
Chapter 185: Trouble

[Anthony's POV]

"— So that really was... well, Death?"

Kara asked me while pressing intimately against me.

Old Kara only snorted and turned away with a strange mix of emotions.

"Yeah, but Dee-Dee isn't bad, so there's no need to be afraid of her."

I reassured her.

"If you say so..."

She quickly looked around, stood on her tiptoes, and kissed me on the lips.

"What about the government lab? What are we going to do with it?

Old Kara asked.

"We'll talk."

I shrugged, and the three of us landed right in front of the entrance to a building near the center with six underground floors covered in lead and other materials.

"S-stop... th-this is a government facility."

A guard at the entrance said while sweating profusely as he looked at us.

I had left this part destroyed because it was their problem.

"I stopped caring the moment you decided to clone my charge."

I said.

"I know you can hear me through the camera, Amanda Waller."

I looked directly into the camera.

"Your genetic experiments won't lead to anything good."

I opened a portal to the lab, and the guard... well, he just didn't know what to do.

Kara gave him a sympathetic look, but both quickly slipped through the portal after me.

"Th-these are important experiments!"

A scientist shouted when the three of us appeared inside the government lab.

There was a visible hole in the ceiling as Kara's clone had broken through several floors.

"Breaking in like you own the place, Mr. Strange."

A dark-skinned woman said calmly, not flinching at our appearance.

"I break in where needed to save lives."

"Recklessly, without any respect for the country..."

She tried to pressure us.

"And I don't care. You and your country can't even hold one Superman because you try to control or leash everything you don't understand. It's human psychology. I can understand your fear."

I approached her, fully aware of the sea of fear, but also... a backbone.

She stubbornly looked me straight in the eyes.

"... It's good you understand. You and your costumed friends are capable of destroying an entire building with a single wrong move, and you tell me not to worry?! What's to stop you or Superman from flying in and ripping the roof off the White House, taking control of the entire country by force? We need to..."

"What's stopping us is something you might be lacking is humanity. Superman is more human than you despite being born on another planet, Miss Waller. Supergirl hasn't been on this planet for long, but she's already adapted, understood how society works, and integrated into it. We're not the only' threat,' as you call us. There are beings in the world, in the universe, capable of destroying our entire planet without batting an eye, and believe me, we'll encounter them. The only ones who can protect the planet are us—those who possess truly extraordinary powers and are not bound to any government."

She remained silent, clenching her fists in frustration.

"Why would we want control over the country?"

Kara asked quietly.

"That's just more problems..."

"You created a clone you couldn't even contain, and if it weren't for Supergirl and Powergirl, innocent people would have died... but you don't care about them, do you? You're used to accepting losses and sacrifices for the greater good. So tell me, who is the Earth's greatest enemy—an alien who has become more human than humans themselves or humans who have lost their humanity?"

I asked, raising my hand... all the files on the recent cloning, the clone's DNA samples, and Supergirl's disappeared.

Cortana took care of all the data on A.R.G.U.S.'s computers.

Then I simply teleported the three of us to the sky above Metropolis while leaving Amanda standing where she was.

I know of many of her sins, but she genuinely believes she's acting in the country's best interest.

However, that didn't stop me from giving her mind a slight nudge, just enough to prevent her from doing something foolish.

"I thought you'd do something to her."

Old Kara said while crossing her arms under her chest.

"Kill her?"

I raised an eyebrow.

"You're quite bloodthirsty... good thing my sweet Kara isn't like that."

I hugged my Kara, making her blush a bit, but I could also feel her satisfaction.

"Don't be childish; I'm serious. Amanda could do a lot, especially if you provoke her."

"Don't worry, she won't do anything serious. I've used a spell, and she's under constant surveillance without even realizing it."

"Martha is still waiting for you and Lena."

Kara reminded me, snuggling comfortably against my chest.

"Yes, yes, we need to visit them."

I smiled.


I noticed a message in the chat and opened it to see an interesting photo from Rias.

Then, I had to travel to her world to check on her and spend time with her.

The light will always be there, even when things get really dangerous in this world.

I will make sure everything is fine, and I'll find a way to move the entire Earth to another universe... perhaps to Erina or Shinoa if it comes to it.

We'll see...

The days went by quickly, and it was time to buy Gacha Points and spin it twice.

Unfortunately, luck seemed to be fading.

I got some common items or mana crystals that I didn't need.

"I see they are managing well. I'm happy for my sisters."

Diana said while reviewing the data presented by Cortana while lying on a sun lounger.

Amazonians had come with Diana to get reacquainted with the "world of men."

She also wanted her sisters to overcome their prejudices against men that had formed over thousands of years in isolation.

"Well, some of those ladies have broken the arms of unlucky suitors..."

I commented when reading a few lines of the data offered by my Cortana.

"Not just arms."

Lena reminded, also lying next to us.

We were near one of the entrances to Olympus by tropical islands.

"It's good they didn't decapitate anyone... but they are working on it. I mean, on not injuring anyone."

She blushed.

"Diana, you've been working hard lately."

I hugged her, and she immediately understood where this was going, even licking her red lips in anticipation.

I was already struggling to keep my composure at the sight of these beautiful naked women.

"Oh, I thought we could take a break."

Lena commented on our activities with Diana.

She got up from the lounge chair and joined in the fun.

Soon, Zatanna and Shinoa joined as well. Kara, however... well, she was still shy about the orgies.


Soon, Kara's clone woke up.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she got very anxious and flew up quickly.

I had to gently grab her by the waist and sit her on my lap.

"Hey, calm down, little one, it's me, Anthony."

I said as I hugged her and surrounded her with light.


She said quietly while turning her head to meet my smiling face.

After all the changes, she had become a copy of Kara but only with a bob haircut.

"Yes, it's me. Do you feel okay?"

I asked as I analyzed her entire body especially her brain.


She croaked with difficulty, and her vocal cords were fine with the rest of her body, but the problem was with her mental state.

I needed to spend some time talking with her, and then we flew out of Metropolis.

She smiled and went to hug Clark when she saw him.

Clark was quite accepting of her appearance.

 It might be different if it were his own clone, but this was the clone of his dear cousin who was like Kara's younger sister.

However, Clark didn't talk to her for long because I felt a distortion in reality in several places.

The Pacific Ocean is near the island of Themyscira, on the West Coast of America, specifically over Central City, and somewhere over France.

After my recent ritual, I became more attuned to sensing such things without focusing especially when I had the Mother Box with me.

"Master, there's a magical distortion detected..."

"I know,"

I replied to Cortana.

I immediately felt how... the connection between Hell and Earth became stronger, and various demons started to emerge from those distortions.

"Clark, we have a problem."

"I see..."

Clark said while scanning across the continent to witness the chaos.

"Looks like we'll have to talk later."

He glanced at the clone, who looked back at him in confusion.

I gently put her to sleep and teleported her to her bed in LuthorCorp.

She could use a rest.

In less than a few minutes, everyone from the League gathered in LuthorCorp's building on the top floor.

Just as we began our discussion, an "Ankh" symbol appeared, and from a portal emerged Doctor Fate but wounded.

"Anthony Luthor, the fate of the world... rests on us..."

He said while bleeding, but he partially healed himself and straightened his appearance with a wave of his hand.

"What is it this time? Is it related to the demons and hell?"

I calmed the League members as they were all ready to attack the unexpected Fate.

"Yes, and more. Recently, the Spectre lost his host because James Corrigan fell in love with a mortal woman and went to hell to make a deal with a demon but only to be deceived. It turned out that the woman herself had tricked him. He lost his purpose of serving as the Spectre, so the Spirit of Vengeance came to Earth alone. Since it didn't have a host, it didn't have the moral compass that most things do. Therefore, it punished everyone for their misdeeds, no matter how small. There are times when justice is incredibly blind, and this can be entirely attributed to him."

He explained.

"Eventually, the demon Etrigan discovered the Spirit of Vengeance, who managed to trick the Spirit into merging with another equally corrupt being, Asmodel. He took on the power of God's Wrath and sought revenge on Heaven. Asmodel managed to harness the Wrath's power and froze Hell to free all the demons who despised the Spectre. I, along with the Phantom Stranger, intervened and trapped him in Hell, but it won't hold for long... especially with a more sinister plan capable of turning our world upside down. Asmodel can't withstand the full power of the Spectre, but he believes he has found a way to absorb all the magic from all magical beings in the universe. The Spirit sees this power as corrupt because of the demons' lies, but he sees it as the embodiment of magic in the world and that would make him indestructible and keep all the corruption inside himself. "

"… Sounds very ominous and somewhat foolish."

Shinoa commented.

"Now I understand what she was talking about..."

I recalled Dee-Dee's words.

The Spectre isn't called the embodiment of God's Wrath for nothing.

He is truly powerful especially when his host is a strong demon who could cause trouble for gods even without the Spectre's power.

"The demons haven't attacked yet."

Clark remarked when looking into the distance, likely observing the demons themselves.

"That won't last long. The Phantom Stranger and I cannot even handle the current Spectre. Therefore, your assistance would be helpful."

Doctor Fate addressed me.

"We need to help the people where the demons have appeared."

Lena responded who was also present due to the importance of the situation.

"Cortana, display the locations where the breaches to Hell have occurred."

I instructed, and she complied.

"Split up and head to the hotspots to protect the people. However, what about Yahweh or Lucifer? Aren't they going to intervene?"

"Lucifer might get involved, but only in matters of Hell. He won't help Earth. From what I've seen, Yahweh has decided to let things run their course."


I rolled my eyes.

"I think Alfred from the other dimension might also be involved in this. Do you know where Pandora and her box are?"


Doctor Fate spread his hands, using a tracking spell.

"No, I don't know where Pandora is. That woman is on a constant journey of redemption and trying to find someone who can open the box and return the sins to their place."

"There is no time for questions. I'm teleporting to the island!"

Diana declared fiercely and used her divine magic to teleport to Themyscira, where demons had also begun to appear.

The battle with the Spectre... it's a good thing I prepared for this.



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