
moving on

"No, this can't be happening." Nikky thought in panic as her fear propelled her deeper into the forest. She knew that sound and the smell that accompanied it was a confirmation.

Adrenaline surged through her as she ran through the dense forest, all the while, she kept looking behind her to see if her pursuer is close to her.

She ran deeper into the forest, like she had never ran before. She heard the growl behind her again, this time closer and the smell was stronger.

Rogues. That was what was chasing her. Rogues in the Pack? Her mind could not process this as she clamored for safety. How did this happen?

She stopped and looked at her surrounding, trying to find a place to hide, seeing no hiding place close to her. She took to her heels again and luckyily, saw a cave up ahead and she ran straight for it, with no other thoughts.

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