
Chapter 78: Inspection (Part 1)

"By the way, has there been any renovation on the exterior walls of our house?"

Yuli thought back to her recent inspection from the outside and asked.

"Yes, when Uncle Henry, who came to build shelters for the Miltanks, saw that the exterior walls of this house were quite damaged, he helped with some repairs. I was planning to give him some money, but he refused," Yuli responded.

"Oh, Uncle Henry seems like a good person."

Rex's favorability towards Uncle Henry increased significantly. After all, it's not common for someone to selflessly help with repairs like that.

"Yes, Uncle Henry is a worker in the town's construction team. He often helped repair damaged facilities at our orphanage. He's a very good person," Yuli continued explaining.

Rex felt that there would be many places on his farm that would need construction in the future, so he could prioritize assigning these tasks to Uncle Henry.

"By the way, I bought gifts for all of you this time, some local specialties. If you happen to visit the orphanage later, you can take them with you."

Rex remembered the gifts he bought and felt that since he had already purchased them, he should give them away rather than keep them for himself.

"Alright, Boss, I'll take them to the orphanage later. I'm sure they'll be very happy," Yuli replied happily upon hearing that Rex remembered to bring gifts for them.

"Well then, that's all for now. I've understood the general situation. Actually, this is a good thing, so you don't need to worry. You should be happy for Grandma Nieno and the others," Rex reassured Yuli, who still seemed somewhat conflicted.

"Boss, you're right. Anyway, this isn't a bad thing at all" Yuli finally said with some relief.

"Then I'll leave it to you here. I'll take Machop and Torchic around the farm."

After a few more words, Rex set off with Machop and Torchic. It had been more than ten days since they left the farm, and Rex needed to check the condition of the farm again.

The Torchic seemed very happy to travel around with the Trainer. Machop had wanted to find a place to exercise, so he gladly followed along.

Rex first arrived at the grazing field. The first batch of grass planted here was growing well and had spread over a considerable area.

During the day, when the weather was good, the Mareeps and Miltanks would come here to eat fresh grass on their own. The environment was good here, with a wide view, making it their favorite place to stay.

Basically, except for sleeping at night, they would play and frolic here. The Taillows patrolled daily, and even if wild Pokémon occasionally wandered in, they would be driven out in advance, posing little threat.

Moreover, the Miltanks had matured beyond their early stage, and with their own physical qualities, they could easily defeat most wild Pokémon if a fight were to occur.

After all, their species' base stats were there, and Miltanks were well-balanced in all aspects, with no significant weaknesses, making them representatives of sturdiness.

Seeing Rex approaching, the Miltanks showed joyful expressions and ran over to surround him.

"Miltanks, how have you all been recently?"

Rex patted a Miltank's head and asked.

The Miltanks seemed much happier this time, indicating that they were doing well. After the shelters were built for them, they found sleeping there much more comfortable than in Rex's room.

Considering their size, Rex's room was a bit narrow for them, while the newly built shelters were spacious, with thick straw laid on the ground, which was the ideal living space for them.

At this moment, Flaaffy led its herd over. Seeing this, the Miltanks quickly retreated behind Rex.

They had been shocked by the static electricity from the Mareeps. Although this static didn't harm them, the sensation of being shocked was unpleasant.

"Flaaffy, has everything been alright with your herd these days?"

Rex asked the leading Shiny Flaaffy.

For these herds with leaders, Rex only needed to understand their situation through the leader, which was a very convenient way of management, requiring minimal effort.

Flaaffy shook its head, indicating that everything was fine and there was nothing that required the Trainer's help.

Afterwards, Rex introduced Machop and Torchic to them and checked the development of the newly planted grass. He found that the growth was good, although there were signs of some seedlings being nibbled on.

"You need to be careful. The grass here hasn't fully grown yet, so you can't eat it freely. You'll have to wait until it's as tall as the grass over there before you can consume it."

Since there weren't many damaged seedlings, Rex decided not to investigate further but simply warned them not to cause damage indiscriminately in the future.

With the assurance from the herbivorous Pokémon, this matter was considered resolved. As long as they were more careful in the future, it would be fine.

After bidding farewell to the Miltanks, Rex then headed to the orchard. The changes here were not significant, but there were noticeably more fruits on the trees.

Apparently, during the time Rex and the Swellow were absent, the consumption of fruits had greatly decreased, so Yuli had not come to pick them, as the primary consumers were these main Pokémon.

However, this period of time was like a dream for the Polteageists. They could find many mature fallen fruits every day. They had already filled their shell-like backs with fruits, striving to ferment these fruits into thick juice.

"Polteageists, how are you all? Are you comfortable here?"

As soon as Rex entered the orchard, he could see one large and two small Polteageists lying lazily on a large stone, basking in the sunlight filtering through the branches.


Seeing Rex's arrival, several Polteageists happily climbed up and greeted him, feeling a special emotional bond with Rex and hoping to gain his attention.

The larger Polteageist suddenly waved at Rex, as if it had something to discuss with him.

"Polteageist, is there something you need my help with?"

Rex didn't hesitate and went directly to the Polteageist's side, asking.

The Polteageist shook its head and instead extended a smooth tentacle, from which a fragrant liquid began to secrete, indicating for Rex to taste it.

Rex quickly took out a drinking cup from his backpack and placed it in front of the Polteageist.

Before long, a large amount of viscous liquid dripped from the Polteageist's tentacle, filling most of the cup with fruit juice. A richer aroma permeated from the cup, creating an intoxicating feeling just from its scent.

After picking up the cup, Rex took a sip of the juice. Instantly, a fresh and sweet taste burst in his mouth, an excellent flavor that made him unable to resist taking a few more sips.

However, when he saw Machop and Torchic looking at him with longing eyes, Rex restrained the urge to gulp it all down and instead divided the remaining juice into two portions for them to drink.

After drinking the juice, Machop and Torchic also showed expressions of endless aftertaste. This delicious juice was a first for them.

"It's really delicious. Thank you for the juice, Polteageist"

Rex expressed his gratitude to the Polteageist.

Receiving Rex's praise, the Polteageist danced with joy, clearly very happy.

For the Polteageists, it was a relief that Rex liked the juice they brewed. After all, the only thing they could give back was their own fruit juice. If it had been rejected, they wouldn't have been able to stay at this orchard with peace of mind.

(End of Part 1 of this Chapter)

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