
Chapter 13 Humiliation 2/3

Soon the Boys at the Table Seeing Tam Fall to the Ground, Grabbed the Food from their Plates, and Threw it at Tam on the Ground.

Soon the Teenager Who Hadn't Said Anything Until Then Picks Up a Carton of Milk and Pours it Over Tam's Head Who Was Huddled on the Ground and says

"You're Acting Very Bold, You Little Shit, Who do You Think You Are??" Says the Boy Who Seemed Quiet While Kicking Tam's Belly on the Ground Laughing and Mocking Him

---Connor's POV--- I See The situation In Front of Me and honestly, I Find It Ridiculous, A Bunch of People Who Listen to Others and Don't Think for Themselves, Trying to Impose Their Distorted Thoughts and Ideologies on Those Who Have Nothing to Do with It, Honestly Disgusting.

I Slowly Approach with Heavy Steps, Grab a Metal Food Tray from the Nearest Table and Approach Amid the Murmurs of the crowd.

I Approach a Boy Who Was Kicking Tam in the Belly, Despite Being Taller Than Me (Connor is 11 years old but on the other hand, he is 1.67 Slightly Above His Peers) It Wasn't for Nothing.

I Tap the Boy's Shoulder, he Turns to me Confused and I Ask in the Gentlest Tone Possible "What Do You Think You're Doing, You Piece of Shit?"

"I..." Before He Could Respond, He Was Met With a Metal Tray Banging Directly on His Head, The Boy Soon Fell to the Ground, I Take Advantage of the Situation and Mount on Top of Him Who at the Moment Was Holding His Nose While Exclaiming in Pain, and Start Punching His Throat, Yes Throat, Why? the Throat is Where There is the Greatest Accumulation of Muscles in the Upper Body, and As I Want Him to Suffer Quite a Bit I Hit There

Pa,ba,pa,ba, Soon There's a Muffled Sound of Fists Hitting Flesh in the Cafeteria That Suddenly Went Quiet Due to the Unfolding of the Unexpected Situation.

"STOP PLEASE!" Pleads for Help the Man Who is taking a beating from My Fists. I Soon Finish the Job by Hitting His Temple Leading Him to Unconsciousness I stand up and see the other guys who were beating up Tam Looking Confused at Me

"What's the Matter? Lose Something on My Face? or Did You Fall in Love with Me?" I Say Mocking Them and then I Say "Are You Going to Keep Staring at Me, or Are You Going to Try to Hit Me" I Say Emphasizing the word 'Try' Gesturing with a Provocative Gesture.

-End of Chapter-

There will be one more after I eat

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