
Surprisingly Calm Day/Pt 3.

"Wait what the fuck just happened." I said confused, seeing a dead body in front of me.

"D...d...did...h....he just kill somebody." Asked mariah stutteringly and shivering in fear.

"Hey thing one and thing two go take him down before he hurts other people and I'll call the police who's never around when you need them." I said sighing, finally registering what happened just now.

"Not that it'll help because his father might bribe or use his connections to get him out of jail but it'll occupy the psychopath for awhile" I thought while secretly pulling the poison from between my 34ds that i obviously haven't forgotten about.

While I was to busy formulating a plan to get rid of the fucker mariah was looking for exits to escape and brad was to busy being a ladies man trying to comfort mariah and diddy was well being diddy and had already left the scene with kim.

I pulled out my phone that wasn't oversize anymore due to the new flip phone model that came out this year and was about to dial 9:11 but stopped suddenly and thought "Wait can't I get rid of him while he's locked up since gangster wannabe might know some people in jail"

I smiled and secretly slipped the poison into my storage intending to hold off for awhile and said to mariah "Let's leave I'm about to call the police.

Mariah nodded and left with me and brad not stupid at all didn't fall behind.

"DON'T YOU LEAVE YOU FUCKING GOLD DIGGER I KNOW YOU GOT RID OF THE OTHER SHAREHOLDERS AND TOOK THEIR STOCKS YOU SLUT." Said oliver screaming at the top of his lungs while rushing towards us while we where leaving, only to be Intercepted by my huge bodyguards who tackled him and started to continuously punch him.



I stopped by the exit and looked at oliver who was still glaring at me with a bloodied face and smiled and blew a kiss at him who passed out due to anger, making me roll my eyes at his chinese manhua action and just for clarification purposes when I meant by successful business ventures I meant by most of my rising networth I repeat, most, is by getting rid of the other shareholders and taking their stocks since I'm intending to take over the company and make it into what I want and possibly form some connections with the people who created facebook and the Internet etc... I mean who doesn't love money and FYI in this line of work or celebrity work in general you have to get rid of some people or tear them down to go higher it's inevitable and In my case I had to do the latter by getting rid of them and of course I didn't do It personally I hired someone from the underworld with no identity and someone whom i personally met and deemed trustworthy to do it for me, despite me saying i should start doing my dirty work myself Iied obviously who should bealive that shit.

I walked outside the club and seen the crowed was still there but me being me I immediately spotted the police who where keeping them at bay.

"I'ma go ahead and leave, you and brad can handle the police." I said whispering to mariah, who in turn looked at me with a suspicious face.

"Do you have some history with the police." Asked mariah, eyeing me.

"To much history that I feel I might be thrown in prison if they see me right now." I said, looking around to see if they spotted us.

"Ok well I'll handle the rest since I need to head to miami anyways for some business I just wanted to have time to hang out with you while I'm down here." Said mariah sighing, only to do a whistle register run flawlessly making brad's mouth drop while i rolled my eyes, making her laugh.

"Oh you just don't know that I'm gonna steal your christmas song when I get home" I thought chuckling.

"ACHOO." Said mariah sneezing hardly.

"Are you ok." Asked brad, trying to get into her comfort zone.

"Yeah I'm fine for some reason I've been sneezing alot today." Said mariah having a bad feeling.

"Probably your allergies." Said brad in the background.

"Yea it probably is." Said mariah while rubbing her nose.

"Well I'ma head out." I said and gave mariah a little hug.

Mariah hugged back and said her goodbyes and brad also said his goodbyes and I headed back inside and snuck to the back of the club and headed towards my limo, making my fans disappointed, some having caught me heading back inside.

I snuck into my limo, with my driver closing the door and getting back into the driver seat and said "Where to ma'am."

I was about to speak only for my phone to start ringing.

I looked at my phone in my hand and seen it was grandma mia and awnserd it.

"Hello." I said.

"Alina you need to come back home big mama is in the hospital." Said grandma mia sniffing.

"What happened." I asked with a serious face.

"The doctor's said that her heart was giving out luckily they arrived just in time." Said grandma mia crying.

I took a deep breath and calmed myself down before I get emotional since I've actually gained emotional attachments to my new family in this life despite all we've been threw during these years.

"I'll be there soon and keep me updated." I said while fanning my face, trying not to mess my makeup up.

"Ok and your father and the rest of the family is here and some that you haven't met." Said grandma mia, calming down.

"Ok." I said, with grandma mia hanging up.

"Take me to my private yet." I said while putting my phone down and pouring myself another drink and slumping in my seat.

"Yes ma'am." Said the driver and started driving.

TIMESKIP: 2 Days Later/ Houston TX.

I was currently walking into a private hospital that big mama was loctaed at with my bodyguards and of course random people where staring at me with some taking pictures which I didn't care since I'm not here for the fame but for a family member.

I made my way to the front desk and said to the man sitting at the front desk "Excuse me can you give me the room number of adesina knowles."

The man looked up and almost had a heart attack from my sudden appearance and took a deep breath and took the headphones out of his ears and said "Sorry could you repeat yourself again ms."

"Can....you....give....me....the....room... number....of.....adesina....knowles." I said word for word nice and slowly.

"Yes give me a minute please." Said the man and started typing on the computer immediately.

"Is that the famous singer crystal." Asked a woman whispering in the background.

"Yes she's on most of the billboards in houston tx even the mayor said that she was gonna perform at his birthday party but she never showed up so everyone said that he was just using her fame to garner attention to himself and everyone called him a fraud since then." Said a man whispering in the background.

"These politicians are getting out of control these days I bet in the future they are gonna get even more out of control." Said the woman whispering in the background.

"Tell me about it they might even start wearing regular clothes at the white house instead of suits how stupid is that your clearly not respecting the history that your predecessors laid before you." Said the man whispering in the background.

I Ignored all there comments in the background and waited for the man who seemed to be finished looking for big mama's room number and said while gesturing "She's in room 45 and its that way."

I nodded and made my way down the hallway.

While I was walking down the hallway I arrived at the room and knocked on the door.


Grandma mia opend the door and seen me standing here and gave me a hug while crying, and I rubbed her back to comfort her and said "Everything is gonna be alright."

My grandmother appeared at the door and rubbed grandma mia's back while wiping her eyes with some tissues and said "Come in."

I nodded and walked in while holding grandma mia's arm to keep her steady so she wouldn't fall or anything.

As I walked into the room I seen big mama on the hospital bed with a breathing mask on and some other things connected to her body and seen some unfamiliar faces and immediately spotted my deadbeat father and his wife tina knowles who was holding little solange's hand and pooked down and seen little beyonce staring at me.

"Yep this is gonna be messy" I thought with a resting bitch face.



Next chapter