
Akaou Ikari Is Here!!!

Akaou Ikari my sweet and loving mother. She possesses the same fiery red hair as me, with deep crimson eyes, and a height of 5 '9, which was quite tall for an average Japanese woman; making her appear more imposing. She is a beauty even at the age of 43 as she looks quite too young for her age.


A strong-willed and domineering woman are some of the traits that you can describe the type of person Akaou Ikari is. She can be Independent, and proud, with great leadership skills at her disposal to properly lead her subordinates.

Growing up as an orphan, she had to be strong in order to protect herself from the corrupted orphanage she grew up in.

The orphanage was a center for human trafficking, criminals ranging from pedophiles to molesters frequented the orphanage in order to look at the 'products' that were to be sold.

Many children that were sold never saw the light of day as they were either raped, molested, or tortured to death, leaving the children left at the orphanage fearful of being chosen for such fate.

My mother held strong during these moments and never let the fear to be shown on her face. This resulted in many losing interest in her as most of the pedophiles that frequent the orphanage wanted weak-willed children who cried and begged to let them go home. 

Searching for their parents, loved ones, or anyone who was willing to help them just to escape such a cruel situation. This desperation is what fuels the sexual fantasies of these rapists and pedophiles.

In general, most pedophiles are submissive with low esteem making a young child who is fearful much more comfortable for them.

Some sadists did love this strong facade that my mother was showing, and would love to take their time to break them down until they were at their lowest; until they screamed up to the top of their lungs as she begged them to stop. Breaking someone and delivering as much pain as humanly possible to someone is how those psycho-sadists get their highest and most satisfying ecstasy. 

As many sadists demanded of my mother, the orphanage settled it by letting my mother grow a few more years until she was eighteen and fighting for the rights of obtaining her through bidding.

Sadly for the sadists, the orphanage was shut down during a raid thanks to an anonymous tip sent to the police station.

The leading officer of that raid was my grandfather and my mothers' adoptive father, Suoh Gensouki.

My mother didn't know what the police were and just thought that they were raiders trying to kidnap the others and herself, so she fought ferociously not to be taken by them.

Biting, scratching, kicking, punching, and even headbutting, she did all she could to struggle just not to be taken by this unknown men.

The one that calmed her down was my grandfather after talking to her calmly and explaining who they were and that they were here to save them.

As my mother grew less weary of my grandfather, he asked for her name and all she said was 205-7. A number identification for the products of the orphanage, with her real name, is long gone, as even my mother herself has no recollection of what her real name was.


After many ordeals and a lot of paperwork, my grandfather adopted my mother after retiring as he had taken a liking to the strong-willed person my mother was even as a child.

After he retired from the police force, he started training from his parents to take over the family business.

After adopting my mother, since he couldn't really call her by her product number my grandfather named her Ikari, Suoh Ikari, as she was the personification of wrath that wanted to pay back all those who wronged her.

And that she did, taking after my grandfather she went into the police academy when she was at the right age, earning her keep as she rose in the ranks until she reached Keibu (Inspector) earning the respect she deserved. 

Her bad reputation is also well-known due to her hot-headed nature. This caused many conflicts with opposing officers who did not think well of her as both her attitude and gender is not suited to lead other officers.

In her entire career, my mother was able to put behind bars many prominent and well-known figures in the underworld and shut down many human trafficking organizations that were scum as she once said.

She became a legend in her field while being called the Wraths Incarnate as she always gets hot-headed when someone from her unit makes mistakes, especially stupid mistakes; And the hunt was about human traffickers especially those that deal with children.

Shutting the mouths of those who were once opposed to her promotions. Jealousy even took over some of the old officers who planned to humiliate her. However, those plans discontinued and were never had the chance to happen since she quit her job at the young age of 27 in order to help her adoptive father.

My mother cared for and respected my grandfather, even to say that she owed him a huge debt for all that he had done for her. So when the business was in a financial crisis and only with the help of the Akaou family would the company stabilize. 

The terms for their help were the union of both families, the Akaou family was aware of the situation with my mother. The history of her being an orphan was something that they didn't really mind as they were more amazed at her accomplishments and abilities during her time as an officer. They further approved of her after she started training to take over from my grandfather. Making a huge profit, making the family business more successful both before and after she started managing the business with an iron fist.

Her employees even feared her as she was both cold when interacting in conversations and hot-headed when they made mistakes.

After marrying my father and having me she had mellowed down so much that it even scares my father.

Father once told me; that she only became such a soft person when I was around, being that I was her pride and joy. My mother tended to relax only when she was either at home or when I was in her presence.

As she mellowed down many started to look up to her and respected her, realizing how amazing she was in what she did. This motivated many to work harder and to show good results for her.

Even before giving birth many still looked at her with infatuation and respect even more so after having me which enhanced her feminine glow making my father quite jealous and irritated.

My father knew that Mother had no feelings for him but they respected each other enough, to not take any lovers on the side. Both as a show of respect for each other and also for the good of the child they were both raising, for me to be always in a good and happy environment.

Father told me one day during one of his intoxicated states that the real reason for the marriage agreement was due to my father being in love with my mother.


Thinking back to all these memories of the stories of both my parents and Grandpa Gen told me as I answered the call on my phone from my lovely mother.

"Hey Mom" answering the phone with an endearing tone.

/Hi Sweetie~~ How are you?/ She replied back with a cheerful tone with a hint of exhaustion in her voice.

"I'm doing alright, How about you?" I replied with a worried tone as I caught a hint of her exhaustion.

/It's the usual just tired from work/

"Don't you think you're overworking yourself too much again?"

/This much is okay, I'm not over-exerting myself like last time so don't worry/ reassuring me of my worries.

Based on my memories the original Mikoto was quite worried when he heard of the news about her mother collapsing during one of their monthly meetings a few months ago. 

The cause of the collapse was sleep deprivation, due to the amount of work she was doing; she was not able to get the much-needed rest she needed.

To make up for her unhealthy lifestyle she had to take a month-long break which we forced on her.

She wanted to protest but when the original insisted all she could do was agree.

During those months my mother would always call for me during my naps in the park or while I was eating with Anna and the others.

She was so bored during her vacation that she sometimes asked her assistant to send her some of the files that were piling up.

When the original Mikoto heard of this he was quite upset with her mother so he went to her resort villa to remove some of her boredom after scolding her a little. It worked quite well and had some quality time together which Mother was more than happy to spend with the original Mikoto at that time.

 After the month's break; she returned to her work not before the original warned her that if she ever collapsed again due to fatigue he wouldn't be talking to her for a while. The threat worked like a charm and now she always watches what she eats while making sure that she always gets her much-needed rest and sleep.

As I was talking with my Mother on the phone in front of the school gate, many of the students who were on their way home saw me on my phone with a smile on my face as I always answer with an endearing tone which flabbergasted some of the students seeing me like this for the first time.

Curious of who I was talking some tried to eavesdrop, however when some were nearing me and were about to hear who I was talking with, when a sudden shout from inside the gate made all the nearing students to skedaddle.

"MIKOTO~~! Why did you leave without us!" Anna called out loudly with a 'yogurti' in her mouth.

Following behind her were Honoka, Natsuki, Furuichi, and Oga; all but Honoka were holding some kind of energy drink with them.

"Mikoto-kun~~ You still owe me m-"

"Mikoto Why did you l-"

As they approached; Honako tried to remind me of our deal about treating her to some Boba Pearl Tea, and Anna wanted to ask why I left on my own; But stopped them mid-sentence when I held my hand out, gestured a shush to my mouth then pointed at the phone near my right ear.

Understanding that I was having a call with someone, they stopped making any noises and waited for me to finish.

"Sorry about that mom, my friends were calling out to me"

Explaining my side why we were suddenly interrupted. Mother wasn't even angry but more excited, about the fact that I had friends to hang out with, which gave joy to her tiring day.

I never told my family that I had no friends during my early two years of junior high school since I only started to interact with Anna and the others at the end of the second year and earlier this year.

I never talked about friends from school with them so they must have been worried that I was Isolating myself again from my peers.

I did the same during primary school since the original wasn't interested in talking with other children since I was developing faster than normal kids during that age.

Even during those early years, I was already showing great physical prowess. This showed when I helped a girl who confronted some bullies and a stupid boy who was getting beaten up.

/No worries Sweetie~~ So~ When are you going to introduce me to your friends~ can I meet them now~~/

Before answering her back I looked over at my friends and asked them if they were in any hurry and if they could spare some time.

"You guys free right now?" I casually asked them the question like normal.

"No plans" Oga replied.

"Oh, I think I ne-" Before Furuchi could even say he was busy; Anna pushed him to Oga, and Oga wrapped his arm around his head and put him in a headlock causing him to furiously tap to let him go. After that, they answered me in unison.

""He's Free""

"And me I'm free too" Anna followed up then looking at Natsuki and Honoka.

"Me and Natsuki are free too Mikoto-kun" Honoka replied for Natsuki as well.

"Why do you ask Miko-chin?" Natsuki asked.

All the others followed with nods agreeing as to why was I asking.

"If you're not busy, let us go see my Mom, She wants to meet all of you"

Next chapter