
A name

You're repeating me because I have to try this again," said an angry Shuppet.

"Well, you wanted to get stronger."

"And how does this attack make me stronger? It barely does any damage!"

I got angry at my Pokemon's ignorance and did not hesitate to correct him.

"It's true that Will-o'-Wisp doesn't do much damage in the short term, but it's not a direct attack in the first place; it's a status attack; its function is to lower the enemy's physical attack. Rhyhorn only learns physical attacks, so it was possible to beat him if you had connected that move," I explained to my Pokemon.

"I'll believe it when I see it. How are you doing with the executive? There are 11 days left.

"I'm making progress."

It was also true that I had continued searching on the local internet once I got used to it. I searched on 'Pokegoogle' for the names 'Petrel,' 'Atlas,' 'Proton,' 'Ariana,' along with 'Ciudad Viridian' without any results. I continued searching with more factors to search for some clues. Just when I sighed, I resigned, knowing that I would have to play detective on the street, asking names and risking my second life until my mind clicked.

"Wasn't there a theory about Silver's mother?"

And that's how I found Ariana Tanaka, Giovani's ex-wife and Silver's mother; her separation is unknown.

Another thing I discovered is that Giovani was very popular in Kanto, being a great benefactor to just causes such as penalizing the indiscriminate hunting of Lapras, Golduks, and other Pokémon, in addition to having participated in the war when he was young.

That's right, there was also an unfinished war between Kanto and Jotho 30 years ago. Most of the damage had been mitigated, but the feeling of revanchism was still alive in the population, although luckily most of the confrontations were Pokémon sports battles and not war.

"Of course…" Shuppet said, making it clear in his tone that he didn't believe anything that came out of my mouth. "Now what, boss?"

"I haven't told you to stop until you spray the tree."

I noticed that Shuppet was getting tired, but I wanted to see where the limit of his patience was. We had been practicing will-o'-the-wisp for 2 hours in a training area.

I swore the flame was getting bigger, so I took that as progress.

"Okay, I'm tired now; how about I order you to do 500 push-ups?"

Ignoring it, but taking the idea into account

It is true that my new body was quite deteriorated due to living in an orphaned slum.

"I have to look for more clues; when I'm done, I'll train with you. Now I can't allow myself to get tired."

"Excuses, you've just been playing with that human artifact in that thing humans call a library."

My new house didn't have a computer, so I looked for a public place that had one, and that was the library.

Trying to change the subject, I tried to convince Shuppet to try harder.

"How about you try it one last time with all your power?"

"Okay, boss, but then we eat. I want to eat pinia berries again." With that, the little ghost tried again.

Concentrated, Shuppet created a purple flame and held it to throw it at the poor, charred tree.

I remember that in the games, three flames came out instead of one, and I cheered on my temporary Pokemon before I cast it.

"Shouldn't there be three flames? Try creating two at the same time."

Without speaking, in complete silence, out of concentration, Shuppet cloned the flame, split it in half, and created two and then a third.

Surprised, the ghost Pokémon got excited. "Haha, did you see that?" He launched it, only for the attack to be undone halfway. "I didn't say anything."

"It's progress," I consoled him. "Now let's move on to the next lesson."

"You said we were going to go get the pinia berries!" Shuppet didn't find my idea funny.

"And we will do that, but with a small test. We will test your frisking ability."


"Look!" I took a small berry out of my backpack and showed it to him. When Shuppet came over to pick it up, I hid it in my pants.

"No, no," I denied him the delicious berry from him. "First, we play a game."

"Ugh, now that," Shuppet sighed.

"Well, you know the difference between cherry berry, pinia berry, and Zafre berry, right?

"Of course, my memory is not short; ghosts have a good memory."

"Well, right, then tell me which berry I have in my right hand and which in my left hand."

"What? There's no way I know that."

"Shuppet, your ability is search; if it is search, you can identify what object the enemy is carrying. Once you know it, concentrate. Where do I have the pinia berry that you want so much?

"Um," Shuppet was hesitant and looking at me like a tiger at his food at the same time.

"If you don't say it, you'll run out of berries." I hurried Shuppet, hoping he would get it right.

"I know, I know, it's in." Shuppet closed his eyes, and a whole minute passed when he abruptly opened them and looked at me, angry at me for deceiving him.

"You don't have the berry in your hand; you have it in your back pocket, you liar."

"You did it!" I exclaimed. I couldn't help but get excited.Huh!?"

Shuppet had completely forgotten the objective of the test. "Ah, yes, my ability; well, not bad for a rookie trainer; now give me the berry!"

Fearing for my life, I gave him his berry. We tried it more times. Shuppet always guessed where he kept the selected object. I started with the berries and continued with other objects in our environment, such as leaves and stones. The ghost knew where he was hiding the object. At all times, the only way to avoid the ability was to have an object that Shuppet didn't know about; we discovered this when I brought new berries to the experiment.

Honestly, Shuppet would be the ultimate thief with frisk and trick, and when he teaches him thievery, it's a shame he's not loyal to Team Rocket; we would have been great thieves.

With everything done, I used the system again for the second time in this world.

Shuppet, LVL 22

Skill: Frisk (Frisk)

male gender

Learned Moves: Thief, Shadow Ball, Will-o'-the-Wisp, pursuit, Feint, Knock Off, Shadow Sneak

So it went up a lvl. It seems that training here makes your Pokémon stronger, not just the battles.

Watching his movements prepared me for the next lesson.

"One last thing: you are a physical attacker."

"Hey, I'm what?"

"As a physical attacker, an assassin, you get close and hit; you don't attack from a distance; that's for special attackers."

"Does that mean I shouldn't use shadow balls?" It seemed that my advice began to earn his respect because before, he would have criticized me.

"Yes, like when you used the shadow ball against that Geodude, but not normally," I said, glad that he understood.

We didn't fall into a comfortable silence; Shuppet and I seem to get along better, and I only had to steal some berries.

"Hey Shuppet, do you want a name?

"A name... but I already have Shuppet as a name," said Banette's pre-evolution.

"But all Shuppet are called that; I was thinking something more special; how about Konrad?" Warhammer 40K name

"Konrad Konrad" Shuppet hummed the name a few times before deciding.

"I like it; I'll let you call me that for now."

Great, maybe he's a poor slum criminal, but one with Konrad.

And we continued eating without knowing that a future Elite Four was watching us.

Next chapter