
Comments of chapter undefined of Star Wars The Old Republic: For The Empire (SWTOR)

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Thanks for the chapter. Here are some ideas for the story and I know you won't like some ideas but you also have to think that he is a sith: -Let's start with the harem (since I like it), being a sith he should follow all his desires, you could explain it with the fact that there are probably millions or more cultures in the galaxy and a good part of these probably have polygamy , he doesn't necessarily have to love the women of the harem after all he is a sith and if he is interested in someone or benefits him or is useful he should just take her, for the reason that he either dominates them with some power of the force or makes them come like Stockholm syndrome either takes thanks you have benefits that it gives them or they are S*** and etc... -By having him max out both the Sith Inquisitor and Sith Warrior paths and specializations he will become a beast and practically the strongest. -You could have him trained with all the training programs that the Sith Empire has such as special forces, intelligence, spy, technician, engineer, doctor, sith alchemy, sith magic etc... -You could still make him follow part of Darth Nox's path. -With the power of the force "the art of the little" he could modify his body to obtain superhuman characteristics and much longer longevity. -You could have him learn how to hide from Jedi like Sidious and maybe have him infiltrate them. -Instead of just having him become the emperor's wrath, you could also have him join the dark council as the head of a sphere. -If you intend to continue the story after Swtor you could have him create for example a cryogenic chamber and have him wake up in other periods of the timeline, for example during the new sith wars, during wars, during the high republic, during the films etc.. . and in the meantime let him build empires, churches based on him, organizations etc... -Is his father Darth Marr?


Definitely some interesting ideas in there that I might use to some degree and others not so much. -I get the whole harem argument but there'd also the otherside of that coin, where a true sith chasing power wouldn't hold themselves back with any form of long-term attachment to others since thats just a form of reliance. Either way, while I don't argue that a lot of that stuff could be common in a society dominated by sith, it also isn't the sort of story I'm interested in writing. If I kill my own enjoyment, this story will definitely die. -The cryo thing would be a great idea for spin off books or what ifs but realistically, I don't see that being a believable conclusion with the MC's current personality. Who knows, he might change a little over the course of the story. Assuming I finish this story and want to write something cool that isnt meant to be taken 100% seriously, like a faction headed by the MC showing up and going head to head with the likes of Palpatine during the Empire era or foiling his plans during the clone wars, it is an idea worth considering. -As for all the other stuff, a lot of that can be considered spoiler territory and I'm not too keen on spoiling. I will be looking more into the art of the small though (that ability hadn't even been on my radar). Even if I don't use what you bring to the table, it's nice to see lore/force abilities for future stories.

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Some other things: -For armor you could give him all the gadgets that Mandalorians use as well as using beskar. -For the lightsaber you could have him create one like Cal Kestis's so he can deceive others by changing the type of lightsaber or lightsabers. -I hope you learn all forms of combat to the fullest. -Will you insert images? -He's human right?

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Great chapter