
Are you still getting used to being here

During Elijah's absence, the YLK group showed unprecedented enthusiasm for searching for spirit plants and hunting zombies.

A few people did indeed find spirit plants, while others diligently accumulated corpse cores and contributions, with some reaching the threshold to exchange for awakening potions.

They were all eagerly awaiting Elijah's return!

Seeing the awakening potions in Elijah's hands, their eyes were even more fervent!

Elijah wasted no time and had Wendy tally up those eligible to exchange for awakening and advancement potions.

He then distributed the potions publicly, and under the watchful eyes of everyone in the group, the recipients consumed the potions and successfully awakened.

As each newly awakened individual demonstrated their abilities, the crowd of those still unawakened marveled in awe.

In addition, one person exchanged for an advancement potion and successfully advanced to the second tier.


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