
22. Twlight Time.

I was in a deep state of medical panic, and I had no idea what it meant when I felt someone sniffing my cunt from behind. The men had arrived.

" Really horny," another voice said.

Men's voices were gruff with accents, old ones, but my mind did not notice that at the moment, only afterward did I get these pieces from this memory. Damon really regrets that this happened to me and it changed so much between us, something was lost that we will never get back. I don't know did it died off during that fight earlier or what happened to me.

I will tell much of these times what I have studied from my memories because, at that time, I was too far gone in medical panic in order to understand anything happening to me.

I had not recognized these voices. They were strangers and made me struggle even more, grunting incoherently, making men even more excited.

" Oh, that must be a great breeding," someone said.

"I guess it must be feisty to be in chains." Someone thrust their fingers in my cunt and talked some more.

I tried to squirm free. I did not want to be here, not sure where I was, but in a terrible place, anyway.

" Did she ever have an alpha male? I think she's a former alpha male with us, even better. See, this could be a faint mark. So her alpha wants her no more better for us."

The men examined and commented, groping my tits to assess how much milk I was making. "these are tiny. Let's hope milk flows, but this is an alpha female, so she should be the good cow. I wish I could drink her milk from those."

One by one, they turned into cats and started to breed. The cat got up on the bed, settled on top of me, and squatted down. A hard, sharp, hot cock tip unerringly found its way between my pussy lips and plunged thrust after thrust deeper. Needles were present, and they hurt and irritated, and I felt my ova begin to release, slowly at first, but as the insemination progressed, they fell in a steady rain.

Actually, I had no idea what these sensations in my body were about. I cried, struggled, and bled, as men raped me in feline form, not caring for anything that got me pregnant. To them, I was not a living being, just a womb and eggs.

I felt the heat start, then the hot streaks of heat that grew in every womb. I knew I was fertilized, and I couldn't help it. The men smelled it, and their breeding increased. Sharp little razor-sharp claws scratched my cunt as a cat after cat fucked deep into my womb and breed. I felt every splash, every drop of cum that went inside me, every male fucking in his own womb.

I felt the triumphant rush the alpha males felt when the threshold came; I started to fight back more and more. The amount of semen inside me increased, the grip on my neck was relentless, and they kept penetrating 24/7. I was being fucked deep and brutally.

I had no idea how long this torture had been going on, I was in pain, in panic, not aware of anything so clearly. Only desperation in my mind made me try to flail and move. But heavy furry felines on top of my back, biting me, kept me smashed against the bed.

Even though Damon had been brutal, he had controlled himself. These men did not. After two weeks, I had been chewed, scratched, licked, fucked, and bred. Medical panic had been slowly decreasing, so it was not so bad anymore and I understood something, but I was too sedated to be able to talk. The tightness in my belly was already told before man after man stopped. I was pregnant with four strange males.

Damien and Sark came into the room after the last man had left. They were happy—especially Damien, who felt my flanks and stomach.

"Now, Baby, it's a bit sleepy time. You probably won't sleep all the time, but congratulations, you're going to be a mother again, and in your condition, you need to relax. This is a sedative jelly, as you will soon feel... Sshhh. It's going to be okay." Damien spoke.

His voice was all kinds of wrongly soothing. Not anything that I wanted to hear. They had a jelly tank with them. I was too tired to be able to fight back, and they turned me over on my back and put me in restraints, and Damien started the rigorous gelling. He rubbed my stomach and enjoyed the jelly sinking deep as he warmed up and saw when my eyes couldn't stay open. He also jellied my wombs so that the babies would not react to my panic or anything, but would grow well as he stuffed me so full of jelly that I couldn't even move.

"It's good stuff, isn't it? Keeps you completely helpless but not unconscious. Not all the time at least," Damien chimed in.

Then they carried me to the metal table again.

For the next four weeks, I lay on the table. Damien gelled and talked, stroking my growing stomach. Sark was more of a scientist. But Damien was so fucking creepy. The fetuses inside me were growing. I was again taken samples as much as they could think, where they had not taken yet. Sark and Damien performed several autopsies on me as they watched the fetuses grow. I was gelled up most of the time.

I was ashamed. The alpha female in me knew I had completely betrayed my male. I was not worthy of him anymore. My liver was platinized almost all the time, and Sark delivered enzyme tank after enzyme tank to the outside, where they were retrieved. When finally, after four weeks, the men came to see my bloated existence. The alphas were pleased. This was a good breeding bitch.

They talked among themselves about sending other males from their herd to breed so much fresh blood. There were lots of babies, hundreds of them. My stomach was wide, big, and bloated. The pups were awake, not so gelled, and they were moving. I felt like an alien was inside me. These were not mine. But then again, they were my alpha side's. part of me knew that these were somehow so wrong, so wrong-born.

Damien and Sark paralyzed my vocal cords before the men arrived, lathered me with muscle relaxant, intubated, and taped my eyes shut as they began to cut the babies out. I felt everything and could do nothing. The jelly kept my pulse steady, and the men didn't pay attention to the few tears streaming from my eyes.

There were 800 pups. Each male had 200 new offspring, most of them future-breeding females. Sark and Damien received large briefcases of money from the men. My cycle ended there, and the men were mildly disappointed that there were no new breeding points because I was so fucking tight and a good breeder.

Sark packed his things and thanked Damien for his cooperation.

Damien said, " As soon as you need more money, we'll put another cycle on this one."

Sark nodded. Now he had the capital to pay the investors again and, more importantly, the enzymes and information...

Damien looked at me like a piece of meat, a look I knew all too well.

He said, " Well, baby, let's go somewhere else for a while. This Romanian castle is magnificent, but I've got another place to go."

I was tired, ashamed, sore, and desperate. Damien no longer gelled me. He wanted me to be at my best. He put me on a 5-day feeding regimen. He came to me once again, pacing the table as he had done for five days. He'd been going around the room talking about Damon and how he had a fucking perfect life and everything, and all of a sudden, the talk turned to me, how I was going to learn new things about Damon and everything. I was getting sick and tired of this constant talking. This guy then couldn't shut up.

Damien came to the head of the table, put a metal collar around my neck tightly, and pushed the button. The collar pushed sharp spikes around my neck. He pressed another button. The electric current that shot through me made my body arch and sent my whole nervous system into a frenzy. Then he unchained me, wrapped me in a blanket, and carried me to the car.

In the car, I received another blow, this time longer, and I finally lost consciousness. On the way, there were two more blows, each one blackening me. When the car stopped, I was still limp and felt like none of my limbs worked. He got out and lifted me out of the car and carried me coolly into another shed.

This was a bunker model. Concrete floor, harsh lights, lots of equipment, computers, drugs. He lowered me onto a metal grate and took the blanket off me. My hands were secured above my head and to the side, as were my legs spread wide on the slabs of the grate. This time he didn't even say anything, just pushed a button and walked over to turn on the computers and other equipment.

The blades came from underneath. They pushed into my back two inches deep and opened like flowers. I felt the sharp edges tearing at my tissue. The blades began to spin and go deeper and deeper. They were tiny drills. Even the bones were no barrier. The blades eventually drilled at least six inches deep, then changed direction and began to retract. The next bits changed position.

I could hear my blood and tissue dripping from the grating to the ground and smelled them even more distinctly. Damien had been wandering around the shed, warming up the machines. There was a clock on the wall. When the machine finally stopped, three hours had passed. It felt like an eternity.

Damien lazily walked over to the grate and pulled something out from under it: the blades. He lifted the plate, and there was a shaft now above me, looking at me emotionlessly. He positioned the plate with the blade so that it started at my neck and went down to my thighs, at least. Then he put it back on.

The blades began destroying my front, organs, and nerves. I screamed until I made a sound. Then Damien came, put the spreaders on my eyes, and pulled another device over my head. The device had two nozzles a short distance apart. The nozzles were loose and could be moved around. He aimed first one nozzle at my left eye and then the other at my right eye. And put it on.

A fine mist came out of the nozzles for a second. My eyeballs exploded with a pain I'd never experienced. My eyes burned, throbbed, stung, burned, they watered. The mist came again and again. The pain started to spread all over my head. I felt like there was pressure in my head, and it was about to explode.

Even so, I could see all the time. The fog did not take my sight away. Finally, Damien came and moved the device away. He took the blades away as well. Another blow from the collar, and he moved me to another device. My arms now came straight out to my sides, my legs straight down together.

Both my hands were attached to an arm with several joints, like an arm. Damien adjusted the arm exactly, so the joints aligned with mine. Around my torso, he attached what looked like a blood pressure cuff that was some kind of rubber. My legs were together in a similar arm so that the arm could bend at my knees and ankles. And also at the hips.

Damien went over to the panel, looked at me appraisingly, pushed a couple of buttons, and turned a couple of dials. The surrounding cuff was compressing, but not evenly. The tightening was variable, quick, and painful. My arms began to move as the stems moved. The machine twisted my joints to the extreme, and so did my bound feet.

The extreme positions got worse. The joints were about to dislocate. Now, there were several pinch points at the same time. The positions became faster. The machine was now twisting my arms with force. I knew that soon, some part would give way.

Every time a joint dislocated, there was a snap, a crackle, and a pain that turned my world black for a moment. The tightness around my body was now almost unbearable before it eased even for a moment. Every time a joint gave way, the machine just twisted the limb more and more. Eventually, I didn't know which joint was still in place. The machine stopped.

Damien removed the cuff and released my limbs. Then, he started to put the joints back in place. When you are a shapeshifter and good at healing, it is not so easy to always put a dislocated joint back in place because the ligaments get tight. Putting it back almost hurt more because Damien did it slowly.

And again, we switched to a metal table. He put my arms and legs in shackles, then opened up my entire stomach. He slid the metal plate first down one side of me, starting under my ribs and ending on my hips on the same side. He attached the plates to each other with three rods that locked into points on the plates. The rods passed over my body but were mostly uncomfortable rather than painful.

Then he let my stomach go and squeezed both sides tightly so that I felt the rods actually shorten a little. He walked over to the table and turned the machine on. The plates began to separate inside me, creating tremendous pressure. Then they converged, trapping my tissue tightening to the extreme. Eventually, the machine stopped, but Damien left the discs inside me.

I was in the shed for a month. Damien handled me the whole time, now just enjoying, using sadistic devices. My weight did not drop so much. It was painful and really agonizing, but not too extreme, not like he used to do. He finally just took the discs out. They were one of his hits. He didn't want to cause permanent damage, so he stunned me again with an electric shock collar and carried me back to the Romanian castle. He kept me tied to the table again and took the collar off.

He whispered to me, "Soon baby, you will begin your new life, and properly so."

I was left to wonder what the hell he was talking about. Nothing good, I guess.

Next chapter