

An awkward silence stretched through the shop. Chen Yang eyed his clone with suspicion. The once stoic double, a perfect reflection of himself moments ago, now puffed out his chest and swaggered like a rooster.

"Seems the old geezers from my past life weren't so far off the mark after all," Chen Yang finally muttered, shaking his head in disbelief. "One step outside and suddenly you're a flamboyant chatterbox demanding praise for nothing."

Noticing the absence of his meschevious Xu Lin and big boo...uh.. immortal fairy Xu Mei , Chen Yang raised a sardonic eyebrow.  "Weren't Xu Lin and Xu Mei supposed to come with you?"

The bravado drained from the clone as quickly as it had appeared. His shoulders slumped slightly, and the brash grin morphed into a sheepish grimace. "Uh, well, things got a little...unconventional," he stammered, carefully choosing his words.

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