
Chapter 13 - Composing Stream!

[UTube Submission "For Dreamers Must Wake" Rating: A+!]

[Tallying Music Points:

+6/day (Stream Rating: A+)

+68/day (Current View Count: 3.9 Million Views)

+5/day (Achievement: Over 1 Million Views!)

+15/day (Achievement: Reached Top 100 Trending on UTube (Japan)!)

+25/day (Achievement: Reached Top 50 Trending on UTube (Japan)!)

+50/day (Achievement: Reached Top 25 Trending on UTube (Japan)!)

-50% (Condition: Collabed with a larger Streamer)

Total Daily Music Points: 85/day]

…it's only been a day since my recent cover was released on Fubuki's channel, and the MV's nearing four million views. Holy hell. I'm not even mad about that -50% condition—dang thing's producing almost as much Music Points as my first MV. And it's only been a day.

But enough of that. There's something more important for me to consider,

Music Points: 1,019

I have over a thousand Music Points now. I can use it to unlock my Mag Attribute, and finally use Magic. Hopefully.

But is that really what I want?

I don't know. Magic sounds cool and all, but my life's already magical enough as it is. I'm living in a world where monsters and gods have integrated into human society, and many have become streamers. And it's not like I'm all that normal either, not with my superhuman endurance and strength.

Do I really need to add magic to my repertoire right now?

…no. Not yet. Adding Magic means another Attribute I'll need to baby, and I'm not willing to slow down my tempo just yet.

Instead, my focus shifts to this instead.

*[Composer: Increases growth of Com by 100%. Increases Music Point Generation by 10%. Currently locked. Spend 1,000 Music Points to Unlock?]

The Composer Occupation is way more appealing at the moment. Not only because I'm itching to make more music, but also because I've promised my viewers that I'll eventually make a 'composing' stream at some point. And since my channel is now monetized, I want to try my first Members-only stream.

And to complement that, I have this!

[Home Upgrade: Studio]

[Turns the streamer's home into a Studio, increasing productivity when composing by 50% and increasing growth of Com by 100%. Warning! Does not include tools/amenities on purchase.]

[Cost: 1000 Streamer Points]

It'll be a costly purchase, but one I'm willing to make. I don't know if the 100% increases from Composer and Studio will add up, but whatever the case, the effect should be quite dramatic.

Now, all I need to do is wait.

And get myself some food. Because I doubt this stream will be as short as usual.

The stream goes live, and a smile lifts my lips. "Good evening everyone!"

Machigako: Aiko-chan!!!!!!!!

Neko11137: Aiko good evening

Apachishiratake: Composing streaaaaaam!

Lelolelolelo: Hello hello

Palieko: First Members only!

"As promised, we'll be doing a composing stream today." I do a quick stretch. "We'll probably be here for a while. Longer than usual, at least." I smile. "Don't worry about tapping out if you need sleep, yeah? Don't wake up late tomorrow because of me."

[500 JP¥] Neko11137: Is ok. We can handle. Insomnia speedrun

"I don't think that's a good thing, Neko-san." I narrow my eyes. "Also, please don't splurge on me too much. We've just started-"

[500 JP¥] Neko11137: No

I sigh. "Well, you do you."

I clear my throat as I bring up the composing application I used some time back. "So, I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with this, but this is the application I use." I quickly create a new Project. "I know there are better ones out there, but this is the one I'm most used to."

The new Project boots up, and I clap my hands. "So, this is how this all works…"

I do a quick introduction on most of the application's functions. It feels a little odd to explain so many technicalities to my audience, but the chat seems to be enjoying themselves. The number of concurrent viewers is even going up, though it's still far from my usual live viewer count.

"-this one's to shift the pitch, and that's pretty much it." I grin. "Anyway, enough of that. Let's actually get down to making something, yeah? I-" A thought passes through my head, and I blink. "Oh, actually, what do you think we should make? I didn't really have a plan, but do you have any genres you want?"

A slew of answers passes through the chat. I give most a quick read, and I make note of the genres that are being repeated more often than others. "Hm, got it. Let's do a poll, real quick…" I put up a quick poll on the UTube chat, giving the viewers a few options. "There you go."

The response piles in quickly. The chat has three options: Rock, Swing, and City Pop. The first and second probably came because of my recent cover with Fubuki, but the third was a bit of a surprise. City Pop isn't as common these days, though I have a feeling my Osu! streams have something to do with this.

In the end, City Pop comes out on top, barely beating out Rock by just 3%. 

I grin. "City Pop it is."

And for the next four hours, a new song is slowly composed, with my viewers chiming in a few suggestions here and there. It's surprisingly fun, and there are more viewers familiar with composing in my chat than I thought.

We don't finish. I'm not surprised—I spent way longer creating melody for my first song, and that was me putting in all my effort. I'm not pushing as hard this time, partly because I'm also busy entertaining my chat, and partly because I want the chat to have a part in making the song.

Overall, it's one of my more successful streams, only beaten out by my very-rare karaoke streams, or my speedrunning streams.

[Today's Stream Rating: A+!]

[Tallying Stream Points:

+7 (Stream Rating: A+)

+4 (Stream Duration: +4 hours)

+1 (New Viewer)

+4 (10 New Viewers)

+8 (50 New Viewers)

+5 (Streamer branched into new Community: Composing Fans!)

+5 (Streamer branched into new Community: City Pop Fans!)

+25% (Condition: Members-Only Stream!)

Total Stream Points: 43]

I blink at the +25% condition, and then I shrug. It's probably to make up for the smaller viewer count—only Members of my channel can watch after all. 

But I'm going to go to sleep now. It's a couple hours past midnight now, and I still haven't recovered from the adrenaline rush I felt after seeing the amazing reception my recent collab with Fubuki got.

With a yawn, I kicked myself back from the desk and leapt onto my bed. The warmth of my comforter invites me to a deep slumber, and I manage barely a minute before my consciousness flees.

In a personal gym, secluded away from the bustling night streets of Tokyo, Kson pauses as her phone rings. She steps off the treadmill, and frowns as she sees her caller.

Her phone makes a small click as she answers the call. "Kuro? Is that you?"

"Yeah man. I-, look-" A man's voice pours through the speakers. He sounds haggard, almost terrified. "You know the friend I spoke about a bunch to you? Y'know, the ghost that…fell out of heaven and stuff."

Kson frowns. "Oh, her?"

The call is silent for a good moment, before she hears him sigh. "The pendant she gave me-, it's blinking." Kson nearly drops her phone when she hears what he said. "She's back. I need to find her. And I don't know who to-"

She chuckles. "Calm down, pretty boy." She smiles. "I'll help you find her. Promise."

His shaky laugh sounds through the speakers. "Yeah-, yeah. I-, uh, thanks." He coughs. "Where do we meet?"

"Where else?" She smiles. "See you at the origin."

"...got it." The call cuts after that, and she takes a breath. She glances at the wall to her left, and at the sheathed katana hung on the wall. 

She sighs. "Gotta make an announcement for tomorrow, I guess."






Author's note: Who do you all think Aiko should meet next? I have an idea on some Streamers I want our Aiko to meet, but I'm up for suggestions.

Also, regarding that last part? I tip my hat for those who know.

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