
New world

Wtf Ryan was stupefied. What the hell .

What's up with these power's and what do you mean by cheater? I am not a cheater.

Are you implying that I cheated on my girlfriend because I really definitely didn't.

I mean how can I when I don't even have a girlfriend.

I don't even cheat on my imaginary one.

Host it's not that. It's a title that explains what kind of power you have gained and what its nature is.

So I have gotten the power to cheat on my girlfriend.

That's not how, why do you think that way you don't even have a girlfriend.

Ouch that Hurt.

I'm sorry host.

No it's ok it's ok you're not the first one to hurt me where it hurts the most.

But no wonder the world will unite against me if I have this kind of power then it should really want to kill me.

About that .Why don't you seal your memories about that prophecy?

Why Ryan was vigilant, why would the system want to seal his memories? Was there something that the system didn't want him to know?

Host you might not have a fate so the world might not be able to find out with fate. but if you know one of it's secrets it will definitely come from a connection with you normally it wouldn't matter how ever you're not from this world so this connection might be a way to find you.

Ryan was vigilant he could feel something was not right with the system he asked why wouldn't it find out if you seal my memories then.

Host you're inside a dungeon now and the world will not feel anything from you because you not having a fate but when you go out it might detect you it can't see you but feel you.

It might not be interested in you for now but if the prophecy is right then a connection between you and the world might not be a good idea.

Yea that might be a problem but hey didn't that eshu guy say I don't have a fate so nothing will happen did he not realize or did he not know .

Host you don't understand but you should really not think of that man as an ordinary man remember he said he was known as eshu the trickster shouldn't a trickster's main purpose be tricking people.

Yes I forgot about that now that I think about it he was really odd should a trickster really be like that .

Host sealing your memory is for the best before we find out more about it.

If you seal my memory, what will you seal and when will I get them back?

host I will seal your memories of that eshu guy and the prophecy you will remember them when you're strong enough or the situation is right .

Ryan didn't like to have his memories sealed and he also knew that the system was not truet at least not all of it. but he couldn't risk it, okay you can do it.

Ok host.

Ryan felt a little pain in his head. He closed his eyes and he could feel he was forgetting some of his memories. It didn't feel good.

Ryan opened his eyes and he could feel he forgot something.

Hey system, what did I forget?

You'll have to fulfill the necessary requirement to get your memories back.

What are the necessary requirements?

Become strong enough.

Haa Ryan didn't expect the system to give him the answer so easy Le but it was still.

He felt the system's answer was like not giving an answer.

So what do I do now , looking around Ryan thought yea before how do I get out of here .

Hey, how do I get out of here?

Host the dungeon well, close in 30 minutes or less and you will get exact outside .

Oh well I have half an hour locked at the corpses of the 5 unlucky student's he sighed hope you have a better life next time.

System well there corpse's get exact outside too.

No there dead the dungeon won't exact them .

So how can I bring them out of the dungeon?

You have a dimensional storage watch on your left hand.

What is is the watch Ryan looked at his left hand a black watch with white stripes on his wrist is this a dimensional whatever.

Not whatever it's a dimensional storage watch it should be able to house 6 to 7 of average human bodies.

Is this for real, how does this even work.

You have to open the lit on the watch and put ,, no no I am not talking about that I mean how does it store staff in this small watch and will it be heavy if I put something in it.

No .



Magic ha that's quite convenient.you used to give long expositions so now why is it just magic did the author didn't know what to write and just wrote magic for the sake of it.

As he said that he 1 by 1 put all the corpse's into his dimensional storage watch.

Dungeon is showing space fluctuations you might not have much time left here.

Oh don't change the subject as Ryan was about to scold the system and the author for not having enough creativity.

He saw a broken phone. Hey, what's a phone doing here and why is it broken?

Ryan thought do phone's work in a dungeon; he tried to reach it to the other Ryan's memories to see what he could find.

Ryan found out that yes phone's did work in dungeons but not the regular ones but this was not a regular phone it was the phone that the academy provided the students with. But why is it broken? He suddenly recalled a memory .

A white haired young man was picking up a phone from behind a breik and then everything got dark.

Haa that was the last thing the other Ryan saw before he died and the Man was kavin right so he broke the phone but why. What was the phone doing there anyway.

Before he could think farther, the system called out that the dungeon is about to be closed.

Ryan suddenly felt something pulling him. He felt weightless for a moment, and then he felt ground under his feet .

Ryan had finally stepped foot in a new world.🫣

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