
Chapter 105: Procuring Tree Fruits

"Caitlin, please taste our farm's specialty!"

After pouring a cup of juice for Caitlin from Rex, Yuli smiled.

Subsequently, she poured juice for Rex, Caitlin, and Ralts.

The juice that Rex had received earlier had actually been finished by them, and today's juice was just obtained from the Polteageist a few days ago.

As for Polteageist juice, everyone who had tasted it, humans and Pokémon alike, couldn't help but love it. Caitlin and Ralts were no exception. After just a sip, they were captivated by the juice's unique sweetness.

"This juice is delicious. Such a unique taste, I'm sure it's brewed by the Polteageist!"

With just a taste, Caitlin knew that such delicious juice must have been made using the power of some Pokémon, so she immediately thought of the Polteageist.

"Yes, this is the juice from the Polteageist, but the production is limited now. We can only use it to entertain guests; we rarely get to drink it ourselves."

Rex wasn't surprised that Caitlin recognized the juice's origin so quickly. After all, as one of the Elite Four, she must be well-traveled and knowledgeable, perhaps having tried it before.

While they conversed, Ralts had already finished his juice. Holding his empty cup, he approached Yuli, clearly hoping for a refill.

"Ralts, that's not very proper!"

Seeing her Ralts's action, Caitlin blushed a little and scolded him.

"It's okay. We have plenty of juice here. I'll pour him some more."

Yuli didn't mind Ralts's behavior; she was quite tolerant of Pokémon, especially such adorable ones.

"Could I taste your farm's berries? I think there must be something special about them if Ralts is so fixated."

Caitlin cut to the chase.

This was what she was most curious about. The food she provided Ralts was specially crafted energy cubes made by advanced breeders.

Whether in taste or the energy they provided, they were top-notch. If there wasn't something special about the farm's berries, Caitlin couldn't believe Ralts would be so fixated on them.

"There are some fresh berries in the kitchen. Let me cut some for you!"

Yuli volunteered.

She then briskly walked into the kitchen. Shortly after, she returned with a plate of sliced berries, gently placing it on the table.

"Caitlin, please taste the berries grown at the farm!"

Rex invited.

With Rex's approval, Caitlin picked up a piece of the berry and tasted it carefully.

As she chewed, Caitlin compared it to the taste of similar berries she had tried before. She found that the berries here indeed tasted better, but if that was all, it wouldn't explain Ralts's fixation.

Using her formidable psychic power to examine her body closely, Caitlin discovered that after consuming the berry, there was a faint but vital energy repairing her body.

This energy was so faint that only someone with Caitlin's strong psychic power could perceive it.

"Life energy... The berries from your farm contain a small amount of life energy. No wonder Ralts likes them so much."

After pondering for a while, Caitlin finally figured out what this power was.

Although the amount of life energy contained in the berries was very small, Caitlin was certain that if Pokémon consumed energy cubes made from these berries regularly, they would benefit greatly.

"Caitlin, you are truly knowledgeable. Indeed, the berries in our farm are specially cultivated, and the produced berries contain some life energy."

Rex's eyes now looked at Caitlin with admiration. With such insight and abilities at such a young age to become one of the Elite Four of Unova, it was well-deserved, flawless.

"Does your farm sell these berries? I would like to purchase a batch of berries from your farm."

Caitlin inquired.

She definitely didn't want to miss something that could further enhance her Pokémon's strength. Therefore, she thought of buying a batch of berries from Rex and then having advanced breeders turn them into energy cubes for her Pokémon to consume.

"Currently, we use all our berries ourselves. However, if it's just for sale to Caitlin, there shouldn't be a problem."

After a moment of contemplation, Rex smiled in response.

The reason he didn't sell the farm's berries was that he feared buyers wouldn't recognize their true value. If they were bought at the price of ordinary berries, it would be better for him to consume them himself, even though many would go to waste during that period.

Now that he encountered someone like Caitlin who knew the true value of the berries, he couldn't think of any reason to refuse. Moreover, it was great to establish a connection with one of the Elite Four; he could ask for help if he ever visited the Unova region in the future.

"Thank you for willing to sell me the berries. I will definitely offer you a satisfactory price. Later, I will send someone to discuss the purchase of the berries."

Caitlin felt relieved when Rex agreed to sell her the berries.

The berries produced by the farm could not only be consumed by Pokémon but would also greatly benefit her body if consumed for an extended period. Therefore, being able to buy such resources was a good thing for her.

After everything was settled, Caitlin prepared to say goodbye and leave. After all, she was an uninvited guest, and it was not good to disturb Rex and the others too much.

Just as when she arrived, Caitlin hugged Ralts, who looked reluctant to leave, and directly activated her Teleport ability, disappearing from the hall.

"What a convenient ability!"

Rex looked at where Caitlin disappeared, feeling emotional.

Strictly speaking, he himself could also be considered a type of superpower user. In terms of effects, his abilities were not inferior to Caitlin's, only that his abilities were auxiliary-type, while Caitlin was an all-around player, not only powerful herself but also able to enhance the strength of psychic attribute Pokémon using superpowers.

Yuli also envied Caitlin's beauty and power. However, upon learning that she was one of the Elite Four of the Unova region, this envy turned directly into admiration, as if feeling that Caitlin was naturally outstanding.

The next morning, a butler-like person arrived at the door. He claimed to be Caitlin's butler and had come to discuss the purchase of the berries.

Regarding this, Rex had no doubts since only a few of them were present during yesterday's conversation, and it wouldn't be known to others.

Because the berries Rex was currently growing were relatively common varieties, he and the butler eventually agreed on a price of 100 Alliance Coins per kilogram, regardless of the variety of berries.

This price was already five or six times higher than the market price of these berries, which Rex felt was quite suitable, so he did not continue to ask for a higher price.

After completing the transaction with the butler, Rex earned over 80,000 Alliance Coins. They agreed that when Caitlin finished consuming this batch of berries, she would come back for more purchases, which Rex naturally agreed to.

Although the climate in the Hoenn region was very warm, the berry trees bore fruit all year round, but it would still take some time after this picking to grow a new batch of berries.

(End of Chapter)

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