
Women In White ..3

Chen Yang sprinted like crazy, ignoring the sharp pain in his legs. He couldn't stop, not even for a second. It didn't matter how he looked while running. He ran as if some spirit of Olympic runner had possesed him , scrambling over the rough ground. He gasped for breath, his lungs burning.

Every snap of a twig or screech of an owl in the distance made Chen Yang jump. His senses were on high alert, turning every sound into a potential threat. The adrenaline coursing through his veins kept him going, but it also made him hyperaware of everything around him.

Whenever he heard a noise, a terrifying image of the white faceless woman flashed in his mind. To summon courage to run, he prayed to whichever name of gods come on his mouth, his voice echoing loudly through the stillness.

Even the ferocious Tier One and Two beasts lurking nearby scattered at the sudden sound, abandoning their meals or naps in the caves.

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