
chapter 20

It looks at me as if assessing the worth of something and whatever it found seems to please it as it nods it's head and speaks to me.

"You have altered your species using a never before heard of method and so I have been sent here to request you make an official cultivation book of your cultivation, you will have full say on the book but we wish that if anything happened to you another may also rise like you without you needing to teach them."

I nod as I had already intended to make a book for myself but not for my cultivation alone, I have come to realize over the years that knowledge is worth far more then pure power and so intend to learn all I can and put it into a book.

It then leaves after seeing me agree to the request, well looks like what I did was completely unique to me.

I go to check my status which remains at the lower-god level for now but with my changes it will soon rise, and although that has remained the rest has changed.



Cultivation level- Lower god







Mana Body- 2


Skills: upper-god tainted energy resistance, lower-god Energy Detection, demi-god Blacksmith mind forging, Journeymen sabre martial arts, lower-god Mana manipulation, legendary enchanting weaver, demi-god ballet, demi-god belly dancing, unique chakram martial arts, legendary animal user

Abilities: mana manipulation fire type, mana manipulation water type, mana manipulation wind type, mana manipulation earth type, mana manipulation healing type, mana manipulation darkness type, mana manipulation light type, mana manipulation space type, mana manipulation tainted type, mana manipulation plant type, mana manipulation animals type, mana manipulation time type, self replication, dual mind, mimicry

Bound items: Sudarshana (Weapon type), Geshtinanna (Armor type)

He had not advanced in his cultivation but everything had rapidly increased to a similar level that I can only assume to be this bodies limitations in this cultivation level, tying my hair up as it now reaches my mid back I wonder on how another human would react to a being like me entering earth for no apparent reason or permission.

Well since I can mimic beings then looking human shouldn't be to hard, I slowly let my mana meld the body and feel the restrictions on myself return to what it was like before my species change despite the same cultivation level.

Truly we humans are on the short end of the stick but now with my new body I can keep up with the top species and give them a run for their positions, walking through my realm all I can think of is how much it has changed and wonder on just how long I truly took to evolve.

Returning to the tutorial space I look at the now empty space as I cleaned all my items out into my realm before evolving, now was the time to try out my new body and the one thing I have been interested in for a long time was the drop off point here in the tutorial, I make my way to it and look at the void below and jump as I try and use my wings for the first time though it was easy due to the experience given from the fairy's.

I flap them and slowly descend as the mana around me changes to become unstable and a small cut appears on me at some point but I heal quickly.

Descending into the darkness I feel something near me for the first time as something comes rushing at me, I can't see it and if not for the hairs from the fairy's ruffling from a wind before it attacked I wouldn't even have known it was there and have returned to the spawn point.

I stop slowing my descent as so to escape the thing I am unable to see or feel, dropping into what feels like water but I know from the way it flowed was water it is clear this is somewhere not inside the tower.

It is pitch black with no lights or indication of life due to the overwhelming amount of mana here, well looks like my detection is of no help here. I dive down as I use my own mana to push through the liquid thick mana and see the first hint of light in the darkness of a thin gold line flowing in the water and behind that line was a creature larger then some dwarf planets with a face like a eel and sharp teeth it rushes to me and I appear once more on the spawn point.

I am far from strong enough for whatever that place is so all I can do is work down to it while adjusting to the void, lets see how powerful I truly am now.

The path to the ring is good as I begin to try and carve a path to the void and break off small tiny chunks as I try and dig a stairway down, I get through five stairs before something leaps at me and I die and the progress is reset making me realize I need to be much higher rank before attempting this.

Returning to my realm I make note to try with each advancement to try and go down, but now that I know something is there it is time to continue my advancement by making avatars using a mix of space bugs hive minds and the fairy's egg creation.

A drop of bug and a big dose of my core mana sees a small pitch black egg with a sheen of many colors form but it is in it's growing time as the amount of time and mana to completely form this new mana body will be a while, I place it in the space pockets of my scales and make sure the cores are sent to it so that once it is fully formed it will be a mana body from birth.

The egg will now progress nearly on it's own so all that can be done for it is wait and while doing so he will buy and read as many books within the tower as he can, knowledge is power here and he needs all he can get for the place under the tutorial.

Buying books using the coins he earns through the ring as he refuses to sell his weapons to the other gods it is a slow process but so is making his second mana body, he finishes buying and reading all the books before it is finished.

The mana body is born with identical looks to me and a odd sensation of both being me yet not when I felt it making it clear that I can order it around and control it, it could also perform actions on it's own although I will know everything it does it can think for itself.

With my own domain fully shaped all that happens with the new mana body is it increased in diameter, my body didn't feel much stronger but the mana I could access grew due to the increase in mana bodies to draw upon.

Now he once more returns to his old habits of waiting and learning but with all the books read and his knowledge at the cap he can get from the towers store he now needs to begin to develop on his own completely, he has his own cultivation style, his own fighting style, his own blacksmithing method, he has even become a new species all together but with the information available in the tower now gone through he needed to continue innovating on his own to increase his repertoire.

He knew that once his existence became known it would shake the tower itself but he needed to be able to fight and protect himself and so he needs more then what he has currently.

Building himself instead of simply learning from others is tricky and although he has done so before it has always relied on the fact he is a purity type so few bother to investigate how much they could do, add on his cultivation requires one to be able to die for trial and error few can hope to discover it themselves.

Now he wants to go past this and advance the techniques he knows like with the elemental patterns and time manipulation that till now he has had little interactions with due to how much mana it needed.

The easiest one proved to be time manipulation as he already had some ideas for it but nothing concrete due to how hard it is for anyone below upper godhood to be able to use it to any significant degree in active combat, manipulating time was easy when one had plenty of mana as it seemed to come almost naturally in it's use without any unique abilities needed to be absorbed to learn how to use it.

Time has long stopped meaning much to him for a long time since he entered the tower, he is not even sure how much time has truly passed outside only rough estimates but even that could be wrong with the time distortion effect cultivating has for him.

Read, practice, experiment, repeat has been his life for so long he has nearly forgotten anything else, his memory of before the tower continues to fade with each passing cultivation advancement and he thinks he will potentially forget who he is at all. He has forgotten his mothers face and voice, his fathers size and job, even his own name is fading out as he has gone so long without hearing it called by himself or another.

All he knows to do is claw and scratch to grow enough to be safe even now that he has reached godhood, he has been stuck alone for unknown amount of time with no one but messages and the two visits of the towers spokesperson.

Sitting on the ground as he looks over his book he doesn't realize tears run down his face as he once more forces himself to seize thinking of things that could never be, a life left far behind in pursuit of what was once wishes for power now turned to just wanting to be free.

He sleeps for the first time in a unknown amount of time swept away by emotions long suppressed for the sake of improvement, he will wake and return to his life in the tower as normal but now a crack has formed in his mind.


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