
Chapter 8


Our second day of school - well, technically our first day of class, was mostly spent going over the course objectives. All of our class was listening with completely blank expressions except for Kururugi, who appeared to be much more invested in the explanations than everyone else. I'd expected the classes to be quite intense, but they were very laid-back; so laid-back that it was suspicious.

I took in the relaxed atmosphere and soon it was lunchtime. After sensei left we could hear all the students from the other classes disappearing from the school building. Class E, however, made no movements after our instructor left. I suppose, due to the nature of our class, no one has had a chance to make new acquaintances.

"Can I share some knowledge while everyone is here?"

I decided to take the initiative and speak up for the first time.

"Of course. Knowledge is the most powerful weapon, after all." Sora said with his signature grin.

I proceeded to recount the events that occurred the previous day, when Sudō, Light and I were confronted by three upperclassmen and how they had implied that they knew he was in Class D just from the way he acted and that we would 'be in hell soon'.

"Though it was just some upperclassmen mocking one of the new students, I think we can deduce quite a bit from what they said." I finished my explanation.

The other Class E students took a minute or so to think through everything I had told them. Before long, Sora asked me a question.

"You said that they were very deliberate with their emphasis on the word 'defective,' right?"

"That's right." I replied.

"Hmm... Could it be that this school purposely accepts lesser students and sorts them all into Class D?" Sora mused.

"I doubt they would do that, it seems a bit too shallow. Thinking about what we've learned today and taking into account the deductions we made on the first day..." Lelouch began, "Perhaps your class is a sign of status? Like, being in Class A is a sign of superiority whereas Class D is viewed as a 'defective' class?"

"I feel like we're still missing a piece. If anything, we can probably confirm that the closer your Class' letter is to A, the more elite you're viewed as, with the lowest class, Class D, viewed as the trash of the school. It probably somehow ties in to our discussion yesterday about classes competing against each other somehow but we're missing a crucial link to piece it all together." Sora said.

Sora was right. While we certainly had some clues - the fact that Ishihara-sensei said it would be an issue if we were all put into one of the normal classes together, and the fact that upperclassmen students view Class D as 'defective.' I had no doubt that these hints were linked somehow but, as Sora said, we were still missing a vital piece of the picture.

"It would be cruel for students to be arbitrarily sorted into Class D, and then treated as defective for the next three years." Shiro said in her voice which was almost a whisper.

In a normal classroom, her voice would probably be drowned out by classroom ambience like phones and chatter during this time. However, Class E is usually silent and there is never more than one person talking at a time. If anything, it makes discussion in our class very easy and inclusive, even for someone like me who hasn't had much social experience.

"I agree. Hey Ayanokōji, do you think it's possible that those upperclassmen were simply talking nonsense?" Light addressed me, probably because I was the one present with him at the time.

"It's doubtful. Something like that isn't something a person would just say for no reason. Also, the upperclassmen were right in their 'deduction' that Sudō is in Class D which means that even if they were just saying random things to trick us first-years, it would only have a 25 percent chance of working considering there are normally four classes. And from the way they were acting, there must've been some reason for them to believe that there was a good chance Sudō is in Class D purely based on their short interaction."

I voiced my honest opinion on the matter. I don't think that those upperclassmen were the type at all to play some elaborate trick on the first-years that has a low chance of working. It's infinitely more likely that they were simply trying to provoke Sudō by being cyptic - in other words, they were insulting Sudō using insults that only someone who knew how this school worked would understand.

"Hey I may be wrong because my deductive ability isn't genius-level like all you guys', but if what we discussed about classes competing against each other is true and if the lesser students truly are sorted into Class D, wouldn't that make the competitions very lopsided?" Kururugi added.

"Yes. Under those circumstances, I would imagine it to be immensly difficult for Class D to compete with the other classes." Ryuzaki spoke for the first time.

He was still sitting in his strange posture, more perched on the edge of his seat than actually sitting in it. He was similar to me in the sense that he doesn't actively join conversations often, rather he is mostly a passive observer only adding his opinion in every once in a while. I got the impression though that unlike me, who is simply bad at socializing, Ryuzaki had a different reason for staying quiet and constantly observing.

"Also, what would that mean for our class. E is below D in the alphabet, after all," Lelouch pointed out.

"Ahh that didn't even cross my mind. If we get harassed because of our stupid class letter then I'm going to be seriously annoyed!" Sora complained as he defeatedly slumped over his desk.

"Don't worry. I'm sure there's more to it, like you said earlier we're still missing some information." Light comforted him.

"You know, if we are assuming that we do indeed have to compete against other classes, that the lower classes are inferior to the higher classes and there is a missing link between these two assumptions, could it be that we have to steal our position in the hierarchy from the other classes via these competitions?"

Lelouch came to such a conclusion. It certainly wasn't a bad deduction if we assume all of our previous deductions are also correct. At this point, we don't know enough to either confirm it or write it off. There was one glaring hole in Lelouch's theory though that I couldn't help but point out.

"The issue with that idea is incentive. If Class D is viewed as the worst then that means that Class A would be the best, right? But for what reason would anyone want to be in Class A as opposed to Class D? It's just a difference in letter, and I doubt the classes would interact with each other outside of the hypothetical competitions." I said.

"There could be a million different reasons why. Or maybe none at all. We simply don't know enough," Sora said.

His tone screamed 'I've thought so much in the last ten minutes that I don't want to think again ever,' but as if a switch had just been flicked, his face regained it's signature smug look and his voice returned to its usual confident tone as he continued speaking.

"On the topic of knowledge, we need to gather intel on not only the school itself but the other classes as well. This small piece of the puzzle Ayanokōji gave us has piqued my interest in Class D so I'm going to go pay them a visit with Shiro after our last class. Can you guys investigate classes A through C? I have nothing to do after school and I doubt any of you do either, so I'd like to arrange a meeting for this evening. Give me all your contact info and I'll make a group chat. I'll text where to meet tonight and at what time later."

"So you're taking charge are you?" Lelouch smirked.

"I'm merely suggesting an idea. But only an idiot would fight a battle without knowing anything about their enemy," Sora said arrogantly, clearly challenging Lelouch's smirk.

"Very well, I'll follow your suggestion. I have nothing better to do anyway. Here's my contact info. I'll take Suzaku with me after school and have a look at Class C."

Saying that, Lelouch chucked his phone across the room - from his desk, the second in the row, to Sora's, the sixth in the row. Miraculously, both the throw and catch were perfect and Sora took out his own phone to input Lelouch's contact information.

"I'll check out Class A. Would you mind accompanying me, Light?"

Surprisingly, Ryuzaki volunteered and asked for Light to go with him. I had thought Ryuzaki would be like me and just go with what we're given. Could he have a reason for volunteering now? I was also secretly hoping to go with Light since he was by far the one in this class I had spoken to the most - it looks like my hopes were swiftly crushed though. I would have to gather intel on my own... How troublesome.

"I guess that leaves me with Class B," I sighed.

After typing in what I assume was Light's contact information, Sora walked over to my desk and handed Lelouch's phone back to him on the way past.

"Give me your contact info as well, Ayanokōji. With that, I'll have at least one from each espionage group. Lelouch can add Suzaku when they leave after class and Light can do the same with Ryuzaki."

"Sure." I simply replied, handing over my phone.

Sora took a few seconds to add my contact information to his phone and then handed mine back to me. He's quite fast at using that, I couldn't help but think.

No one is expecting a detailed rundown, but at least try to find out the general social standings of each class. Even that information will be useful to us down the line. Another disadvantage to having a seven-student class is the lack of access we have to the social networks in this school, so this operation is a vital kickstarter! If anyone fails to gather any knowledge at all then it'll be inconvenient so, uh, don't do that."

Sora fumbled the end of his minature speech, but everyone seems to have gotten the message. It seems like I will have to make sure to complete my task. If I fail to find out anything at all, it seems like it will be very bothersome for me. It doesn't help that I'm alone and I have almost no experience talking to people. This little mission of mine seems like it will put me to the test in the worst way possible for me - social skills.

"Nii, I'm hungry. We have enough time to go and get lunch." Shiro tugged her brother's sleeve.


With that, the siblings left the classroom. I was thinking of just staying in the classroom until the next period starts, until a voice rang out over the speakers.

"At five PM Japan Standard Time today, we will be holding a student club fair in Gymnasium No. 1. Students interested in joining a club, please gather in Gymnasium No. 1. I repeat--"

A girl with a sweet voice continued the announcement. Club activities, huh? Come to think of it, I'd never joined a club before.

This could be a good opportunity for me to gather some intel about Class B, I suppose. Seeing who decides to take the initiative to go the the club fair and who just follows the crowd could give me a good idea of the social structure of the class. Thinking that, I set out towards the 1-B classroom.

Next chapter