
First Album/Pt 3.

1986/Houston TX.

It's been a couple of days since I came back to houston and it's been rather chill I should say or well to chill anyways since I've been back I've been helping big mama get around the house and surprisingly found out that the forbidden room i couldn't go in when i was younger was a antique room what would you know anyways during these past couple of days I've been planning where to do my concerts for when my album gets released but postponed it for the time being so as to not destroy my delicate mind with work since I've been working alot i thought that it was time i needed a break, yeah right like hell me of all people could get one if i want to be a top celebrity and party with the bigwigs i need to work harder.

(Crystalline's POV)

I'm currently in the living room in my panties and a oversized t-shirt with my hair wrapped in a ponytail and socks on laying on the couch reading a book while big mama was sitting in her chair with her glasses struggling to stay on the top of her nose, watching the news.

"These hurricanes are getting on my nerves." said big mama, with a scrunched face.

I put my book down and looked at the news and seen a man explaining about a hurricane and shrugged my shoulders not caring and started reading my book again.

"Have you talked to uhhh... what's his name." Asked big mama, can't even remember her descendants name.

I looked back up from my book again and looked at big mama and seen her looking at me and looked to the other couch and seen nobody sitting their and looked back at big Mama.

"Oh your talking to me." I asked calmly.

"Who else am I talking to shall I be talking to the air." Said big mama, in a historical voice like a mystical person, with her hands moving dramatically in a mystical way.

"Oh who are you talking about." I asked, obviously confused.

"Your father." Said big mama, still not remembering mathews name.

"I haven't talked to him in since seven years ago and I could careless about the fucker." I said while sitting up on the couch.

Big mama chuckled and grabbed her tea cup on the nightstand and drunk it while watching the news.

I was about to continue reading my book but suddenly my oversized phone wrung, I sigh and picked up the phone and seen the caller was berry and answered it.

"Hello." I said while yawning.

"Hey crystal I'm calling to let you know that the album was just published." Said berry with a happy voice.

"Ok thank you for all of your and smokeys hard work." I said, smiling at my first album finally being published which made big mama smile at seeing me smiling.

"Oh and what are you plans for your performances." Asked berry.

"I'm planning to wait a little and see how people respond to my album first and then plan where my concert will be at but i plan to do it in california." I said, thinking of stage ideas, but not wanting to go overboard with it since I'm still a new artist.

"That's a smart move you don't wanna jump immediately into performing only for no one to buy tickets, hahaha." Said berry laughing.

"Also I've been getting calls from a modeling agency asking about you." Said berry, confused.

"Decline them I'm only focusing on music and my master of arts degree for now another weight on my shoulder is to much." I said, sighing.

"Ok well I'll talk to you soon, see you later." Said berry, chuckling.

"Ok see you later." I said, and hung up.

"Congratulations." Said big mama, trying to groove in her chair.

"Hahaha." I laughed at her funny movements.

"Where's grandma." I said, calming down fast.

"Oh she went out with uhhh... Whatchamacallit." Said big mama, clearly not knowing the man's name.

"Oh gangster wannabe." I said, nodding.

"Yea that was him." Said big mama.

"Oh I almost forgot." Said big mama, picking up a open mail and handing it to me.

I grabbed the mail and opend the envelope and took a paper out of it and seen the knowles family is being Issued a arrest warrant and is accused for the murder of a man named ferdinand and a police officer.

I looked at big mama with a surprised face who was sipping tea calmly.

"Be prepared because i don't know when the police will arrive to arrest us." Said big mama, sighing.

I sighed and rubbed my forehead with my left hand massaging it.

"I wouldn't have killed my singing instructor if he wasn't a pedophile and it was a accident." I said, rolling my eyes.

Big mama chuckled and said "Yea the police and the rest of those authorities are getting slowly more aware nowadays."

I nodded while thinking with scary eyes " i need to start handling my own dirty work instead of letting other people do it their very unreliable"

"Your lucky you were out of state when i received this in the mail but you might have been arrested in michigan and detained their." Said big mama, while signalling the nurse to refill her tea.

The nurse took the tea and refilled it, and handed it back to big mama and went to wash clothes.

I sighed and thought "I will not let this be on my record and ruin my future"

Big mama was sipping tea and seen a shadow pass by the window and paused.

"Alina i think their here." Said big mama, whispering.

I looked towards the window and seen a shadow standing there and got up and slowly made my way to the the window to take a peek and see who it is.

I moved the curtain out of the way and lifted the blinds slightly and seen a police officer walking down the porch and making his way around the back of the house like he's checking the property.

I closed the blinds and looked at big mama who was already out of her chair and making her way with her walker to the bathroom to tinkle with her nurse helping her.

I sighed and went and plopped back on the couch and thought "This is tiring i hope they haven't found the body parts yet"

I got up immediately with a wide smile on my face and thought "If they haven't found the body parts yet this will be easier I can pin the blame on someone else"

Big mama came back from the bathroom with he help of her nurse and sat back in her chair and asked "What are you smiling about."

"We can pin the blame on someone else." I said with a sly smile.

"Oh....you mean if they haven't found the body parts then we can plant someone's finger prints on the body parts and put them where the police will likely find them as evidence since you really didn't touch your singing instructor like that but kicked him, but of course they will still find your finger prints on him since he was your instructor in selena's house but the police officer died of untracable poison so we will have to do more work with him but in general they will likely still think of this as body dismembermant but in general it's murder." Said big mama, picking up her tea to moistened her throat.

"Exactly." I said, smiling while laying back on the couch.

I smiled even wider and said to myself "Yep this will be one hell of a rodeo."

"Indeed dear, indeed." Said big mama in the background.



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