

Josh was still panting from the exertion of his orgasm when he looked down on Ashley, her face covered in his cum, her mouth on his cock.

The sight was so horny, he felt like a porn star in a movie, like something he fantasized about.

She let go of his cock, playing a bit with his sperm on her tongue.

Josh kneeled in front of her, held her head and licked his warm sperm from her face.

Ashley moaned in surprise, the tenderness of his tongue in stark contrast to the intense fuck she had just enjoyed.

He ended near her mouth, sharing his cum with her in a passionate kiss.

With a gasp, they both let go, their eyes meeting and seeing the passion in each other.

"You are truly something else" Ashley whispered out of breath.

"So are you, I am so glad I met you" Josh answered softly.

"This whole day and night have been life altering for me, so intense and so wonderful, I feel like I am going from one high to another" Josh continued.

"I am glad I was a high"

"A high? I still haven't landed yet Ash" Josh grinned at her.

"You know, if you like we could do something like this again but then tape it so we can watch it again."

"Hmm, that sounds like a good idea" Josh said smiling.

"I mean, you could easily have been one of my movie partners in skill and endurance, your added passion is a sweet bonus" Ashley continued, smiling as well.

Standing up, Josh helped Ashley up and hugged her, kissing her softly in her neck.

"I really like you, not just as a sexual partner, you know what I mean?"

"Oh, you are so sweet Josh, yeah I know what you mean and I feel the same, friends?"

"Friends" Josh agreed and kissed her again.

"Let's get cleaned up," Ashley said and walked to the showers.

Josh walked to Sam and helped her up as well, kissing her softly on the lips saying "You did well slave, I shall reward you later but first, you need to clean me under the shower."

Sam smiled and nodded, following him into the showers.

Ashley was enjoying the warm water when she saw Josh enter with Sam.

She had forgotten she was there during her fuck session with Josh.

Josh and Sam joined her in the shower, turning on more heads.

When Sam started to soap Josh up, Ashley remembered the slave part and grinned.

Taking their time, they chatted while cleaning themselves.

Sam got them both a huge towel to wrap around them, their clothes still wet with cum, piss, scotch and sweat.

The big bed in the room next to them was empty when they entered, the scent of sex still in the air.

In the big lounge, quite a few new people were present and the scent of food made Josh's stomach growl.

"I could use a bite," he smirked when Ashley poked him.

"So could I" she said and they walked in the general direction where the scent was coming from.

Behind the bar several trays with hot food stood on special heaters and a pretty young girl was serving the food.

She was dressed in a French maid's uniform, the kinky style and flirted with the people ordering food.

Josh found a seat at the bar and Ashley sat down next to him, waiting to be served.

The food smelled great and Josh was anxious to get some quick.

The girl took their order and promptly served them their food, flirting with both of them.

Josh and Ashley joked a bit and flirted back before digging in.

Almost wolfing down his meal, he was finished before Ashley was even half way through.

Satisfied and a bit more energized, Josh took the time to look around.

He saw Melody chatting in a group of new girls and found his dad with Megan and another couple.

After a while he found all the people he knew and expected here and took his time with a few new ones.

Sarah came up to him and smiled at the matching towels he and Ashley wore.

"Costumes died during your session?" she joked.

"Yeah, you might say that," Josh answered relaxedly.

"Need a new one? Danni has quite a collection here"

"Not for me thanks but could you help Sam here get a nice white costume, one that screams innocence?" Josh asked with a sweet smile.

"No problem" she replied and said to Sam "come with me, we'll find you something nice."

Sam smiled at Josh, silently thanking him for allowing her to be dressed again.

"Oh and Josh, Rose is waiting for you in the red room, that's the second door to the right."

Josh kissed Ashley once more and said in jest "back to work."

She smiled and wished him a good fuck.

Josh entered the red room and saw why it was named so. All the furniture was red, the carpet and the bed, only the walls were painted white.

Mistress Rose sat on the bed and smiled at him when he entered the room.

"Hello Josh" she said "I was starting to worry you weren't going to show up."

"How could I not show up after the great favor you did me?" Josh smiled at her, closing the door.

"You like Samantha a lot don't you?"

"Yeah, I think she's fantastic and superbly trained, compliments to her master" Josh said.

"I can tell she likes you too, she doesn't show it much but I see" Rose replied "and thank you."

Josh sat down next to her, taking a good look at her naked form.

Her short blond hair was spiky and still a bit damp, she had small breasts, a small C cup at best and pierced nipples. Her figure was well trained and her legs were a thing of beauty, smooth and perfect.

"Not quite a Mistress like this am I?" she grinned.

"Your body demands respect and personally I find you very attractive with or without your work outfit."

"Thank you" she said a bit demure, something that surprised Josh.

"I heard that you didn't mind fantasy play, is that correct?" she asked.

"Yeah, although never before today to be honest, but eh, I must say so far I like it a lot."

"Good, I have a twofold request then" she started "and for what I am about to ask of you and tell you, I require your discretion and your word."

"You will have both, I trust you" Josh spoke with confidence.

"Thank you Josh, I appreciate that," she said, climbing on the bed beneath the covers.

She held the cover open and invited him in next to her.

When Josh lay next to her she snuggled next to him, between his arm and his chest.

"You know my line of work right? I am a professional Mistress and work in the sex trade, the bondage and s-m part to be exact."

Josh nodded, letting her tell what she needed to say.

"Image is everything in this town, especially if such an image is important for your line of work."

"I am rather successful in what I do and my reputation is what lets me keep that success."

"It also means that I have to keep that image up all the time, a strong and domineering mistress, not tolerating a man above her."

She came up a bit, sliding partly over Josh so she could look at his face.

"I miss being wanted for me, not what I offer or stand for but just plain old Rose."

"Having sex is easy, if I just wanted a fuck I could call a dozen of men or even some of my slaves but it is not the same."

"Do you understand what I am trying to say?" Rose asked after a short pause.

"Yeah I do, you want to make love to someone who wants you for you and not the mistress part."

Rose nodded and smiled at Josh.

"But jumping ahead" Josh said "although I like your mistress side, I don't need to role play to make love to you, to plain old Rose, I only know you as a kind and trusting woman who happens to dress with a preference for fetish clothing, nothing more."

"Well, the fact that you are gorgeous does help" Josh finished with a grin.

She smiled and nodded "I knew you'd understand and I am glad you see me that way, don't ever change that, promise?"

"You have my word on that too my dear" Josh replied.

"Thank you again, now as for my request, the one for tonight is simple, I would like to make love to you like husband and wife, soft, slow and tender."

"The other request is a fantasy and it's not a request I make lightly so I won't hold it against you if you say no but please consider it before deciding."

"What is it?" Josh asked, curious now.

"I have always been the aggressor, the mistress, the user."

Rose paused for a moment and to Josh it looked like she was gathering her courage.

"I would like to play out a rape fantasy with you."

Josh was silent for a moment before asking "you want to rape me?"

"No silly, I want you to rape me, I want to feel helpless and afraid while having sex."

"Have you ever done that before?" Josh asked.

"No, it's a combination of the image thing and trust, I need to trust the one who rapes me not to go too far or kill me."

"Hmm" Josh said "it sounds like you want to play it out with an extreme level of realism."

"Yes I do, you phrased it better than I did but yes, extreme real.""

"I am inclined to do it for you but we'll need to have a few more discussions before we play it out okay?" Josh said, pulling her body onto his.

Leaning on her elbows on his chest she looked at Josh and whispered "Thank you."

Next chapter