
system 3

Ryan falt a little pain in his head as tried to know if this body s original owner was a virgin or not and then he found it

Yup this guy was a virgin ha I geast as Mach man this guy died a virgin that was painful

Host wour you not a virgin in the other word,

Why do you want to know that.

Nothing host I was just curious why your first question was ,is your bodies previous owner virgin or not.

Well it's iit's because I wanted to make sure what you said about relevant memory unlocking was true or not it's not because I wanted to know if this guy had a girlfriend or not it's it's really not that

O I see the system replayed in a spectacle voice

Why do you sound like that aren't you a system aren't you suppos to be a cold and indifferent machine

Na host I am not colde and indifferent I have feelings

What Ryan was shocked does system's have filing's

No host I have been given filing's

By who Ryan asked

My creator the author. The system replayed

What Ryan was shocked so I'm just a frictionl character dancing in the wims of the author

No host your not.

Than what you just said you were created by the author so isn't this conforming my theory.

No host the author is not a novel writer and you are not just a frictionl character

The author is a transcendantal being with unimaginable power and you are a real human with a system.

The author is real

Yes Host.

Is he the strongest being in the universe

No host there are others who are As strong or even stronger than the author.

Great he is not the strongest guy in the universe so I am not the chosen one the protagonist of the story great.

Host every one has there own story and Thay are the protagonist of there story

So in a cence you are the protagonist of this story.

O o a am okay I guess but I feel like something fishy here why would your creator the author help me or give me you the system

Host the author does not want to harm you but I can't tell you why I was giving to you yet but if you fulfill the necessary conditions you can get the answer

Fuck I haven't even been here for 10 minutes and I have to fulfill some necessary conditions to know why the fuck some all-powerful being wanted to f*** with my life. Yep my life and work are like inceptable the moment I open my eyes I have to work . Should I consider suicide maybe if i die I might go back .

Host you can't go back by dieing.

How do you know that.

It's in my database.

You have a datebase .


So you know a lot


Can you answer All of my questions.

It dependents. On what you're mood.

No host some data are excessibil others have necessary conditions you have to fulfill to know them . What conditions.

I don't know. Then what do you know.

A lot. Fu*k

I know cursing is not good

Yea you know only the useless stuff.

Next chapter