
Chapter 8

Title at the end.




Character Name: Zephyr D. Stormborn

Class: Machinist {Rank: beginner} 

Race: Human

Age: 17

Level: 21 (Strongest of the weak)

Affiliations: NONE

Devil Fruit: Jika Jika no Mi {Mastery: 3.4%}

Haki: NONE


Slight of hand LVL 5, 

Observation LVL 5, 

Charm LVL 3, 

Tool Proficiency LVL MAX, 

Research LVL 1 

Shadowcraft LVL 6 

Blade Mastery LVL 6

Neural Magnetic Moment LVL 3 (NEW)

Ion Flux Arts: Ionic Flux Plasma LVL 1 (NEW)

Ability Scores:

Strength: 53 

Dexterity: 45 

Constitution: 50 

Intelligence: 49 

Wisdom: 51 

Charisma: 47

Inventory: 30/100 

Belli: 1,012,457


[Neural Magnetic Moment

Description: Through the use of the use of the Jika Jika no Mi, the user can manipulate his nervous system to increase nervous system capabilities. This skill scales off of the user's Intelligence. Current limit: 3 seconds]

[Ionic Flux Plasma

Ionic Flux Plasma is a powerful technique developed by Zephyr D. Stormborn as part of the Ion Flux Arts skill tree. By harnessing strong magnetic fields, the user can ionize the paramagnetic oxygen molecules in the surrounding air, creating a concentrated sphere of plasma around their fist.

The user can then charge this plasma with electrical energy, allowing them to unleash a devastating ranged attack. Alternatively, they can use the ionized plasma to coat their fists, imbuing their strikes with intense heat and electrical discharge.]


For the next 5 days, Ace and I alternated between fighting, training our devil fruit powers, and building a contraption, that would finally get us off this dreaded island. Piece by bloody one piece. Ace helped a ton with the steelwork with his flame we would melt the metal. I could do it alone but that would take too much out of me. With my magnetism, I would mix the molten hot metal, shape it, and finally let it cool and anneal. After each part was cooled and annealed I would start welding it together. Day by day, night after night my creation was starting to come together and on the sixth day it was finished.

It was a modified, hydrofoil-assisted catamaran. Instead of having a single haul, it was hollowed in the middle making two smaller hauls connected by the 4 person deck on the top. In the bottom, between the two smaller hauls, was a wing connecting the two hauls. This was the hydrofoil that would smooth out the ride and might even give some lift depending on how far Ace pushed the engines.

Which brings us to the heart of our small beast. At the back were 2 water-jet engines. The same ones that came from the blueprint. One engine for each of the hauls. metal pipes extended from both engines like blood vessels converging to the large inlet on the deck floor connecting to what I would call the engine cockpit. This was where Ace would sit and power the Beast with his Mera Mera no Mi at the stern. The deck of the vessel could carry up to 4 people including the one powering it. Made entirely of steel it was very angular and streamlined like a sword ready to cut through water. An angry metal sword.

"You know I had my doubts..."

"Wait till we test it first"

I was tired but I couldn't wait. Levitating my creation and gingerly placing it in the water a few meters off the coast where I jump into the air and land on it. Ace follows suit and lands behind me. Sitting in the cockpit he started to "rev" the engines with his flames. Standing at the bow I magnetise my feet to the deck bracing for what is to come.

"Look... it floats!" he says sarcastically.

"Of course it does!"

" come on! It's now or never Ace" I give him the thumbs up.

Giving a mischievous smile Ace goes full blast with his flames burning from his legs into the inlet leading to the engines. There is a mechanical whirling, then as the engines start gaining rpm there is a howling whistle noise. The first of its kind in all of the east blue. It's picking up speed, 5 knots,10 knots, 40.

With my magnetic field, I was able to sense every inch of the vessel running an internal diagnostics of the small jet boat. We can push it more I thought.

"Ace! Give her your all!"

I didn't need to say it twice.

50 knots, 60, 75, 100!.....



We had been "sailing" for hours. Sixis had long gone been a dot in the distance. The hydrofoil configuration had worked wonders for the stability and smooth sailing and even almost flying at one point but I told Ace to stop pushing "Her" too hard.

{flash back an hour}

"She's a beauty isn't she Ace?"

"She? You are a womanizer. Cheating on Robin already?" He asked with a teasing tone.

"Oh shut it" I tease him back.

"So does "she" have a name?"

"I dunno what do you reckon?"

"Well. She is an angry woman who cuts through the ocean without remorse. I say we call her "Swordfish" " he says with a proud smile.

"Swordfish? Hahahaha. You do have a knack for naming things. Ahahahahah. It's funny but fitting Swordfish it is then"








I was I was intrigued. By One Piece's standards, this was overkill. I could rule the entire planet with a squadron of fighter jets. But then again this is one piece we are talking about. I was 2 feet away from the human torch.

"Yo Ace, how are you holding up?"

I had forgotten about him there for a second and now he was starting to look a bit tired.

"Here let me take over for now. You can stop using your devil fruit and rest up. I don't want you to *burn* yourself out" I say being cheeky.

Scoffing at me his muscles visibly relax and the fire at his feet go out. Swordfish was slowly losing its fast momentum.

Thinking of how to move this hunk of metal I had an idea. What if I make two rials of magnetic fields, one spring up and the other slipping down while creating a third field around the Swordfish spinning forward?

Putting my theory to the test I generate the fields. I start slow at first generating weak electromagnetic fields. Nothing happens.

"Maybe I need to increase its power a bit"

I increase the force of the fields.

The ship violently lurches backwards almost throwing me off the bow.

"AHAHA. Are you sure you got this captain fancy pants?" Ace taunts me.

I ignore him and change the directions of my magnetic fields.

Swordfish lunges forward suddenly causing Ace to bang his head across his seat.


"BAHAHAH!" I laugh as I dodge a fire fist to the face.

"Just shut up fuck face"

"That's captain fuck face to you, mister! Did you forget our bet?"

"What bet we still haven't found land yet!" He yells.

"We are close to land I can feel it"

And I was not lying. In the distance, I could feel the pull of a foreign magnetic field. It also happened at Sixis when I was fighting with Ace. It was like the island had a pulse. Yet Ironily I never got a skill for it.


Well, I'll be damned. System you are one mother fu...



Mirror Ball Island was one of those filler Islands in One Piece. It served no purpose other than to further the story of Jango and how he gets into the Marines who ironically have a base on the island.

But we are not here to get funky and dance, maybe some other time.

"Well, I guess you were right...again!" said Ace.

"See! With me, you can never go wrong"

"Sure buddy whatever"

once we got close enough to the island I looked for a place where we could covertly make land. I did not want to use the docks because there was something I wanted to try with my powers.

On the sandy shores of Mirror Ball, I steered the "Swordfish" to the shore beaching it.

"what are you doing?" asked Ace.

"I don't know yet, but let's hope this works"

After giving me a questioning look. Me and Ace hop out of our trusty mount. Standing next to the Swordfish I reach out touching the hull.


"What the heck?! Where did it go...

 "Don't worry about it buddy. We should find a place to crash for the night cuz I don't know about you but I'm tricking tired" I said to ace yawning into the palm of my hand.

"Tired? I can do this all over again and still have loads more energy"

I gave the friker a bombastic side eye and proceeded to ignore him. Mirror Ball island was just as funky and groovy as advertised. It was all funk and spunk with guys and gals ready to get down to boogy. Honestly it was kinda cringe and I was not in the mood and to top it all of we just had to bump into a marine.

"Who are you two? I haven't seen you before and I know everyone on this island."

Wait what the heck!? Why is Jango here!!! Isn't he part of that black cat pirate crew or what ever? How is he a Marine this early in the time Line? Is Ussop dead?

"Mind your own business" said Ace in a cold tone

"Wooah! Now hold on now. We mean no trouble. The name is Thomas Shelby I'm an inventor and engineer. This is my bodyguard George. Don't mind him he is a bit of a fire cracker." I smile jokingly give Ace a look who surprisingly understood my intentions. We are travelling from the west blue searching for adventure and inspiration."

I knew my bulshit had worked at that moment because Jango's demeanor had changed from an aggressive to a more welcoming one.

I continued with the bullshit.

"We are so lucky to bump into a fine Marine such as yourself. We just landed on the island a few days ago and we could use your help to guide us in the right direction. Especially since you seem to know the island and its residents quite well"

Jango was flabbergasted and so was Ace. Heck even I was a little surprised that my bullshit had worked! Hell I deserve a ski-


Oh fuck of system you are cringe.

Ignoring the system message I followed Jango with Ace in toe. He gratefuly lead us to an inn where we would be able to get a meal and a good nights rest. There Ace said he wanted to explore the island a bit more. I gave my boi a fat wad of berries and told him to have fun. I on the other hand had a date with a warm bed and some cozy pillows.

Next chapter