
Aucting The Wobbly Wombat Wine.

Starting price : 1000 medium spirit stone.

A flicker of dismay crossed Chen Yang's face as his eyes darted from the item names to their corresponding starting prices.

He'd been so engrossed in the descriptions that the cost had initially escaped him. Now, a cold reality check washed over him.

With just 2,000 medium-grade spirit stones and 20,000 low-grade spirit stones, his initial optimism about securing a "decent item" seemed laughably naive.

"Well," he muttered under his breath, a wry smile twisting his lips, "I take my word back , I am a truly a poor soul"

Undeterred, Uncle Shen offered a gentle reminder, his smile widening. "There's more in the back, fellow daoist Chen ."

Chen forced another smile, his heart sinking. 'What's the point?' he thought, flipping the page with a defeated sigh. 'Even this page is out of my league.'

The back of the booklet unveiled a treasure trove of even more valuable items.

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