
Chapter 34: On our way to Smith's island

Martha P.O.V

I wasn't able to sleep last night i woke up 3 hours after going to bed It has been almost 4 months since Ace left for the U.S. Knowing he would be there today made me unable to sleep in peace I also was excited to meet Alicia it was starting to get on my nerves hearing Helena talking about this girl praising Ace for is taste while I wasn't able to meet her I saw picture Helela showed me and I must say Ace has great taste and her personality is just as beautiful if not more according to Helena and Anthony he didn't talk about her that much but when I did you could see he was satisfied with the girl Ace choose. Even my husband Nigel got to see the girl before me I really curse my advanced age sometimes if I was a decade younger I would have traveled with them that's for sure at least in exchange for some information Ace promised me to stay here longer than he had initially plan to

Like every morning I checked if the things the mansion needed it had been a while since I did real maid work being the head maid has its perks but it was mentally taxing sometimes, especially when the new maid was hired I had to double-check everything she did for the first 1 or 2 months after her employment most employee here on the island are family members that had work for the smith family since they bought this country and turn this island into a private island for the family only I've been here for all my life I saw the change the island got through but the island didn't change as much in 100 years than in the last 15 years Ace made this island a little paradise on earth 

Because of Ace, I know the little girl of the Emmersons Anna wanted to become a zoo keeper when she grew up she was just like Ace when the zoo had just started always following Doug everywhere asking him if she could do something it took him a year before he finally relents seeing the girl was serious about this he start teaching her at this point he was his mentor and her family were happy to see that they knew the girl love animal more than human she wasn't one to make friend easily. Another little boy Jayson was always following Ace when he was going to the race track to drive his car looking at Ace passing by him at great speed the first time this happened his family looked for him all afternoon when Ace realized he had a little fan looking at him hiding at the edge of the race track garage he stopped his car right in front of him catching him red-handed before escorting him to his home his dad was really angry every family here is trying not to bother the Smith even if they treat everyone equally and did not treat the employees as a slave it is still hard to make friend with your boss without crossing the line but Ace didn't care about those things I don't know how he did it but he can make people around him be at ease no matter the situation 

Anyway noticing the look in Jayson's eyes Ace decided to buy go-karts and teach him how to drive he even hired a full-time employee for maintenance of the karts and the race track from what I know this uncle was an ex-military mechanic who got set up by his superior so they wouldn't get demoted when Ace read his resume and made a background check on the guy he hired him on the spot the only thing he had to do was to follow a security and first aid class once a year as to be ready if anything happens on the track since then Jayson didn't missed a day driving the karts and from what I heard the kid had talent and wanted to become an F1 driver even doing what he wanted Ace to change the life of so many people here 

He changed the life of a 'stranger' so you can imagine just how much he changed the lives of those close to him when I learned of John and Layla's deaths I was ready to quit my job of course I would stay on the island but I didn't have the heart to continue working losing Layla who I considered a daughter to me was devastating but seeing Ace for the first time made me change my mind this child was looking so much like Layla or maybe it was just me trying to cope with the sadness I was having at the time taking care of this child and teaching him piano manners and the history of the smith family gave me a second breath at life 

I was sitting in my favorite rocking chair when the first ray of the sun passed through the window and hit my face wow I've been lost in thoughts for 3 hours already I should wake up Nigel and start my day I need to give the list of things to buy to Bernie and Hector later I thought making my way toward our bedroom to wake up my husband

Alicia P.O.V

I woke up in an unfamiliar bed and was at a loss for a second before remembering we were flying 33,000 feet above the ground toward Ace's home in one of the jets his family had because yes I learned that they had 3 jets in total it seemed I still wasn't use to this yet because when he told me this like it was the most normal thing in the world I was shocked silly and judging by his smiling face he was doing it on purpose to see me like this man is more of a tease than a prostitute sitting on a virgin lap caressing his dick through his pants knowing he can't afford to pay for her services I know it's not what a lady shouldn't say those kinds of thing I heard this on a podcast and found this funny so it stuck in my head

Usually, when I wake up I'm all alone in bed since Ace wakes up really early he doesn't wake me up but will set the alarm for me so that I can wake up an hour or 2 after him most of the time at 6 or 6h30 and join him in his training I wasn't a fan of training but when Ihe asked me if I wanted to be in physically fit I didn't refuse. When I looked at his body I realized that I needed to take care of mine also it was another activity we could do together and I must say seeing him all sweaty without a t-shirt was a huge motivation for me (giggles)

But this morning he was beside me patting my head with a doting smile while I was using him as a body pillow I don't know if it was because I was doing this that he didn't get up or if he was just standing there because he wanted it so I asked

-Good morning were you unable to stand up because of me?

-Hahaha Love, you might not know this but you always end up grabbing me like this in the middle of the night since the very first day we slept on the same bed since now it's been like this so no it's not because of it that I didn't get up I just wanted to enjoy your sleeping face and soft breath tingling my side as much as I could today said Ace with a bright smile ..... sigh I love this man I thought while blushing because what he said was a bit embarrassing

-Then can we stay like this a little longer I said climbing on him and burying my face at the side of his neck there I could sniff him without him knowing or if he knew he didn't say a thing he only nod at me and pat my bottom once before laying his hand there I notice that he really like my ass I was proud of it my ass was one of the parts of my body I never had a complex on so that made me even happier to know that he liked it so much he said to me one time when I asked him why he was being such a gentleman all the time and I quote him now '' how am I supposed to look at your ass if I don't open doors for you or follow behind you in the stairs that are the real rewards of a gentleman '' 

He said this with such a serious face that it took me a minute to understand what he meant before I started laughing without being able to stop for at least 5 minutes even with all the workouts I had been doing recently I still ended up having abdominal cramps at that time 

-Did you sleep well I know it's the first time you've been on a plane not to mention sleeping in it asked me Ace with concern in his voice 

-Yes I was a little scared before falling asleep but it seems that once asleep I slept well because I didn't wake up and neither am I feeling tired now the bed here is just as comfortable as our bed at home so maybe this helped too I said still laying on top of him like he was a hammock

-That's good we will land in 2 hours at most so if you want to take a shower eat and prepare yourself you might start to think about getting up sleepy head Ace and kissing the top of my head 

-Give me another 15 minutes like this I grumbled tightening my grip on him clearly showing him I wasn't ready to let him go yet

-Hehe alright you know you look like the girlfriend of Flash the Sloth in Zootopia, right?

-Humph shut up and it never said that she was his girlfriend in the movie idiot

-Hmm you're right but I like to think that they are a couple... I am like Flash liking fast cars and laughing too much at jokes and you are my lovely girlfriends who laugh at my jokes even the bad ones hehe

-Hehe if you put it like that I said kissing the base of his neck I like doing this because I knew he liked it a lot just feeling his hand squeezing my asscheeks a little harder each time I kiss or blow air at his neck was one of my new favorite things to do 

After taking our sweet time in bed we both took a shower before dressing up of course I teased him saying he could have joined me instead of waiting for him to take his shower alone I'm sure I heard him calling me a succubus before heading to the shower we then took our breakfast while watching the news I asked him why he didn't put a movie or something, he told me that keeping tab of the news around the world was something everyone should do every now and then but he also told me that media like to exaggerate things so always take what they say with a grain of salt and question everything they say as if it wasn't true, to begin with, once you confirm the source you can then have real information, not the distorted one they show on tv but when you read beyond what they say it is still a good way to gain information according to Ace. When he realized that I didn't understand half of what he was saying he just laughed and then told me to not worry about those things it was just his Uncle's training talking 

I didn't get what he was talking about but his serious look sure is sexy I thought before turning my attention back to my plate

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