the honor of attending just now."

"So, you liked it" Cam asked to make sure.

"Liked it? Loved it, especially the vocal battles in your own songs, you girls should really make a demo" Josh said before cheering drowned his further comments out.

The girls congratulated themselves and Maria hugged him tightly saying "you are our rabbit's foot Josh, we never played this good before, like ever never."

"She screamed alright Josh, this lady has a beautiful voice" Cam said holding up his guitar.

"I am quite sure it was you and your fast finger work that made her scream in the ecstasy that she did" Josh grinned wickedly at her.

"Did you just …?" Cam started before bursting out in laughter, soon to be followed by the others.

"Naughty" Vanessa said, her face red from laughing.

Josh took a bow and said "that's my middle name."

"Anyway" Vanessa said "we are saving for a demo."

"What does it take to make a demo?" Josh wondered out loud.

"A studio with recording equipment dummy," Maria answered with a grin.

"The better the studio the higher the cost, nights being cheaper but still around a thousand an hour for a reasonable one" Lisa piped in.

"So basically you need a good space and recording gear?" Josh asked an idea forming in his mind.

"That's basically it yeah" Cam said "what are you thinking?"

"Well, I have a Cakewalk recording kit and an empty garage" Josh said thinking.

The girls all looked at him as if they saw water burn before they burst out in chatter.

Maria pushed him towards the door and said "wait outside please Josh."

A few minutes later the door opened again and Maria beckoned him in.

Closing the door behind him he saw five serious faces staring at him.

Cam stood up and said "We cannot accept Josh, for us to accept an offer like that would mean that we'd lose all street cred, people would think that we screwed you to get a demo, we have been very careful not to let that soil our reputations."

"Hmm, I can understand that but what if there was a producer in the crowd making the same offer?" Josh asked.

"Then he would be a business partner, investing and betting on a payday with a new group."


"Meaning that we'd have a contract and money to make a demo, with the producer getting a cut from the profits should we get picked up by a record label or if he has one, a percentage of the sales, usually a high percentage" Cam finished.

"That would secure your reputation and get you a demo?" Josh asked to make sure.

"Yeah" they answered.

"Wouldn't they think you'd screwed him too or is it the contract that does it?" Josh asked finally.

"The contract" Cam said "although some will still think we fucked our way up."

"Okay, what if one of you managed to arrange a space through her work?"

"That would be different, you don't screw around your workplace but" Vanessa said "my job wouldn't give me the cloud to do so, not for outsiders anyway."

"Well, how good are you at secretarial work?" Josh grinned.

"Good, I have done a course or two," she answered slowly.

"It so happens that my dad hasn't appointed a new head household yet nor a home p.a." Josh said, getting his phone out.

"Interested?" he asked Vanessa.

"What is the pay?" she answered, thinking it over.

"No idea but more than you make now" Josh replied and called his dad.

Next chapter