
Intersquad Match (1)

The first week of college flew by with Steve and Ken managing to get into somewhat of a routine. Ken had taken a hiatus with his own training regime so that he could get a gauge on what baseball practice would be like.

While the training on the field was based more around skills and game scenarios, they also required players to hit weights in the gym at nights. This was something that Ken had little experience with, but the trainers were brilliant.

Even only after a week, Ken could feel the differences in his body. It was not often that he was sore after working out, but this week had shown that even with his Fatigue Management skill, there was still room for pain.

He didn't mind the work out schedule, but there was an absence of cardio, almost as if the players were reluctant to do it. But this was easily supplemented with his own training in the mornings.

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