
Chapter 138: Yao Lao: This Kid is Terrifying!

Chapter 138: Yao Lao: This Kid is Terrifying!

Yellow dust floated near Medusa, but she no longer had any strength.

Medusa watched the figure of Xiao Ze moving away with a complex expression. Seeing her purple robe arranged, her feelings were hard to decipher.

For some reason, Medusa did not try to summon her fighting energy again.

It seemed she trusted Xiao Ze's words that in ten minutes, she would regain her energy.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Several individuals landed near her, raising yellow dust that struck her face, making Medusa angry.

As Xiao Ze left, he had put some distance before deploying his energy wings, so the wind and dust did not affect her. But her subordinates arrived late and, without considering the place, landed near her, causing the wind to raise sand that hit her.

"Your Majesty, Mo Snake Clan leader Mobas arrives late to protect you, please forgive my tardiness! Should we pursue the enemy?"

One of the clan leaders spoke with a cold voice in the desert.

Medusa took a deep breath, knowing she couldn't blame them.

"No need to pursue him, you are no match for him; it would be a death sentence."

Medusa's words surprised the clan leaders. Was the enemy so powerful?

"Return and increase vigilance. Anyone who dares to enter, kill them without mercy!"

"Also, gather information about the Strange Flame at any cost."

Medusa spoke coldly, and the clan leaders accepted with reverence.

"Leave, I will stay to investigate a bit more."

Medusa watched as they left and rubbed her face with a white hand.

Not being able to use her fighting energy was truly inconvenient!

Although Xiao Ze hadn't killed her, Medusa felt a growing urgency in her heart.

She had to find the Strange Flame quickly and seek a breakthrough.

Otherwise, even a water cultivator could defeat her in an unfavorable environment.

This was the most humiliating thing for Medusa.

She reviewed the battle in her mind, convinced that Xiao Ze was an old monster with a youthful appearance.

It couldn't be that someone newly arrived at the Dou Huang rank had so much experience.

After ten minutes, Medusa tried to summon her fighting energy, and bright energy wings unfolded on her back.

"Hmph! At least he didn't lie to me!"

Medusa looked in the direction Xiao Ze had disappeared, snorted, and returned to the temple.

On the other hand, Xiao Yan and Yao Lao, after escaping Medusa's pursuit a month ago, still hadn't given up.

They remained in the desert, waiting for an opportunity.

When Xiao Yan was starting to lose patience, a battle broke out in the deep desert, making him see it as his chance.

Xiao Yan quickly headed to the location marked on the map given by Hai Bodong. Hai Bodong said those three places were the most likely to find the Strange Flame.

If there was none in the deep desert, it would be difficult to find one in the Tagore Desert.

"Nothing... nothing... nothing!"

Xiao Yan was about to dig up the entire place but found no trace of the Strange Flame, shouting with a fierce expression.

"Damn it!"

Xiao Yan struck the ground with his heavy black sword, creating a big hole in the sand, venting his frustration.

"Xiao Yanzi!" Yao Lao's voice resonated forcefully, making Xiao Yan stop and regain his composure.

Around him, the terrain was wrecked. Seeing the damage, Xiao Yan felt a chill.

"Xiao Yanzi, you got carried away!"

Yao Lao spoke severely: "Strange Flames are not for everyone. When I obtained the Bone Spirit Flame, it cost me a lot."

"Many alchemists spend their whole lives without seeing a Strange Flame."

"If you get discouraged by a failed search, you better change your technique."

Hearing Yao Lao's harsh words, Xiao Yan lowered his head, ashamed.

"I'm sorry, Master, I got too obsessed and lost control."

Yao Lao sighed.

"The Tagore Desert is not the only place to search. If you get obsessed, it will be hard to move forward."

"Let's go to the Canaan Academy, it seems there is a Strange Flame there."

Xiao Yan took a deep breath and got encouraged.

"Hurry, hide!"

Yao Lao spoke urgently.

Xiao Yan, surprised, reacted quickly, hiding in the sand, while asking Yao Lao mentally.

"What's happening, Master?"

"The man who fought with Medusa in the deep desert is coming here."

Xiao Yan tensed up. "Is Medusa chasing him?"

"I don't sense her presence... he probably eluded her."

Yao Lao spoke gravely. "Hide well. If he managed to escape from Medusa, he is very powerful."

Yao Lao's words scared Xiao Yan.

Escaping from Medusa meant that man was not easy to face.

Xiao Yan soon felt the presence of the mysterious man.

His heart pounded as the man stopped above him.

Xiao Ze smiled. He didn't expect to meet his brother again. Without Medusa, he could chat with him.

Xiao Yan was tense, ready to flee.

Yao Lao was also ready to take control of Xiao Yan's body.

A voice resonated from above.

"Brother, it's been two years and you hide upon seeing me."

Xiao Yan, recognizing the voice, felt his heart stop.

It was the voice that motivated him to train fervently.

"Don't move, he could be deceiving you." Yao Lao's voice resonated in Xiao Yan's mind, keeping him still.

Seeing that Xiao Yan didn't respond, Xiao Ze sighed, descending near his hiding place and removing his hood.

"Brother, come out, it's me."

Xiao Yan couldn't contain himself anymore and stood up, looking at Xiao Ze incredulously.

"Is it you, brother?"

"I asked for permission at Canaan Academy to resolve family matters."

Xiao Ze saw Xiao Yan's lamentable state and said:

"This is not a good place to talk. Let's go to an imperial city to rest."

"Alright!" Xiao Yan smiled.

From the ring, Yao Lao was shocked.

Hearing Xiao Yan's stories, Yao Lao had doubts.

But seeing Xiao Ze, he realized that Xiao Yan had understated in his description.

"A fourteen-year-old Dou Huang... this kid is terrifying!"

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