

Ogmios' evaluation was not very favorable; the artificial intelligence was cold and dispassionate with data; it was not endowed with intuition, which was a human trait that a machine could not achieve. The problem is that in order to accommodate the large orbital engine, it had to sacrifice a lot of space within the Phoenix's tight fuselage. However, he was not reluctant to give up the advantage that Captain Achilles had presented him. However, he could not see the solution to his space problem; he needed help, and at that moment, he could only count on his colleagues.

The group was eating in the living room when Aeneas approached. Aeneas was good at engineering; he even had several studies on the subject, but if there was a mind that Aeneas considered more brilliant than his, it was that of Telemachus and also that of Hector, who came from a family of technological geniuses.

"Guys, look at this."

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