
Chapter 14

I am now to a level that few humans ever reach but most dwarves reach this level before they die at least and they can live to around the same span we humans do, so although impressive it is an average level by some of the best blacksmith blessed race in the tower.


Thinking on how to further things along I get a message from the earthen warrior and he asks me if I make armor and the price I give is the base estimate for the normal mana type armor not the special item I gave him, I intend only to give such items out for quest done for me as a special incentive for people to complete them and it seems he catches on quickly to my offer to help him in exchange for him playing proxy for materials.


With an agreement made I give him mana crystals I purified and imbued with pure earth mana completely lacking any will or imprint like most mana stones have even after purification.


I then return to focus on my own cultivation as it has stagnated due to me wanting all the attributes before I continue past this point, I have only three left and found a book in elven explaining how to make the patterns for the plants one and have begun trying to find the speed of the energy required to make it work as time needed him to place one line on the purified side and one on the tainted side running in perfect parallel and when he uses his mana to do it he can only move into a pocket space for one second before running completely out of mana.


But the plants one is above wind making it one close to the purity side, he studies and learns the druid language while supplying the earthen warrior with the mana crystals.


After some time he buys his first beginner book on working with animal remains and the biggest first thing it mentions is purifying the stuff during certain stages, beyond that it all about cleaning things and drying it using natural means along with how to us bone and entrails for certain things like a space worms stomach can be used to make an extended space bag.


It is simple when you have such long time experience handling mana of different types and means like me, but the thing most interesting is the part of gaining the creatures permission before but that isn't something I can do here.


But they have and alternative of inscribing a animal pattern on the item to appease it though it will still lower the outcome it will be better then if you just did it as normal with no inscription, they probably have them learn this type of inscription early so when the contract of servitude for new inscriptions in exchange for it comes they agree without fully understanding what they are signing.


Honestly the more I look at how things are done in the tower the more it looks like a cult, or even a scam artist for the lower contracts that don't even offer that much for what is forced servitude.


I sigh but continue on as I read all the basic means of treating different creatures parts and how to gather said parts for the creation, I can only be happy this book also gives me a pattern for the animal talent as otherwise I may just complain of the price being the same as the beginning blacksmith as the blacksmith taught you more then this did.


I look at the left over leather I still have and begin the process of making it into a basic leather chest piece, it is the leather from a salamander he had caught and it could make fire proof armor if done correctly.


I fail a few tries as I lack the innate talent for the animal mana that let one communicate and make contracts with creatures, and when I say creatures I do mean anything with a conscious including us humans which means most contracts done within the tower are done through this means.


He spends time finding it's spot on his double helix mobius and by the time he is done only time is left and all the spots are pretty much filled making him worried for where the time pattern can go.


The list goes like this one the double helix mobius, Purity(half of space)-light, plants, wind, fire, healing, water, earth, animals, darkness, tainted(half of space), the patterns form a half disc with the two right of the purity side being light, wind, and healing in the center while on the left it is plants then fire with again healing in the center before the tainted side is transitioned.


On the right of the tainted side is darkness and earth while the left is animals and water, only the healing one had to be done on both sides as a balancer for energy run off.


He now had it complete but he wonders what on earth times pattern is as he can't imagine finding it in a low or even semi advance book, he will probably only get it either from and animal/plant with a conscious or from a book worth quadrillions of coins.


He has finally reached the point where only one shape is needed for his first core is fully set up and he is ready to shrink it for condensation, all he needs is the time and it will be set.


He picks up his chakrams and enters the ring to begin his daily training of practicing his elements and he runs his mana through his nearly complete core system and finds it seems to want to disperse to all of the core instead of focusing on just one patter or another.


He jumps back from the first wave goblin as his mana is currently acting up while he tries and uses it, he then pins the goblin with his knife and decides to try letting it disperse as it wants.


He feels small bits of mana settle in each of the patterns like a mini core of their own and the core he made begins to rotate as the mana travels through it slowing down and speeding up in the rotation, but as he is letting his mana do as it wishes he senses the goblin cut it's own hand off to try and attack but the shock doesn't come from this as it isn't the first time it has happened.


He sees the goblin burst out and suddenly the world freezes and all his mana is running at full scale before suddenly everything returns to normal and he nearly collapses from his lack of mana, he had somehow for a mere one millisecond as everything stopped and began again.


Of course he knew at his current strength a millisecond was worthless except to see his death better but in the future when that time will increase and his ability to react increases the worth will be large.


But the question is how in the world did he gain the time talent without it's pattern, or maybe he did have the pattern he just didn't know it. Everything works within the boundary of time from space to purity and tainted energy all exist in time so therefore for all to exist s balance is needed and that balancer is time, he thought of how when he turned his double helix's into mobius strips the multiple energies seem to balance more easily and respond more smoothly.


He made the time pattern by complete accident but now that everything was here and presented it made sense on how the energies that normally wouldn't get close can exist because they are in different time zones in the mobius strip, a mobius strip is the time talents pattern.


He leaves the ring after killing the goblin of the first wave not even bothering to go further with himself out of mana, he sense the mana slowly returning as the mana within time that passes even if slowly is absorbed.


The mobius strip required all the elements present before it could fully work to stop time but he wonders if he can't do other things with it without all the elements needing mana sent to them, he heard of one eye crows able to peak into the future but knew they only appear on floors over 100.


He wondered if the mana needed for a time talent to even function is simply to high as he stares at his own mana attribute and know it isn't small.


















-your mana type is purifying, tainted energy resistance, master energy detection, grandmaster energy manipulation, master blacksmith, apprentice<elemental empathy> cultivation, journeymen sabre martial arts, mana manipulation fire type, mana manipulation water type, mana manipulation wind type, mana manipulation earth type, master mana manipulation, master enchanting weaver, grandmaster ballet, grandmaster belly dancing, unique chakram martial arts, mana manipulation healing type, mana manipulation darkness type, mana manipulation light type, mana manipulation space type, mana manipulation tainted type, mana manipulation plant type, mana manipulation animals type, mana manipulation time type


I am finally ready to begin to condense my energy and upgrade my apprentice cultivation level to journeymen, he knew that one can only advance by condensing their energy and then producing more cores using the mana one continues to gather.


Journeymen have anywhere between two and 100 cores while each level the amount of cores sours as more and more mana is needed for the advancement, right now each core takes 100 mana to set up but to properly use the core he needs all of his current mana and then some but for now he needs to advance his cultivation then he can focus on fully using the cores inside him.


He sits down and eats some tainted meat to restore his mana then begins to purify it and get rid of the memories left behind, the thing was a tainted rabbit and the memory was a faint one.


He then begins to condense his current core until it is a tenth of the original size which is considered the lowest potential a cultivation style can allow for condensation and is it can't condense at all then it would be a failed cultivation, he now begins to build his second core.


Currently with the amount of room in his mind he can barely make 100 of the cores before it is completely filled meaning it should leave him forever stuck in the journeymen cultivation level, but he believed he could condense them more once he was finished using the combined pressure of all of them and if that doesn't work he will then try other methods for trying to make room but until then he will continue making his cores.


He finally finishes the 4th core when a message comes from earthen warrior asking me if I had a cultivation means for a earth person and if not then can I send something to help him as he simply isn't able to figure out how to make a core.


Earth users are all about adding more and more pressure before releasing it all in one place like a penetrative shot, I figure the most optimal means of such a thing is simply through the basics and so send him design of a funnel that is circled so the energy enters the large side from a open point then go through a ever tightening tube before exiting back into open air before the process starts all over.


The book I wrote explaining both this and the need to condense it once it is constructed, along with how many of them are needed before one can advance to journeymen and further.


I tell him to build the first one using the mana merged with his stomach to build the structure like I had with my mind, I get a message asking for more mana crystals and I send more to him and return to my own cultivation as I build the last two of the cores I am currently able to.


My mana is now just shy of 700 and soon I can advance again but it will take a long time to build up 10,000 mana for the one hundred cores needed for the journeymen level.


I sigh and enter the ring deciding to only make use of my purity element for now while fighting as it is the one requiring the least mana while the time one he can't even do for now due to the amount of mana needed, he fights and makes things like before but this time he focuses on making armor for a while using mixtures of leather and metal as he crafts.


He sells the normal and mana type ones but he has yet to decide what type of armor he himself prefers as although he is a very free flowing person when fighting so pure metal armor just isn't viable despite the good defense for it, but he wants an armor of incredible defense and his thoughts jump to the sheep's wool that he once thought could make a good armor with the right work.


Leather from the sheep with the wool still attached is tricky but a request for 15,000 coins he gets the carcass completely intact except for where it is stabbed in the head through it's eye to kill it, this one did it humanly at least.


He begins to weave the wool into braids to toughen it while also making it slimmer and less puffy while the skin potion the wool is attached to undergoes a tainted mana bath to preserve it's memory, although one of my cores mana is used doing that the purity mana is used while weaving and treating the wool and the animal energy used while working with the leather skin.


Once that is done I begin to fit the bones with purified lithium which is the metal I found works best with purity energy, though not tough so not good for defense it will work good as back up defense with the bones used during the forging process to make it a part of the squarelock shape for max bend viable with lithium a naturally bendy metal as is.


I then begin to boil the purified blood for treating the wool, slowly the pure gold colored sheep turned a rose gold and the skin from white to pink.


I feel slightly embarrassed at the thought of wearing pink armor but it is the most practical armor and so I will deal with it, I finally imbed the metal as a under guard with more treated leather with braided wool facing my body as an extra protection and once it is finished the width of it is only about that of a double lined wool sweater with extreme bend capability and the leather knee patch on it acts as extra protection as well as the leather collar.


Over all it is a rose gold braided weaved sweater with pink leather elbows and collar, it is the type of clothes a woman wears but it is made for him and he uses his analyze on it to see it's status.


-Unnamed purity armor-

-This armor was made using both the body and mind of creature but has been purified before completion, this armor will be bound to the person who name it who is the first one to say 'your name is []'.

-Durability 500/500((can self repair amount of damage dictates time to repair)

-resistance 5

-toughness 10

-mana enhancement 15

-mana type purity

-weight 10 pounds

-evolution level 0

-Ability- iron skin, mana imbuement


I feel pleased at this as it is even better then the knife though that should be as it took a lot more energy and time to make this armor, he knew that armor was simply tougher due to the many parts going into making this one piece but for the ones using less complicated things like bull skin it will be simpler as the weaving part will be excluded.


I am still thinking when I see the mana imbuement and think it is probably a good thing as it means my mana will pass through it even more easily then just mana type item would.


I now have made my chest piece though I will need some shoes and pants to go with it for now it is better then the lowest leather armor I have used for now, I began using it on the 40th wave as it is better to have something then nothing with so many enemies around you.


I think on how to link the two when I wonder if I can't have the armor evolve to cover my whole body, it will change and grow so it should follow the will of it's wielder.


I look to the woolen sweater like armor piece and think of names for it but nothing really sticks then he remembers his trips to the place ancient Mesopotamia once laid and the guides spoke of the gods that they once believed in, Geshtinanna was a goddess of sheep but was also seen as a god of foresight and a scribe person for the underworld.


He contemplated Aries but decided against it due to it being a ram not an actual sheep, he liked the though of a scribe of the underworld being what his armor is named after as it is meant to protect him from death.


"Your name is Geshtinanna" He could sense a consciousness connect with his own.


He felt it as it connected with his cores and slowly integrated with me like a memory would, it was strange but nice as I felt the sense of a companion for the first time since I came here.


I now know this to work well and decide the next thing to do is finally make my chakrams using this method but I use nearly 10 chakrams in one fight and I am sure the amount will increase with each advancement for me so I do not wish to have to keep crafting more meaning the ability for the chakrams should be clone type one.


I have heard of the white rat that makes mana copies of itself to try and confuse the ones hunting it and decide to go for it but the problem is it is hard to find as it only shows in purity dense areas and hide in deep burrows.


It appears on the 2nd floor and the earthen warrior should be advancing there soon enough so I decide to offer this to him as a part of our exchange, I know he needs the armor as early as possible so it can grow sufficiently while he climbs the tower so I intend to get him to hunt many things for me after he leaves the first floor this will simply be the first one as a type of test for him.


I nod my head and contact him in request of if he has advanced floors or not he says he will rise soon, I send the want for two white rats.


I need the bones and blood while forging but the fir will hold no worth for me as I do not need a leather handle like most weapons, I will make it into a holding bag for the chakrams instead as I believe it will make their mana preservation better like that.


I can now only wait for them to arrive and as I did I go through the ring using my current armor and chakrams to get some true experience with them, I only use the chest piece as I hope it will evolve to a full armor on it's own.


I eat the tainted meat but when I go to deal with the memory it is already consumed by the mind of the armor and it makes me worry it will do this with other things so I buy a carcass of a tainted rabbit to make into a pair of boots, I begin the process and the memory stays in my mind when I perform the integration process.


I assume it eats the ones I do not want and wonder if I make more that share my mind if they will evolve slower, well I have plenty of time even if they evolve slower I can just feed them more.


I look at the boots I made that increased speed and caused confusion on those watching the person run, useful but not my cup of tea though I don't intend to sell it instead I will have earthen warrior look for a tainted mana assassin person to gift them to so they can be used.


I intend only to use it for abilities I can't make proper use of myself like the sheep's wool, I also intend for only purity armor pieces as I intend to prove people with purification aren't the weakest.


I finally get the alert from earthen warrior on him advancing and tell him to find someone for the boots, the person will have to earn them but they will count as my reward for the task for the assassin and the cost of the task will be nulled due to me giving earthen warrior a cultivation method.


I see his affirmative and smile as I wait for him to send the white rats to me, only a little bit and my main weapons can begin their forging process.

Next chapter