
chapter 6

I was escorted to a lab in the underground levels of Sato industries and then some carts full of my supplies were trolled in.

I started the process of making the gunpowder and the two assistants wrote down notes, I made them do the mixing because it could possibly explode and I didn't wanna lose some fingers.

I poured in a water bottles worth of water into the many bowls then they started mixing again. We had a bag of gunpowder and we went to a testing room, we placed the bag down on a block.

We got a fire bender in the room and with the fire bender came Asami's father who I know now as Horioshi. He said "I would like to see the prowess of this explosive" I signaled the fire bender to send a small flame to it.

The fire bender went to the side of the wall protecting us and sent a small flame to the gunpowder. The moment it hit I brought up an extra layer if metal and shoved Horioshi and the fire bender out of the way and back to safety.

My bending or something something enhanced it 10 fold, the metal walls turned into shrapnel and I got most of it. The world rung like a bell and looked purple, I pulled up my hand that I couldn't feel. I almost screamed when I looked at it, I didn't have my pinky and ring finger.

I looked around on the floor and saw a pair of mutilated fingers, I saw a blood red luqid drip down onto my eye. My vision soon went black and I woke up to the bright lights of a hospital.

My vision went back to normal and I looked around, my right hand was still missing two fingers and I had stitches all over my legs and arms probably from the shrapnel.

I tried to speak but I only heard mumbles then a docter walked in holding a clipboard he looked up and saw me looking around then said "goodie your awake"

"Cali, can you call the family of the one in number 4-c" the docter screamed to some far away nurse he turned to look at me and I said "is Horioshi OK" the doctoer replied "yes he is, because you pushed him to safety and frankly you took a large amout of the blast especially the shrapnel"

"Hero's always die but the people they save don't" I said quoting some man I forgot the name of, the docter said "we rushed you into surgery and stitched you up, but, we had to cut off the remainder of your pinky and ring finger on your right hand, you've been in a coma for the past 5 weeks"

The shock hit me hard, my face hurt from the movement of muscles which were probably still shreds. I felt my face with my left hand and all I could feel was stitch after stitch.

"OH dear" I said bluntly and the docter responded "oh dear indeed". Luckily I was ambidextrous so I could use both hands proficiently even though my right hand is missing half its fingers, my craftmans carrer wasn't over.

I told the docter "get me a pencil and a large piece of paper, now" he walked away and came back with the requested supplies. I pulled over the table and started writing schematics for a rifle.

I was also a good ass artist, it was a decent drawing but I seemed to have some nerve damage. I also made some bullet drawings and a firing pin. Soon after lin came in and said "I think you should give up working on your inventions, they nearly got you killed"

I replied sassily "my heroism nearly got me killed, and my inventions nearly got Horioshi killed, also get me a mirror" the docter left and came back a few minutes later and handed me a mirror.

I looked at myself in the mirror and it reminded me of captain Levi after he got blown up with the thunder spear except for I had far more stitches then him but right eye was blinded i cant believe I didnt notice that. "What h-h-h-hanppened when I was in the coma" I said still examining my stitches and scars.

"A group known as the Equalists have started terrorizing the people specifically benders, there leader a man named Amon can take people's bending away, also I was taken off the police force" lin said And at this rate I would still be doing physical therapy by the end of the season.

I hadn't even met team avatar yet, I probably wouldn't be getting much sleep at least until Amon is caught. As the police chief's son I would be great target to take away bending.

If I remember right this should be around the time avatar korra was 'kidnapped by Amon' but tarrlok faked the Equalist attack on him and korra then kidnapped korra and blamed it on the Equalists. Korra should be in a metal box in tarrloks basement.

I was in no condition to walk so I had to stay put for a while. Horioshi might be jailed currently or not, still not sure. I've just spent my day drawing schematics, then I went to bed.

I woke up and I overheard on the radio that 'avatar korra has been kidnapped by Equalists and the same Equalists that kidnapped korra attacked councilman tarrlok' I didn't have anything to do just read so I did.

The radio said 'avatar korra has been found and tarrlok is a blood bender he staged the attack and kidnapping of avatar korra, but tarrlok has been kidnapped by Amon' as the day passed I heard explosions from throughout the city.

I looked out the window and saw Equalist air ships bombing the city, the building started shaking as the bombs flew down from the high Heavens these bombs were not the same as in the show they're made from gunpowder and my highly explosive gunpowder.

My hospital window over looked the police headquarters and I saw tenzin fighting some mechs. I went to help him but I could bearly move, I used the rocks from the walls to make my legs work properly.

I jumped out the window and scaled the side of the building with earth bending, I started swirling the broken glass shards around me.

I stumbled on over to the mechs and with ease unlike my other bending I turned the floor underneath the mechs into lava.

Tenzin walked on over to me and said "I don't know who you are but thank you" ilooked at him confused and said "I'm lin's son, jojo, well any way I'm in no condition to fight so your on your own"

I stumbled away breaking some of my stitches making me bleed, I went back over to the side of the hospital building but I was to exhausted to climbed up. I just sat there for a few minutes while tenzin fought off some chi blockers.

They nearly had him but from outta the corner a car drove in, it carried team avatar on it. They went full speed and took down the chi-blockers, I stumbled back on over there.

I saw team avatar beat the living daylights outta the chi blockers.

The avatar confused me for one and tried to make a wave splash me down but I stopped it with an earth wall. She realized her mistake when I bended, tenzin who got put in the back of a van jumped out and saw me just sitting on the floor I smiled but I had some missing teeth so it probably looked ugly.

I stumbled on over to the victorious group and korra asked pointing to me "who is this"

And I replied still hunched over from my wounds "jojo beifong, lin's son, and creator of the bombs used on republic city but I didn't realize he was gonna bomb a city with them"

Colon asked quietly to Asami "uh, what happend to him" and she replied "he was creating the bombs and he underestimated it's explosive power so the metal wall protecting him didn't work, he saved a fire bender and my father and took most of the damage" I added to the conversation "I can hear still"

Mako pointed towards airbender island and said "guys look"we all looked towards airbender island and saw an Equalist air ship floating above it.

We git on tenzin air Bison and started flying over to airbenders Island which now had two ships over it. We landed in the main courtyard to find the Equalists tied up, lin, and the airbender kids

"The kids shouldn't have of been out here, lin" tenzin said and lin replied "if it weren't for you kids I would be toast, and what the hell is jojo doing here, you need to be in the hospital, tenzin you need to be with your wife."

I stumbled far behind them and when I arrived the moment had already passed. I brought word of incoming air ships and me, tenzin, korra, lin went outside to see the situation.

Next chapter