
12. Everytime.

The sight that unfolded before in the observation room's dimly lit space, was something that same time told Damon painfully clearly how he had not been there for Mimi and then again, this was the personification of the Alpha female's nesting instinct and the whole room was a story about Mimi's dedication to her cubs. Inside Damon, so many conflicting emotions whirred he had trouble grasping just one and trying to understand what should be done.

The room was almost pitch black, with black, thick, long velvet curtains at the window. A couple of dim lamps far apart brought in some light. A cave made of mattresses and chairs, blankets, and more dominated the room. The room was not a room but a den. Damon could just make out a young cub lost on the outside of the den. Mimi had big babies.

This one was a leopard, well-fed but fluffy. Next to the cub crawled another, also fluffy but smaller. This was a clouded lepard. He could see little more movement and smaller yet came, red fox and Damon felt the need to know all of them but same time, they weren't as much his as Mariella's cubs were. He had not given these his scent, his pheromones and he had been a mere breeder.

Charles whispered. "That big cub, that's Mimi's firstborn."

Damon thought bitterly in his mind, "It's mine too. And I have failed him."

For some reason, this thought crossed Mariella's mind. Mariella realized that, once again, Damon was not the one Mimi was relying on because Mimi was relying only on herself. Damon felt so much, he hated he had not been there for Mimi and gotten to know these cubs; he knew how badly he had let her down, and once again, it was up to him to bring peace into the pack and get Mimi back to her senses, even a little.

The entire room was proclaiming it. This was a nest for an alpha female and only an alpha female. Mariella could feel Damon's duality. Damon would want to go over there and show Mimi that he could be Alphamale for her too, but on the other hand, a pretty big part of Damon wanted to just turn around and take Mariella and get the fuck out. Because he had failed so damn badly and was blaming himself.

Mariella said to him in her mind, "Let's see if we can see her, in what shape she is. I know you felt like you let her down, but we are a pack and I feel responsible too. We did not care for her at all when I felt my cubs. I wanted to be just with you and wolves needed men. We all kind of failed her. Not just you." 

Damon hugged his wife. To comfort her, as they witness the consequences of their actions. A few more cubs were moving, and two more foxes and a lion were visible. All of them were big, fluffy and so cute. There were a few wolves, too.

But then they saw Mimi. Mimi was slipping out of the cave, in her jaguar form, skinny, bones clearly visible, and huge udders hanging out from under her belly. Mimi walked low a short distance away and crouched down to eat.

The meat had been teleported into the room, and Charles delivered it to Mimi so that she would eat properly. She ate slowly and calmly. Chewing meat properly. Then, the cat sat for a moment. She ate a good amount of meat and Mariella was happy about that. Sure, she was skinny, but when she started to eat and they could stop milk formation, she could regain her health.

They watched as she washed her face and paws, and then she slunk and lay down to the outside of the cave. Cubs were crawling to her, pushing her, she licked them. Mariella could vision that purred from them too. Cubs were licking her face, more and more, as time went by. 

Ten minutes later, Cat moved again, now in the middle of the nest. Damon could clearly see Mimi's flanks pumping and Mimi vomiting out all that meat she so desperately needed. The puppies started to come to eat when they smelled the meat. When all the cubs and pups were eating several piles of meat that she had thrown up, she walked again.

Mimi went to the bowl to eat a couple of kibble mouthfuls and drank some water. Not enough. Even though kibble was super energy-rich, and perfect for Mimosa, it might not be ideal for Mimi. Not at all.

Damon cursed under his breath, "Oh shit, baby, what I can do to you?"

Again, Mariella could sense Damon's duality. Now this time he was unsure if he should Mimi be bred again. Was this too much for her? They kept on watching. After her too-small meal, Mimi returned to the den, then she went past the cubs a little deeper into the cave, floating on her side, offering her milk-dripping tits to the cubs and the greedy bunch was coming straight away to have a meal.

Mariella didn't know what to say. Mimi needed help. That was more than clear. She was skinny and it would be more than likely that she would end up in medbay feeding after a minor operation because those udders were huge and no amount of drug would probably put her milk production down. There would be an operation. But how to get her down? She was taken by her instincts, and that made her a very dangerous creature.

" So wow, " she managed to say.

Damon sighed. This was going to be a war, but a necessary one. He needed to act and it would be up to him to go in there and get the most dangerous creature in the whole pack under order. It would not be an easy task, but those cubs had to move somewhere else because he could sense how much that den was Mimi's. And no one else's.

If it were up to Mimi, she would not let those clubs meet any men in weeks. She was too taken by her instincts just as Mariella tried to be, but he did not let her as he was there for her. Mimi was a first-time mom, with no help but her instincts, so this was again, understandable but not too far.

"First things first, that room, that cave, needs to be dismantled, and the others need to be allowed to examine the pups. I don't understand why they're so fluffy?" Damon wondered.

Adam said, "They weren't at first. Not since we saw them the first time."

Mariella found her voice. "These are the pups of the pack. I have the instincts to nurture and care, too, but the pups need to learn other scents than their mother. Those pups have never smelled a male, not one of any kind. And from what I could tell from Mimi's behavior, they wouldn't for a while. Mimi had to do this alone, so she relied on her instincts as she had no other choice, but now we are ready to help her. That room will probably smell strawberry three years from now no matter how much it is deep cleaned. Those cubs will be a handful, as they will be scared at first to even eat something because Mimi needs feeding, operation and she is probably out of action for a few days."

Mariella, on the other hand, understood Mimi. Mimi's instincts told her to keep the cubs safe. Even though Damon was an alpha male, he was more of a breeder to Mimi. She knew she had robbed Damon from Mimi and this was the result. She felt responsible, too.

Mariella was grateful for her and Damon's relationship, but she understood that things between Mimi and Damon were so complicated that they would probably never again have the trust they once had.

Mimi had no one, and Charles and Adam had to care for the wolf pups because the wolves themselves couldn't bottle-feed so many pups. There were three males and four females in the pack. The fact was that it was Mimi who was always left without. 

Then again, the Damon's side. Those were Damon's pups, too, and he wanted to get to know them. He wanted to keep his alpha female in good condition, which she wasn't. It was usually the alpha male's honor to provide food for the mother and the pups. But their relationship had prevented Damon from being a good alpha male for his alpha female, and this would have implications for the future, too. The look on Damon's face when Mimi had thrown up food for her puppies. That had said it all. Now Damon was ready.

Damon said, "Fine, I will go to the room first. This is between me and Mimi to start with. You are ready. When I say so, you will dismantle that cave, examine the puppies, and get some light in that room. I'll have to do what I need to do with Mimi at first, but then the lady needs to be put to sleep, and those boobs will go. What do you say, darling? If we could find a room big enough for Mimi and us to be in together, the cubs could get to know each other and the rest of the pack a bit."

Mariella was quiet for a moment and said. "Will you breed her again, if she has a womb? Now, once you get the lady under control, we'll see how impossible she is. Would it be worth your while to go straight to cat form?"

Damon nodded.

I had once again finished feeding my kittens, and they were in their dessert bowl when the door opened. I let out a small warning noise, and the kittens hurriedly crawled into the den for safety. I sniffed the air. I stood up. Walked closer and told my cubs to stay put.

Damon. Oh really? He came closer and sat down. Then he took a few steps and sniffed something. Oh, fuck, lepard. My brave little explorer had wandered off again and ignored the warning sound—his mother's son. I chirped again.

Now, the leopard rose to his wobbly feet and sniffed his father's nose. I knew Damon was probably about to kill my cub. Damon now had the perfect puppies with Mariella and had come to correct his mistake and kill my cubs. I set out.

"Hello, baby," Damon said in my mind.

" Let me take the cub away, disturbing. Just give me my cub. He's a foolhardy one. His mother's son." I tried to be calm.

"I'm not doing anything to my son. Firstborn, isn't it? Big boy, Brave too." Damon said coolly.

It was as if there was no emotion in his voice. I didn't trust Damon at all. My instincts were all over the place. Now I knew what a mother lion meant.

Damon licked the lepard, who slumped over and sat down.

"Leave the lepard alone. Wait till I get him out of your hair." I sneak a little closer, chirping more to lepard.

"Funny name, lepard, not bad, baby, he is a big boy, vampire too."

 By now, he was down on the ground holding the Lepard between his enormous paws and washing. Lepard cried out. He must see my cubs as abominations. 

Damon stopped washing. He kept the lepard in his grip, who was still crying out. I was about to attack. 

"Did you know, baby, that we have special needs children?" he said. "That's why they're so fluffy. They have a hypersensitive sense of touch. See for yourself."

Lepard was fluffier, with hairs flopping around like Einstein.

"These need one of those teeth substances."

Mariella said to Damon, "Mimi is scared you're going to kill the cubs. She is just about to attack you."

Damon sighed.

Damon sat up. "Mimi, come here, come on, baby, at least let me sniff you out."

I hissed. I made the faint attack, not engaging but almost attacking and growling.

Damon's voice in my head was noticeably raspy, "No attitude, Mimi, none. Now get over here."

I hissed again. Attacked again. Damon was faster. He grabbed my firstborn and ran to the door.

Damon took the lepard gently into his mouth and walked to the door.

"Darling, the first cub would be coming, special skin and now too much hair, firstborn, lepard."

The door opened, and Mariella reached out to take my cub. I was hissing. I grunted and cursed.

Damon said, " Fine, we'll do this slowly."

I did not give any warning to him as I attacked full-on when he turned around after the door had been closed. We fought, I bit and clawed him and he gave back. I was a mother defending her cubs and for me, this was about my cubs, not letting him take my cubs and possibly harm them. Those instincts had taken me over and no reason came to surface in my mind at all. 

He was in good shape, much stronger and heavier than me but my desperation and instincts drove me to be as vicious as possible, the smell of blood slowly started to waft through the air, from both of us, and my cubs were safety of my den, not moving an inch. Finally, Damon got from under me where I had rolled him and grabbed me by the neck, landing on top of me, biting into my neck, and laying on me so I just did not get away. I was trapped.

Next chapter