
Omniscience in Marvel 124

Title - Short Spar, Bet and Susanoo's Story

The training ground buzzed as Lucas Hawthorne and Steve Rogers faced off in a sparring ring.

The Graviton Flex Armor, which had been meticulously designed by Howard Stark, now adorned by Steve, had sleek lines and gave off the air of advanced technology evident even through the casual setting of the training area.

Lucas, in contrast, wore his standard attire, giving off a calm, almost nonchalant air.

Steve adjusted the armguard, fighting off the discomforting feeling of weakness and heaviness that assuaged him. His muscles flexed beneath the armor as he prepared for the session.

"Alright Rogers," Lucas said, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Let's see what you've got. I'll be your sparring partner today."

Steve nodded, his focus shifting to the task at hand. "I'm ready. Let's see how this armor performs he said and rushed at Lucas, closing the distance in a matter of moments which was immediately followed by a series of rapid jabs, which were quite powerful despite the restraints.

Lucas however, dodged effortlessly, his movements fluid as he effortlessly evaded Steve's attacks.

"Not bad, Captain," Lucas said with a steady voice. "But your punches are too linear. You're relying on your newfound strength, which, while impressive, can be predictable."

Steve grunted, adjusting his stance and attempted a side kick.

His movements were sharp, but Lucas remained fluid, blocking and countering with a punch with minimal effort, however, Lucas stopped just as his fist was about to make contact with his face.

"You see," Lucas continued, "your kicks too have power, but they lack versatility. You're telegraphing your intentions. Effective combat requires unpredictability." 

Steve's eyes narrowed and pulled his leg away before taking a few steps back, and in a swift motion went on the attack but this time, he shifted his approach, attempting a spinning kick.

Lucas, already anticipating the move, ducked under the kick and delivered a swift counter to Steve's midsection. The blow was controlled, ensuring there wasn't much of a damage, but it was powerful enough to cause him to stumble and fall to the ground.

"Your spinning kick is a good move, but it leaves you vulnerable to counterattacks," Lucas explained. "The momentum you generate can be used against you if not executed with precision."

Steve took a step back and adjusted his tactics by now incorporating a combination of punches and low kicks.

He aimed for Lucas's stomach and legs, trying to corner him, however Lucas's eyes followed everyone of Steve's movements with a calculated focus, deflecting each strike with practiced ease without going for a counter.

"Good. You're adapting," Lucas remarked. "But remember, it's not just about adapting; it's about mastering each technique. Your punches are strong, but they lack the finesse needed for true combat."

"From our Intel, the Red Skull has the same enhancement as you. This puts the both of you on equal standing. Compared to me, he won't just stand and receive your attacks without making one of his own." Lucas said as he made a swift strike right at Steve's temples. 

"Fuck!" Steve let out a frustrated grunt as he walked around to ease the pain. "You pack one mean punch, Lucas. Anyone ever told you that?"

"You have no idea." Lucas said and threw a towel at Steve. "I don't see a need for that Armor after all. Be here tomorrow, same time. I'll be sure to train you up to maximize the super in you."

"Are you serious?" Steve asked as he walked up to Lucas. "I was being limited by the Armor by a great deal."

"Hmm." Lucas hummed, a quirk he'd weirdly picked up. "How about this? Let's assume you're tired for today. Tomorrow, I'll give you 10 minutes. In these 10 minutes, do your best to attack me. If you land a hit…it'll be my loss, but if you don't, you and Agent Carter will have no say in my training."

Steve looked hesitant for a moment and looked at Carter who pursed her lips as a sign of interest before looking to Steve and giving him an approving nod. 

"Good. That settles it." Lucas said and walked over to a new recruit who respectfully returned him his overcoat. "Agent Carter?" He called out as a sign that they should be leaving. 

"Ah. Alright then." She said and turned to Steve. "See you later then." And then turned to walk ahead of Lucas. 

"I didn't know you were that skilled." Carter stated as she walked ahead of Lucas. 

"There's a lot you don't know about me." Lucas said, his tone friendly and casual. 

"I do know that you're from a rich family like the Starks, and having been around Stark, I assumed you were cut from the same cloth," Carter said, a bit curious with a hint of apology. 

"Hmm. That's a stereotype. Not all Rich young generations turn out as carefree as our mutual friend." Lucas said with a small laugh. "There's a saying in my family - The Absolute source of power is one's personal strength -"

"An interesting saying." Carter stopped as if to mull over it. 

"It just means that while everything else might disappoint you, your personal strength will never do that." Lucas said and walked past her and glanced back with a smirk. "Confidence is one thing, but discipline and skill are what truly matter."

"I've trained in many schools of martial arts over the years, from traditional methods to modern combat techniques. It's not just about physical prowess but also about understanding and mastering one's own body."

Peggy's interest rose at that moment. "And how does that philosophy translate into your work here?" she was curious as to how and why Lucas saw it fit to be here when he could be wherever he wanted with all the money his family boasted. 

Lucas paused and looked out over the training grounds, considering his response. "It means that I value adaptability and growth. No matter how advanced the technology or how prestigious the background, it's personal discipline and the ability to adapt that truly determine success. In my experience, true power comes from mastering oneself, not just from external resources."

Carter nodded slowly, taking in his words. "That's quite…profound. It's a perspective that would be called rare among those who are born into privilege."

"Indeed," Lucas agreed. "Many people find it hard to look beyond their circumstances. For me, it's about using those circumstances as a platform to build something more—something real."

There was a moment of silence as the two walked. Suddenly, Lucas asked. "Do you believe in Gods, Carter?"

"Gods? I believe that there is one true God somewhere out there." She said before her expression fell only for her to recover almost immediately. "Why'd you ask?"

"Have you ever read of the myth surrounding Susanoo no Mikoto?" Lucas asked 

"The Japanese God of Sword and Storm?" Carter asked a bit puzzled at where Lucas was driving to. 

"Yeah, Him." Lucas modded. "Do you know, amongst the Gods, he is one of the few I truly admire. Do you wanna guess why?"

To his question, Carter only raised an eyebrow and said nothing, prompting Lucas to laugh and continue. "The God of the Sword, Susanoo is founder of the Sword, but not Sword Arts. This God, like so many Noble Gods was born perfect. He had no need to actually try hard enough to achieve strength as strength came naturally to num."

"When Izanagi was dividing his territory, he gave rule over the heavens to Amaterasu, gave the rule over the Ocean to Tsukuyomi and gave rule over the earth to Susanoo."

"As requested by the humans, Susanoo defeated all Evil Gods, Demons and monsters that plagued the people of Japan back then. All done with a single sword strike."

Lucas caught Peggy giving him a weird stare but didn't pay her any attention and continued. "Even though he was revered as the God of the Sword and also the Strongest Kami-Kiri."


"Yeah, God of Storms." Lucas nodded. "Even though he was revered as such, his soul was always calm. One certain day, in the place called Izumo, Susanoo descended and exterminated the monsters that haunted the people before traveling the World."

"To fulfill his duty as God, he just swung his sword. That was all it took. One swing, and all foes fell." 

"That's some scary stuff right there Agent Hawthorne." Carter said but Lucas only laughed it off. "Just take it as a fairy tale. I'm trying to drive home a point here."

Carter looked at him for a while before nodding. "Good, and so…Many years later, Susanoo stumbled upon a village and witnessed a scene that would completely change his life. A giant had just laid waste to this little village and was, at the moment, taunting a little kid who held a wooden sword while hiding his sister behind him."

"Susanoo found this little boy to be admirable, however, he felt that should they battle, the result would be obvious. Just as he was about to move in for the rescue, as though held back by some divine power, Susanoo froze as he caught the sight of the little boy using the little weak sword to overpower the giant, and in a swift movement, ended its life."

"After dodging his opponent's attack, he advanced and struck him down. This was the basic principle of swordsmanship amongst the humans. Upon inquiry from the little boy, Susanoo found that the boy's village had developed various ways to use a sword. He even found that they had a God they worshiped "Susa", the boy called it."

"For the Gods and Susanoo, the sword was nothing more than a tool imbued with Divine power to slay and to slice their adversaries to pieces. Despite this, beings who believed themselves smaller and much weaker than the Gods, created at "Art" of killing stronger opponents using the Sword."

"Susanoo wept in shame. He wondered what difference his sword and the sword of the humans had in common and found that his sword was just…that. It wasn't enough. It was just a sword. And so, Susanoo no Mikoto, revered as the God of the Sword knelt before this nameless boy in the most natural way possible."

"Are you being serious? A God? Kneeling to a human boy." Carter asked in obvious disbelief and Lucas didn't blame her for that. The Gods didn't have a single humble person amongst them, and the only one who had wasn't even a God in the beginning but a man. 

"Unfortunately, it is true. This led to Susanoo no Mikoto being the first God to seek counsel from Humans. And for this, he had his Divine power sealed and banished from Takamagahara. From that moment, Susanoo traveled the world while hiding his true identity. The Art of the Sword continued to be deepened by humanity."

"For decades, centuries, millennia. Both in the East and in the West. The Art of the Sword that Sword Masters created at the cost of their lifes…He studied tirelessly. Absorbing the principles of the Art to the fullest. Only interested in moments that would make his heart boil."

'Now that I think about it, during the sengoku era, I had informed him of one Okita Souji who was known as the strongest Man Slayer to walk the Earth.' Lucas thought randomly 

Unfortunately, Gods had a different way of perceiving time and Lucas later got the news that by the time Susanoo reached the town known as Bakumatsu, Souji was long dead.

"Why are you telling me this?" Carter asked, causing Lucas to pause and turn to her. "Do you really need me to spell it out for you?" He asked.

"Steve is the Susanoo in this context. Wouldn't enriching him with fighting techniques be advantageous to the US military?" Lucas asked passionately, causing Carter to squint her eyes at him.

"You just need my help in asking the Colonel to approve of this, right?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Lucas replied indifferently but Carter only rolled her eyes at him before she began walking again. "We'll see after tomorrow, won't we?"

Lucas chuckled slightly as he looked at her departing behind. "I guess we will."

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