
152 - Observe again

When Laura saw me, she managed to calm down. 

She wasn't in perfect condition right away, she had to redo her scenes a few times, but little by little she got better and better, to the point where she stopped making mistakes and her acting came very close to the level we had maintained when we practiced together at school.

From what I analyzed, it turned out that Phil and Edward, the man who played Phil's father-in-law, who were the only two B-rank actors, were the two with the highest acting ability, surprisingly followed by Laura, even though she didn't manage to show how good she really was.

The character of the two had the typical standard son-in-law and father-in-law relationship in most shows that had two such characters.

The father-in-law is a rich man and the son-in-law is an ordinary man who isn't good enough for the father-in-law's daughter, but the wife likes him anyway because he's a good person and has a good sense of humor.

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