

Josh was the last to exit the shower, using a flowery deodorant Danni had left.

The women were dressed in similar festive gowns as Melody, all sparkly but in different colors and cut.

Danni's hair was being done by a professional hairdresser and Sarah sat under the careful ministrations of a makeup artist.

Neither of the new arrivals looked up when Josh entered the room naked but when he saw them, he quickly shot back into the bathroom.

He waited until they were done and gone before leaving the bathroom, texting with Megan to pass the time. She was back down having a good time with his dad, still working up from the show she had participated in.

"Josh?" he heard Danni say "we need to go now, take the green door and the first elevator left to the second floor and ask for Burt okay?"

"Okay , see you in a bit" he said back, looking at himself in the still foggy mirror.

Taking stock of the last few hours, Josh couldn't quite grasp his luck.

Somehow he kept meeting the right women at the right time and great sex was the result.

He looked up and said a silent thank you.

Walking back into the lounge, he couldn't find his clothes and almost panicked until he remembered he left them in the bedroom.

Quickly he opened the door and walked to where he had left them when a woman's moan caused him to freeze.

Looking over at the bed he saw a blond woman dressed in a black latex corset and thigh high boots being serviced by another woman dressed in a black lace bodysuit.

As silent as he could he collected his clothes, he almost made it to the door when he heard the blond woman say "hey you, come over here for a moment."

Curious Josh walked over to the bed, aroused by the hot lesbian scene in front of him.

"Are you Josh?" she asked, her eyes hidden by dark sunglasses.

"Yes M'am" Josh answered surprised.

"I was told I might run into you here by Burt, he said you were a dependable man."

"Are you?" she asked him.

"I am a man of my word" Josh answered "once given, it is my bond."

"How old are you anyway?" the woman said and lifted her sunglasses.

"Old enough" Josh grinned at the surprised reaction he got.

"Do you know who I am?"

"Not yet, but a friend of Burt has the option of secrecy with me" Josh replied thinking on his feet.

"Fair enough" she said "but I won't need it, although it is appreciated."

"I am Mistress Rose, I am a professional slave trainer."

"You know what I am referring to, I assume?"

Josh nodded and in his mind could see her in her dominatrix mode.

"Good, it so happens that two of my slaves are currently without a master due to illness."

"However I did promise them a feast tonight so I am searching for a second master."

"Burt was kind enough to help me with one, can you be so kind as well?"

Josh wondered what it would entail so he asked her "What would be required of me?"

"To play, enjoy, tease, punish or simply have sex with her."

"For how long?" Josh asked, thinking it over.

"An hour or two should be enough" she said, twisting the hair of the slave girl licking her.

"Very well, I shall be of assistance" Josh replied.

"Thank you Josh, I won't forget this, now get dressed and come back when you are ready to take possession."

Josh quickly made his way to the other room, dressing himself as fast as he could.

Double checking himself when he was done, he was pleased once again with his choice of costume, the dark and domineering look would be appreciated by Mistress Rose he hoped.

With a swift movement Josh opened the door again and strode to the bed saying in a firm tone of voice "Mistress Rose, I have returned to take possession of a slave."

Taken aback for a second by his new look and demeanor, Mistress Rose smiled wickedly and said "I can see why Burt suggested you."

"I am actually tempted to change my schedule," she said, licking her lips in a dangerous way.

"But, a promise is a promise" and she snapped her fingers.

Out of a dark corner a dark skinned young woman stepped forward.

She was dressed in a red Star Trek uniform and looked a bit like Uhura, the current version.

Her heels were higher and thinner, otherwise the costume was a dead match.

"Slave, this will be your master for the next two hours, you will obey his every order, understood?" Rose spoke sternly.

The young woman nodded and looked at Josh with trusting eyes.

"Tell your new master your limitations and your safe word" Rose followed, watching Josh for a reaction.

"I am not allowed to be used in a sexual manner by anybody else but my master, unless it is with his explicit consent" she said, looking at Josh with a blank face.

"I am not allowed to be used in front of any type of recording device."

"I am not to be used in any way resulting in permanent or severe damage to my mind or body"

"I am not allowed to do any type of narcotic, my safe word is Kirk."

Josh smiled when she was finished and said "that is acceptable."

His response was the correct one going by the reaction of Rose, she seemed pleased with him.

"Now if you go and have fun Josh, don't spare the whip or you'll end up with a lazy slave."

With a short bow and a thank you Josh took his temporary slave by the hand and left the room.

Josh used the short walk to the elevator to ask his slave a few questions and give a few commands.

"What is your name?" he asked because slaves might give people a wrong impression.

"Nyoto Uhura," she said with a small smile.

Josh grinned back at her and said "Nyoto it is then, you will call me master when we are alone or Josh when in company understood?"

"Yes master."

"Furthermore, you will act like my horny and deeply in love girlfriend when we are in crowds, when we are with friends of mine you will act like a new friend of mine, understood?"

"Yes master."

"Excellent, now before I press down, is there anything in particular that you would like to do within the two hours that you are mine? I understood from Mistress Rose that this was a reward so the least I can do is see to it that you get some pleasure from your bondage time."

Nyoto looked at him with surprise and bit her lip thinking about his question.

"I would humbly request that my master would be so kind as to allow his magnificent cock to be used for my pleasure in public" she said softly and demurely.

"How public are we talking about?" Josh asked, a bit alarmed.

"With lots of people around but not in full view, stealthily" she answered hopefully.

"Very well" Josh said "let's see how we can arrange that and where."

He pressed the second floor button and let his hands go over her body, feeling her curves.

"Oh master" she gasped when his hand went over her bare and shaven cunt.

For a moment he considered masturbating her in the elevator but their floor was almost up.

Next chapter