
Maybe I should stick to laundry duty. At least I can't blow up a sock. [ there is a repeated content on this chapter, sorry for inconvenient.]

The clone's eyes jolted open at the mention of a name change. The dejected slump on the floor vanished in an instant. He sat up straight, a spark of pride replacing the dejection in his eyes.

"Just say the word, Master!" the clone declared, puffing out his chest. "Fire? Mountains? Scaling a thousand of them is child's play! I can even find you a wife, a whole harem if that's your desire!"

Chen Yang hesitated. "Hmm... Perhaps this task isn't the best fit for you. I might need to find someone with a more... measured approach."

Panic flickered across the clone's face. "Wait, Master! You can't just throw me away! I'll do anything you ask, truly! Just give me another chance!"

He lunged forward, reaching for Chen Yang's leg, but hesitated before making contact.

"Look," Chen Yang said, a hint of annoyance in his voice, "I need someone who can handle this task with discretion. Not... theatrics."

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