
Ch 23: How To Train Your Dragon

" talking "

' thinking '

[ System ]

{ Author Note }

'She didn't even let me say thank you, though, and I guess that makes sense. She has heard it from thousands of others, and this also makes a good way to see if I can put still living things in my inventory.' I then put the two things in my inventory seamlessly as I get a prompt to see what the egg is and see that it is a Tulkun egg with a prompt on the bottom that says that Eywa is specially made into an egg, as whales don't lay eggs.

'How kind of her she gave me a Tulkun egg. Now I don't need to go eat one and leave even sooner. I only need to accept these quest rewards and head to the next world.' I enter my inner world and look around to see that I am at the same spot I left before opening my quest tab.




1: Remove the RDA from Pandora Permanently

2: Explore


1: unique mutation

2: Memory Influx

3: Knowledge


[Eywa's Quest]


1: Help the Omatikaya Clan

2: Eradicate the Ash People


1: Worship of the Clans

2: Army of Ash


As I look over the quests, I accept all of the rewards besides the Memory Infusion one to get everything else and see what they are before I give myself some high-tiered sadness. As I take the Army of Ash reward, I immediately feel like I can call anything in my inner world outside of it as long as the requirements are met, like only being able to conjure a Leviathan if I am in water so they can breathe.

I then see that the worship of the clan's reward is auto-collected, and I see my new title mixed with that reward and Eywa's blessing. I then accepted the knowledge reward and saw the same thing that happened with the one from subnautica, as it gave me all the information on everything on Pandora and Earth. Still, I would need to read through it, and I can't automatically know everything.

'well, now that all the passive things have been grabbed, let's see what new mutation I get.' I click on the reward and feel my entire body cool, then heat back up before reaching a medium between the two as my body stops sending out flames and ice with the electricity that would jump off of my body calms as well as it only manages to jump between my spins before being reabsorbed into my body.

" Well, that is quite the gain; after all, it helps with my body temperature problem and the electricity." I look at my new mutation and see that it's Hydrokinesis.

'Very fitting for me, after all. I am a leviathan; it took me long enough to control water properly.' I teleport above the ocean, dive into it, and feel the water rush between my scales and spines, enjoying submerging myself in the water.

As I finish enjoying the feeling of the water, I start to feel the currents in the water before I use my Hydrokinesis to start manipulating it and have it change directions before I teleport back to the shore and, put my hand out, and then tug it back as I watch a giant waveform as I do that.

I then pull my spear out to see if I can do what I think. I stab forward with my spear and watch the water split for a few meters, allowing me to see the bottom. As I see my thought work, I twirl my spear and throw it between my hands. I watch the water mimic my spear, forming a giant whirlpool and causing giant spouts whenever I pass it.

'I'm going to have a lot of fun with this.' I then test how far I can go with the water, forming a bunch of water upwards and creating a giant shield and sword next to it. I start forming more details into the two so they look more defined and unique before I make smaller versions to use.

'now, let's see if I can still control it when it's frozen.' as I walk towards the water and step into it, I send a massive surge of energy through it and freeze the water until all you can see is ice for a mile. I then stab my spear into the ice, and as I do, a massive pillar of ice shoots up in the distance, with several peepers flying out and even a Boneshark.

'so I can control its solid form, but I need to stop getting distracted and accept the memory influx already.' I put my spear away, melt all the ice, and reluctantly look at the last reward with a need to know and a want not to know what I have lost.

'Okay, let's see what it is. Maybe I can see more about them.' as I click on the last reward, and feel my head throb and the entire world around me shake as if responding to the pain as I fall forward and get sucked into a memory.


"So, how was your guy's day today? Did you two have fun with Matt and Lexa," a Woman to my left asks as she looks at the two kids and hands them plates of food.

"Yeah, me and sis had a bunch of fun. Matt and Lexa said that we should go back over again tomorrow so we can play more," one of the kids says as the other already has some food in his mouth.

"Is that so? I believe we can make that happen, though you will have to ask your dad. It would shock me if he said no," the woman says as she hands me my food before she sits down to the right of me.

"Of course, you guys can go back over tomorrow. You just need to make sure that's okay with Matt and Lexa's parents." I say with a smile on my face as I look over to the woman and see what looks like the most beautiful woman I have ever seen with her blue eyes and big puffy brown hair.

"Are you okay, love?" the woman asks with some concern as she puts her hand on mine and looks at me with worry before she realizes that I'm just admiring her. This causes her to grow a huge smile and then look away towards her food.

[ Memory influx is now over ]

"no, no, take me back. God damn, it takes me back to my wife and kids. I want them back, god damn it." I scream as tears start flowing down my face. The clouds above my head start to become cloudy, and it starts raining, with thunder constantly striking the ocean and trees around me.

"Stop giving me these short moments and just let me go back, take me back," I scream as I slam my spear into the ground as I continue to cry. Still, when my spear makes contact, the ocean to my right shoots up before being frozen, while on my left, in the forest, flames are roaring as if the landscape and the entire world is responding to my emotions.

I can even sense Jörmungandr in the ocean starting to grow angry as he unravels from around the barrier and roars out to the world, causing the world to shake before he brings his head to me, causing him to be covered in ice. He then lays it near my side, his eyes saying that he feels my pain with me.

"Thank you, Jörmungandr." I put my hand on the giant leviathan's head, and he closed his eyes. I could see that he was exuding more electricity than usual, causing it to flow into my body, which seemed to be calming me down in some strange way.

"Thank you so much, Jörmungandr. I mean it." I say again as I take my hand off his head, stand up, and wave my hand, causing all the rain to stop and the flames immediately extinguish with the ice melting and all the animals that I didn't realize were constantly fighting, as they were all calm with the Na'vi clans, within calming as well.

'so the world was responding to my emotions. I guess that's nice in a way.' as I look back over to Jörmungandr. "You can return back to where you were now, Jörmungandr, and I appreciate the calming electricity, so go back to sleep now," I say with a thankful voice to the giant leviathan as he then moves his head and moves back to the barrier, goes back to sleep, and even increases the length of the border when getting back.

'I guess I should be heading to the next world now.' I open the System, click on the world selector, and see that random is the only choice I can still pick, and I let myself get taken to the next world.

'Now let's see where I'm at.' as I open up my quest tab to see where I might be at as I am usually automatically given at least one quest.


[Villain Killing]


1: Kill Drago

2: Kill Grimmel

3: Explore


1: unique mutation

2: Memory Influx

3: Knowledge

'So I'm in. How do you train your dragon? This should be quick, then, especially since it just kills two people rather than eating a lot of dragons, and hopefully, the time period is before all the Night Furies are dead. After all, I don't want to eat Toothless.' I look around my surroundings to see if I can see any dragons to eat quickly, and I see a small Terrible Terror.

'well, they are definitely more realistic.' as I dash forward and easily catch the small dragon and quickly eat it. 'it doesn't really taste like much, but I do love the fact that I already know where to go due to the map and this place is thankfully pre-unlocked for me.' as I teleport to the home of the Red Death.

'Shit.' I look up to see a small black dragon flying in the sky, fighting against a giant green dragon with six eyes and a clubbed tail.

'I guess I should help,' looking around me. There isn't anyone to see me shift as I turn into a Storm glider, but I use my shifting to make it my actual size. I then quickly jump and soar up to the two of them, quickly ramming into the side of the Red Death, and see that I'm bigger than it is.

'I'm bigger, yes. ' I drag the giant behemoth to the ground, shifting into my normal form. I quickly bite into its neck and tear it out in quick succession. I start tearing into the giant dragon and eating it in a slightly savage way, expanding the size of my mouth. I finish it in fifteen to twenty bites.

[DNA Absorption]

Red Death DNA

Mutations Gained: Club Tail

'not bad, though; a spear-like one would be better for me.' I feel my tail start to burn a bit as the end of my tail thickens and becomes like a mace covered in my poisonous spines.

'I take back my previous complaints, and do I want to go meet the mass of terrified Vikings, or do I just call it a day.' I then look up and see Hiccup divebomb towards me before quickly swooping up to stay in front of me my eyes.

"Hello, Hiccup and Toothless," I say in a loud and booming voice so that the mass of Vikings that are almost on the other side of the island hear me as they all start to head over to me to see what is happening.

"How do you know our names." Hiccup quickly questions as he immediately pats Toothless's head to start charging a Plasma blast if needed.

"Why wouldn't I know the name of the first dragon rider and the last living Night Fury? After all, I only wish to help the both of you, which I believe you can tell by how I took out the Red Death for you." I say in a laid-back tone as I look at the two of them and the mass of Vikings that have finally made it over here.

"With this giant audience, I will leave now, so please take care. After all, you still have many legends to make," I say as I teleport off the island and onto sentinel island before turning into a Terrible Terror.

'now, this should be one of the only other stops I need to make. After all, this is the final resting spot for dragons, at least that is for this part of the world. However, I feel like I should feel bad for gnawing on so many of these bones.' I then start teleporting all over the island and eating one of every bone I come across. That way, I don't have to kill any dragons.

[DNA Absorption]

Gronckle DNA Monstrous Nightmare DNA Deadly Nadder DNA Hideous Zippleback DNA Rumblehorn DNA Skrill DNA Speed Stinger DNA Death Song DNA Changewing DNA Dramillion DNA Eruptodon DNA Hotburple DNA Grapple Grounder DNA 

Mutations Gained: Inner Furnace, Kerosene Gel, Spine Shot, Gas-and-Spark, Amber Spit, and Mimic Fire

'That is a lot, and I still have much more to hop to, so I just stopped. That way, my body can get these ones and then continue.' I feel my stomach churn slightly and start to heat up, giving me the feeling that I could eat rocks then spit out molten rock. as I also feel my sweat, saliva, and poison glands change as they start also to produce a flammable substance, allowing me to set my self aflame and anything I have bitten into.

While the spines across my tail and back felt like they could be sent flying if I wished, and accurately so too. the inside of my mouth started to tingle as two four small holes formed within my mouth with two made for producing a flammable gas and the other two for creating a spark to set it on fire as another two holes form with there now being three on each side of my mouth as the two new ones spit out a liquid amber. as I then feel my lungs change slightly as they feel like they could adapt to be able to use any fire type I see a dragon use as long as it is watched.

'Wow, I have just a couple of changes, though, most being internal and then still being in my mouth. the six small holes are a bit strange, but I can see them being useful in the future, though I now need to go back to the teleporting.' I then go back to my teleporting frenzy and eat even more bones.

[DNA Absorption]

Fireworm DNA Flightmare DNA Raincutter DNA Razorwhip DNA Singetail DNA Smothering Smokebreath DNA Snaptrapper DNA Stormcutter DNA Thunderpede DNA Timberjack DNA Typhoomerang DNA Snafflefang DNA 

Mutations Gained: Paralyzing Mist, Water Resistant Fire, Smoke Veil, and Owl Head

'Well, that wasn't as many as last time, though I still have a couple more to jump to, and then I need to go to some actual islands to find some other dragons and then into the ocean as none of the tidal dragons are here.' as I then start to feel my throat open up a bit and grow some glands that allow me to breath out a mist that would leave something paralyzed for a long time.

More glands are added to my throat, letting me breathe out a flame that won't be released by rain or even a bucket of water. I also feel several spots around my body can exude a thick smoke-like fog around my body to hide in. The bones in my neck started to morph and change, and a socket that was holding my head in place was removed. The socket changed to only one, letting me turn my head a total of two hundred and seventy degrees.

'That's not a bad gain. I am getting a lot of good things here, though. I'm already growing bored of all the teleporting, but I really don't want to be killing any of these dragons unless I have to. Maybe I attached myself too much when watching the shows and movies, ' I say as I go back to teleporting around the island.

[DNA Absorption]

Triple Stryke DNA Whispering Death DNA Windgnasher DNA Windstriker DNA Threadtail DNA Thunderclaw DNA Shovelhelm DNA Sentinel DNA Snifflehunch DNA Moldruffle DNA Hackatoo DNA Thornridge DNA

Mutations Gained: N/A

'Well, that sucks slightly, but that is to be expected. Honestly, I already got a lot from this island. All I need to do now is get the Tidal class dragons and any dragon that dealt with cold weather as that's all that wasn't here, though there was some outside of both those categories, so I need to get them to that's no problem.' as I then teleport off the island and at the top of Snow Wraith island.

'It's mid-summer, so they should all be sleeping. currently, I'm going to go as long as I'm quiet.' I morph into a Terrible Terror, teleport into the Snow Wraith cave, and quickly put my hand on one of them before teleporting back out with the Snow Wraith.

'Okay, let's eat this guy before he fully wakes up.,' I morph into my normal form and quickly eat the Snow Wraith before he can wake up and process what is going on.

[DNA Absorption]

Snow Wraith DNA

Mutations Gained: N/A

'To be expected, but I can't be much more greedy with this world. After all, I have already gained a good amount of stuff for a quite weak world, though I'm getting sidetracked. I need to get all those Tidal classes.' I then jump into the ocean surrounding the island and quickly disappear into its depths as I start teleporting across the ocean and eating several Tidal class dragons.

[DNA Absorption]

Submaripper DNA Shellfire DNA Scauldron DNA Sand Wraith DNA Shockjaw DNA Sliquifier DNA Thunderdrum DNA Tide Glider DNA Woolly Howl DNA Shivertooth DNA Groncicle DNA Prickleboggle DNA 

Mutations Gained: N/A

'well, I wasn't expecting to end up in the Arctic when I was hunting for Tidal class dragons, though I believe all of the tidal dragons besides the Bewilderbeast. I also believe I have all of the artic dragons, so I should be able to head back to the archipelago.' I teleport to dark deep to eat a Catastrophic Quaken.

'Ahh, yes, the ancient home of the boulder class, if I remember right. At least that's what Fishlegs said when he came here, ' I say as I teleport in front of a quake and quickly eat it before I teleport away.

[DNA Absorption]

Catastrophic Quaken DNA 

Mutations Gained: N/A

'Sad, but as long as they are added, I guess it's time to start the mass teleporting around islands and eat some more dragons. Thankfully, I won't have to do it as much as I would have since I went to Vanaheim first.' I then teleport in front of a fighting Armorwing and Sword Stealer. They both quickly see me and try to fly away, though not getting far, as I quickly eat them and continue on my teleporting buffet.

[DNA Absorption]

Armorwing DNA Sword Stealer DNA Boneknapper DNA Cavern Crusher DNA Sandbuster DNA Slitherwing DNA Sweet Death DNA Devilish Dervishes DNA Grim Gnashers DNA Hobblegrunt DNA Large Shadow Wing DNA Small Shadow DNA Crimson Goregutter DNA Hobgobbler DNA

Mutations Gained: Magnetic Body and Collapsible Skeleton

'well, that should be everything but four things, with one I don't want to eat and the other ones I haven't made it to yet.' I then started to feel my body gain a magnetic field that would stick metal to my body, letting me use it as makeshift armor. At the same time, I also feel my entire skeleton could be squeezed together like a slinky, and not a single one would break.

'Now that feels nice, but now I need to go back to Vanaheim as I accidentally forgot to take a bite of the giant Bewilderbeast skeleton.' as I teleport back to Vanaheim and take a quick bite of the giant skeleton before then teleporting above a Whispering Death Island and hear a giant Screaming Death as it senses me and quickly starts to burrow towards me.

[DNA Absorption]

Bewilderbeast DNA 

Mutations Gained: N/A

'well, that sucks, but I believe there is more dire things to focus on.' I dismiss the system screen and charge into the giant Screaming Death as it roars at me, which I simply shrug off as I pin it to the floor with my telekinesis before I ram my horns into the side of its head causing it to be knocked out as I then start to tear into its body and eating it at a quick speed.

[DNA Absorption]

Screaming Death DNA 

Mutations Gained: N/A

'to be expected, though; I now just need to go eat the Purple Death before I deal with Grimmel and Drago.' as I finish swallowing the last bite of the Screaming Death before teleporting above the spot where the Purple Death is currently sleeping.

'Let's make this quick so I can go deal with those two idiots, with one thinking there is a god and the other committing a complete genocide on a race.' as I dive into the water below me and quickly finding the Purple Death as I make sure to hold it in its position before I encase its entire body in ice and frying him alive with my maximum output of electricity which quickly causes him to die as I then start to eat the giant dragon.

[DNA Absorption]

Purple Death DNA 

Mutations Gained: N/A

'I know every dragon I am willing to eat besides the Deathgripper, which I will be getting shortly, but it will be good that this now means that Hiccup will never need to give up Toothless now and can just live with him.' as I then teleport above a giant fleet of ships with several dragon cages on it and dragons covered in armor as I look to my left and see a person on a dragon a couple of miles away.

'that must be Valka. I should be done before she gets here, so that means all these dragons will be fine after this, which is good.' I then dive down towards the fleet of ships and freeze all the water around the fleet so it can't go anywhere.

"You shall all regret your murdering of dragons after this day." as I then use my Hydrokinesis to wrap the boats in water and start to submerge them into the ocean while also using my telekinesis to open all of the doors to the cages to let the dragons out and teleport all of the dragons that are injured to there respective islands.

I keep doing this process with all the boats in the fleet while making sure that any dragon hunter that jumps into the water to try and get away meets scalding hot water that instantly boils their entire body when fully submerged.

I then look over to the one boat I didn't touch. I see Drago walk onto the front of his boat. He stares directly at me. I then shift into my Na'vi form before teleporting onto his boat and staring down at him.

"How do you feel watching your army and fleet destroyed before your very eyes, Drago," I say in a rage-filled voice as I pull my spear out of my inventory and grasp it tightly.

"I feel nothing. After all, I can simply rebuild this entire fleet, and people are replaceable. Besides, I am the god of dragons." Drago says in a completely calm voice as he looks up to me with his staff in his hand.

"You are no god, Drago. You never will be." I swiftly cut his head off with my spear and stabbed him in the heart with it to ensure his death, though he wasn't coming back from the head severing.

'Well, that's one lunatic, and now it's time to deal with another.' I look up in the sky and see Valka about to land on the ice I created. She sees all the sunken ships and Dragos' headship before I teleport in front of Grimmel.

"Hello Grimmel, I believe it's your time to die, so here I am, though you could be quite useful in the future," I say appraisingly as I turn into Thanator and jump forward to eat him in one bite. He easily dodges and shoots me with one of his poison darts.

"Well, whoever you are, it shouldn't matter. After all, these darts have taken out several dragons of larger size than you thought. What are you." Grimmel asks in curiosity and cockiness as he walks toward me, absolutely confident that I will be knocked out as I do a fake wobble and collapse.

"I am your death, Grimmel. I already told you." I say as I see that he is close enough and eat him whole before he can realize what is happening. he snaps right before I eat him, causing several Deathgrippers to come into the room.

"So nice of you, Grimmel; you called your pets, too." I morph into my normal form and quickly eat all six of the Deathgrippers in quick succession before they can even try to attack me.

[DNA Absorption]

Deathgripper DNA Human DNA 

Mutations Gained: N/A

'not very shocking, though it is nice that I could finish this world so quickly. Now, let's get those quest rewards besides the memory influx one. I'm not ready for that again just yet.' I click on the two rewards and see another tab added to my knowledge tab, but this time, it only focuses on Earth and shows me where the last of the Night Furies are, even their resting place, and where the last ones are currently living across the world.

I see that I hurriedly morph into a human and start to draw a map of where they are and of the entire world while putting down all the locations of the Night Furies and their resting places before putting the map in my inventory and claiming the other reward. I see that I got Parallel Processing.

'Definitely, a useful one that means I can use my mutations together all at once better, but I now get to go to the Night Fury resting place and eat a quick bone.' as I teleport onto an island which seems to be at a constant time of night and rain as I walk into one of the burial areas and eat a bone before teleporting to berk.

[DNA Absorption]

Night Fury DNA 

Mutations Gained: N/A

'Nothing new sucks a bit but is completely fine. After all, my inner world is now covered in dragons and with Night Furies, but it is time to give this map to Hiccup.' as I look at the village of berk and teleport in front of Hiccup and quickly tell him to be quiet.

"I know this is sudden, but I was the giant animal you saw kill the Red Death, which I also know is hard to believe, but you're going to have to, and I wanted to give you this, so make sure not to lose it or even copy it a million times," I say to the Bewildered Hiccup, who seems not to care about a single word I am saying as I hand him the map, then disappear but make sure to keep watching him as I see him open the map to see what it is as he eyes then widen massively and quickly run to Toothless.

'Hiccup, don't go looking yet. Wait until you are older. I also marked a spot on the map for where your mom lives, so tell your dad when you go to find the rest of them. I say to Hiccup Telepathically as he starts to look around frantically. Still, at that point, I had already disappeared to a secluded spot and stared at the memory influx as I entered my inner world.

'Not yet, let's see what is new here before I make myself depressed, then distract myself.' I spread my senses over my inner world and saw that Jörmungandr had already grown another thousand miles to accommodate the much larger world. I saw that the Purple Death was swimming around him, and the two seemed to be talking.

'it seems like Jörmungandr now has a girlfriend or boyfriend. I never really cared to check either gender, and I don't plan on doing it now.' as I look over to see that the dragons have already multiplied a considerable amount with them, seamlessly fitting into their environment and already starting territory battles with the animals from Pandora and the Tidal classes fighting to survive in the water the best they can.

'It's nice to see everything come together so well, though. I guess it's time to see the memories; at least this time, the span is close together.' I fly to the same spot I did last time and sense a Sandbuster a few miles away, snuggled into the sand and already forming his treasury.


{ A/N Well, I hope you guys liked the chapter. I decided to cram it all into one and show some training at the start. I also hope that breaking up the DNA Absorptions was fine as I struggled to put them all in one.

Also, for Vanaheim, where he got most of the dragons, I would like to say the idea of the place was to be the final resting ground for every dragon, not just the primary ones in the show. Still, I decided to exclude the tidal class and some of the other miscellaneous dragons, so I hope no one is bothered by that.

But I will now put the usual below this. I would also like to say there probably won't be another chapter until Monday or Tuesday, so you all know.


Species: Devouring Leviathan

Name: Livyatan

Titles: Savior of Dragons, Devourer of Dragons +6

Length: 257m (843ft)

DNA Assimilated: 177


[Villain Killing]


1: Kill Drago

2: Kill Grimmel

3: Explore


1: unique mutation (Claimed)

2: Memory Influx

3: Knowledge (Claimed)


Next chapter