

She was about to say something when Ramon opened the door and said "five minutes ladies."

Quickly finishing their makeup, the girls checked each other for the last time before heading out.

Josh stood at the door and wished them the best of luck.

Ramon looked at them head towards the stage and smiled saying to Josh "follow me Josh."

Taking him behind the bar, close to the stage, Ramon saw the crew marker.

"Who gave you that?" he asked, a bit surprised.

"Lisa, I think," Josh answered.

Ramon shrugged and said "very well, is it protection from the skank squad or did you offer to help?"

"Protection, but if you need help, I can assist as long as I can see and hear them play."

"Good answer Josh" Ramon grinned at him and said "one of our bartenders is in the hospital with a broken leg so we are short and it looks to be a very busy night."

"Carlo?" Josh asked, remembering Cam's story.

"Yeah" he said, surprised Josh before realizing that Cam would have told him.

"Anyway, you are not from around here are you?"

"Nope, I am Dutch and still getting my bearings here" Josh answered while they came up to the bar.

"Okay, I am going to call you Joshua and introduce you likewise as something tells me that you are the twitter Josh Gail's been hyping about and you don't want that kind of attention if you expect to see anything of my sis's playing."

"I am and thanks Ramon" Josh said, following him behind the bar.

"Here's a key for backstage, remember to turn it in before you leave okay?"

Josh took the key and nodded.

A few introductions and instructions later the lights dimmed and the stage lit up.

The chords to Turbo Lover started and the club moved en masse to the stage.

The girls looked awesome on stage and the sound they produced made Josh grin, reminding him of Judas Priest playing live.

The female vocals sounded weird at first but halfway through the first song, it sounded perfect to Josh.

Taking orders and watching the band soon became second nature to Josh and the few language problems were solved quickly enough.

It surprised Josh to see so many women compared to the men here, being used to it being the other way around.

The amount of flirts he got compared to the other bar men made him smile.

Ramon grinned when he told him and said that it was his pale skin.

Several songs into the set, a mosh started and Josh was itching to get in.

The workload behind the bar dwindled a bit and Josh had more time to stare at Cam and the other girls.

"Who are you?" a gorgeous older Latino woman asked him, her breasts almost in his face so revealing was her bodice.

"Josh-ua" Josh almost misspoke, tearing his face from her cleavage.

"Joshua? When did I hire you? I can't recall doing so yet you wear a crew bracelet" she continued and was about to say more when Ramon came running up.

"Hey Boss" Ramon started and explained how Josh came to stand behind the bar, leaving out the skank protection.

Her gaze turned to Josh again, friendlier this time and she introduced herself as Clair.

"Thanks for helping out Joshua" she said "I need someone to secretly protect my daughter when she goes moshing in a few moments, feel up to it Joshua?"

"No problem" Josh said "where is she?"

Clair pointed at a table where several boys and girls were sitting, all dressed to impress but none of them looked to be of legal drinking age.

"The girl with the red boots is my daughter Jenna, I just need you to protect her during the mosh, the rest she can take care of herself and yes, she and her friends are allowed alcohol, as long as I or Ramon are present, understood?"

Josh nodded and looked at the girl, she was wearing red thick soled boots coming up to her knees, a plaid skirt and a leather corset with studs, matching her bracers.

She looked hot in her clothes and her spiky short hair made her face look cute and intense.

They were still talking at the table when Clair left but as soon as she was out of sight, Jenna stood up and joined the mosh.

Quickly Josh moved from behind the bar and joined as well, searching for her face in the crowd.

The girls of the band rocked hard and were playing one of their own songs, the mosh matching their beat.

He soon found her and ran interference for her whenever needed.

She knew what she was doing, Josh was pleased to see as well as the fact that there were quite a few girls in the mosh present.

More than a few times he felt hands on his ass and cock, a different fleeting face smiling at him before disappearing in the crowd each time.

The song finished and the girls started to play blood red skies, one of the few slow songs in their repertoire.

Jenna was about to leave the dance floor when a big guy grabbed her for a slow dance.

Her face showed her dislike and Josh moved up, taking her arm and saying "Sorry, she promised me first."

The big guy looked at Josh as if he was crazy but when another girl walked past he just let Jenna go and went after her.

"Thanks" Jenna whispered when he was far enough.

"My pleasure" Josh said and was about to walk off the floor with her when she held him back.

"I'll take my dance now" she smiled at him, working her sex appeal.

Josh smiled back and said "you sure you want to dance with the rhythm impaired?"

"It's a slow dance, you'll manage" she grinned at him.

Jenna wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her body close to his, giving extra attention to his groin.

Josh held her close and followed her moves, his body responding to her young and hot presence.

"What's your name?" she whispered loud enough for Josh to pick it up.

"Josh" he answered softly, close to her ear.

"I am Jenna" she answered "you're with the band aren't you?"

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"The crew bracelet, I gave it to Lisa a while back for her boyfriend, before she broke up."

"Ah I see" Josh whispered, bowing his head down again.

The song was almost finished when Jenna asked "can you help me smuggle something into the dressing room for Lisa?"

"No," Josh said, "but I can help you get to the dressing room so you can do it yourself."

"Oh even better" she smiled at him.

The band was starting on a new song and the floor was quickly packed again, allowing Josh and Jenna to move past the bar to the dressing room.

Josh opened the door for Jenna and waited for her to do her thing.

When she took too long he went in only to find her smoking a joint.

"Hmm, for Lisa or you?" Josh asked and sat down next to her.

"Both" she said and pointed at another joint laying on the dresser.

"So who did you do?" she asked and took another blow.

"What do you mean?" Josh asked evasively.

"Who did you fuck to get marked, I smelled it on you, made me hot as hell" she grinned.

"See" she lifted her skirt to show a soggy red string.

"No one" Josh said looking at her wet panties "yet."

"Really?" Jenna sat up and leaned on his knees "then it must be Cam, she was late."

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