
Mise en place

A cataclysmic event unfolded in the cosmos: two black holes collided, sending ripples through the fabric of space-time. These gravitational waves traversed the vastness of space, eventually reaching Earth in the 1720s. Their arrival disturbed an ancient void portal, long sealed by the guardians of old to prevent cosmic energies from spilling into our world. The seal, weakened infinitesimally by the waves, began to leak energy in a 100-year cycle (1720s ,1820s ,1920s and 2020s) affecting the most sensitive of Earth's inhabitants. These cosmic energies from the void directly affect the essence of life and the souls of organisms.

The first to feel the effects were unicellular organisms, whose very essence was altered, leading to mutations that cascaded up the food chain. This presence is first believed to have been found in The Great Plague of Marseille in 1720, which was a significant outbreak, but it was not a global pandemic due to the backward means of transportation.

A century later, in 1817, the trickle of cosmic energy began to seep into our world again, undetected by all but the most sensitive of life forms. This induced mutations that rippled through the biosphere, resulting in the first cholera pandemic, a major health crisis.

By the cycle of the 1900s, the effects were greater and could even be seen in some humans with sensitive souls. While the same can be said to have happened in previous leaks, historical records botched by time do not allow us to reach any conclusive evidence. The Spanish flu in 1918 is also a result of a similar event, but the presence of this plague was felt more across the global scale due to increasing globalization.

The effects of cosmic energy can be seen in many enlightened souls across the globe, leading to the Industrial Revolution. For example, Albert Einstein, who between 1905 and 1915 published five revolutionary papers in physics, most notably on general relativity in 1915, which was practically proven by 1919. These events also coincide with many earth-shattering discoveries in all scientific fields, such as Max Planck's theories leading to the new branch of quantum physics. These dates might be all over the place; however, such differences of a few years are but a mere fraction in the cosmic timeline, while time itself is relative. Hence, to disprove these ideas based on such minor errors cannot be said to be enough.

In the field of politics leading to world wars, along with the rise of science and technology, the lasting effects of the event's butterfly effect led to the industrial revolution in the 1950s, changing the world as we see it.

This leads to our fourth cycle, where the effects were felt and recorded in detail as never before. Waves after waves and mutation after mutation shook the fully modern civilization of humans on the planet for a couple of years. The discovery of another collection leading to gravitational waves by LIGO detectors in 2015 can also have a hand in alleviating the pandemic by causing a further leakage.

Amidst this cycle of chaos, a soul of person named Alex found itself caught in the cosmic currents, bypassing the ancient seal through the cracks. By a stroke of luck—or perhaps fate—Alex's soul survived the perilous journey through the void. The knowledge within the soul, a resonance of memories and experiences, vibrated with the energy of a nearby world, the world of Planetos.

Alex's soul, bathed in cosmic energy, was tempered to be as powerful as any omniscient beings that roamed through the void. This allowed his soul to remain unaffected through the cycle of reincarnation on Planetos and branding by the fate and gods of Planetos. However, due to Alex's reincarnation, most of the cosmic power is locked in his soul, which can only be tapped later by Alex.

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